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What is a PCB Symbol?

A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board made of insulating material

like fiberglass with copper tracks printed on it to connect electronic

components. PCBs provide the electrical connections between

components in an electronic device like computers, mobile phones,

appliances etc.

PCB design involves creating schematics and layouts to represent the

circuit connections. PCB symbols are graphical symbols used to represent

various electronic components and connections in PCB

schematic diagrams and layouts. They help engineers visualize the circuit

and wiring connections during the design process.

This article will provide an in-depth explanation of what PCB symbols are,

the common symbols used, how to read them and use them in PCB design


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Table of Contents

What are PCB Symbols?

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PCB symbols are abstract graphical representations of electronic

components and connections used in schematic diagrams and PCB


They allow electrical engineers to visualize complex circuitry and wiring in

a simple graphical manner. The symbols depict the function and

connections of components without showing the actual physical


Some key points about PCB symbols:

 PCB symbols represent components like resistors, capacitors,

integrated circuits, transistors, connectors, wires and other parts

found on a PCB.

 Symbols utilize shapes like rectangles, circles and triangles to depict

different components. Lines between symbols show electrical


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 Symbols are not drawn to scale – they are conceptual abstract


 Each symbol represents a packaged component with two or more

pins or leads to connect it to other parts of the circuit.

 Symbols have unique representations across different PCB design

software to avoid confusion between similar looking parts.

 Symbols display the component name, value and other information

to identify the specific part.

 Standardized symbols from IEC and IEEE allow for consistency and

readability across different schematics and layouts.

Overall, PCB symbols provide a simple way for design engineers to

conceptualize complex PCB circuits and layouts. The visual language

enables efficient schematic capture and layout routing.

Common PCB Symbols

There are hundreds of standard PCB symbols used to represent various

electronic components and connections. Here are some of the most

common PCB symbols found in schematic diagrams and layouts:

Passive Components

Passive components like resistors, capacitors and inductors have simple

but distinct representations:

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 Resistor – Zigzag line showing resistance to current flow. Value

displayed in ohms (Ω).

 Capacitor – Parallel lines indicating capacitor’s plates to store charge.

Value in farads (F).

 Inductor – Coiled wire showing induction of magnetic field. Value in

henrys (H).

Active Components

Active components like transistors and integrated circuits (ICs) have more

complex symbols:

 NPN Transistor – Arrows show current flow from base to collector.

Circle represents base.

 Integrated Circuit (IC) – Rectangle with pins on sides. Label shows IC



Various connectors are used to interface the PCB with other circuits or


 Male Header – Represented by pin protrusions. Number of pins


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 Female Header – Shows socket holes for male header. Pin count

matches male version.

 USB Port – Standard USB symbol used. Indicates host/device with

arrow direction.

Power Sources

Power symbols show connections to power sources:

 DC Supply – Indicates DC power source. Positive (+Ve) and negative

(-Ve) terminals shown.

 AC Supply – Symbolizes AC power input. May show voltage value.

 Ground – Common ground point for returns.


Other common symbols found in PCB schematics and layouts:

 Fuse – Fuse element shown between connections. Current rating


 Transformer – Two inductive coils coupled by magnetic field.

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 LED – Arrow indicates light emission. Longer lead is anode.

 Battery – Voltage rating displayed inside cell symbol.

This covers some of the most prevalent PCB symbols, though there are

many more niche representations for specific components and interfaces.

Reading PCB Symbols

schematic symbols currently drawn

Being able to accurately read PCB schematics and layouts requires

understanding how to interpret the symbols correctly. Here are some tips

on reading PCB symbols:

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 Recognize the basic symbol shape – Each component has a

distinctive symbol. Learn the common shapes like zigzags, coils,

rectangles etc.

 Identify component type from symbol – The symbol directly

represents what the component does. For example, capacitor

symbols represent a device that stores charge.

 Lookup unfamiliar symbols – Some symbols may be unfamiliar.

Refer datasheets or symbol reference charts to identify them.

 Note symbol directions and polarities – Arrowheads indicate current

flow direction. Plus/minus signs show polarity.

 Read component names/values – Name and values labeled on

symbol provide further identification.

 Follow connecting lines between symbols – Traces between symbols

show electrical connectivity in the circuit.

 Match inputs and outputs – Interface points on symbols show

connections to other components.

 Note special notations – Symbols may have additional letters,

numbers and notes marked.

 Adhere to industry standards – Most symbols follow standards from

IEEE and IEC for consistency.

With practice, an engineer proficiently navigates and comprehends PCB

schematics and layouts by correctly interpreting all the symbols depicted.

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PCB Design Software Symbols

Modern PCB design software provides libraries containing hundreds of

standard PCB symbols to use in the tool. Common PCB design software

like Altium Designer, Eagle, OrCAD, KiCad etc. include extensive symbol


Symbols are categorized into components like:

 Passive devices (Resistors, capacitors, inductors etc.)

 Active components (Transistors, ICs, diodes etc.)

 Connectors and interfaces

 Switches, buttons and relays

 Sources (Power supplies)

 Sensors and transducer

 and more

The software libraries provide symbols in all standard orientations –

horizontal, vertical, 45° rotated etc. This allows flexibility in positioning

symbols in the design diagrams. Engineers can also create custom

symbols for specialized components.

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PCB software features like Design for Manufacturing (DFM) checks ensure

symbols follow accepted industry standards. This aids in proper

documentation and production of the board.

PCB Symbol Creation Guidelines

When creating new PCB symbols, engineers should follow these guidelines

for clear communication:

 Use distinctive shape for component type

 Include all connection pins/pads

 Mark polarity, pin 1 etc.

 Label part name and values

 Follow industry standards

 Provide symbols in all orientations

 Make symbols clear and easy to recognize

 Test symbols in designs before finalizing

Properly constructed symbols ensure accurate representation of

components across the design workflow – from schematics to layout,

assembly and testing.

Applications and Use of PCB Symbols

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PCB symbols serve important applications throughout the electronics

design and manufacturing process:

Schematic Capture – Symbols are used to create circuit schematics

showing connectivity between components. Allows system-level


Simulation – Circuit simulation software leverages component symbols in

schematics for functional verification through SPICE models.

PCB Layout – Symbols are mapped to physical footprints on the board

during layout.

Bill of Materials – BOM generation tools extract symbols and values from


Assembly – Component symbols help identify parts for procurement and


Servicing – Symbols in schematics allow technicians to diagnose and

troubleshoot issues.

Documentation – Symbols provide clear visualization of circuits in

documentation like data sheets, manuals, reports etc.

In essence, PCB symbols enable seamless transition of the design through

various stages – from concept to final product. Their universal nature

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makes them vital for standardized communication in the electronics


Symbol Creation Tips

Here are some tips for creating clear and accurate PCB symbols:

–Follow standards – Use existing standards for symbol shapes and

conventions. This aids recognition.

–Show connections – Include all relevant pins, terminals, pads etc. to

depict electrical nodes.

–Add polarity/direction – Indicate polarity, pin 1 marker and current flow

with standard notations.

–Include values – Note resistance, capacitance and other values on the


–Add labels – Use clear, unambiguous labels for part name, pin names etc.

–Maintain consistency – Use same symbols across schematics, layouts,

BOMs etc for clarity.

–Align neatly – Symbols should be aligned properly with neat connecting


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–Test systematically – Verify symbol names, values and connections

through software checks.

–Get reviews – Have experienced engineers review new symbols to catch

any errors.

Proper symbol creation is key for accurate PCB design communication and


Challenges of PCB Symbols

While PCB symbols provide an easy abstraction of complex electronics,

some challenges can arise:

 Cluttered schematics – Too many symbols can overcrowd

schematics and layouts, making them hard to read.

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 Ambiguous representations – Some symbols may not clearly convey

the exact component functionality.

 Mismatched libraries – Symbols across tools may not perfectly

match, causing confusion.

 Custom symbols – Non-standard custom symbols reduce

readability and tool compatibility.

 Updates to standards – Keeping symbol libraries up-to-date with

evolving standards is difficult.

 Variation across disciplines – Symbols may vary slightly between

electrical, mechanical and software domains.

 Lack of symbol documentation – Symbols without documentation

make it hard to interpret their meaning.

Engineers should aim to maximize the benefits of PCB symbols while

being mindful of these limitations. Following standards, using consistent

libraries and maintaining clean diagrams helps overcome the challenges.

The Future of PCB Symbols

PCB symbol conventions will continue evolving to meet the needs of

emerging technologies and design practices:

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 New standards – Governing bodies like IEEE/IEC will release updated

standards for new components and interfaces. For example,

symbols for USB 4.0, DDR5 interfaces etc.

 Smart symbols – Symbols may incorporate more metadata like

simulation parameters, lifecycle data etc. for smarter workflows.

 3D symbols – To complement 3D design workflows, PCB tools could

integrate 3D graphical symbols.

 Automated generation – Software solutions to auto-generate

symbols from datasheets and 3D models will save effort.

 Multidisciplinary use – Expanding cross-domain use of symbols in

electrical, mechanical, software contexts.

 Advanced integration – Seamless usage and conversion of symbols

across multiple tools in the design chain.

 Validation checks – Improved automated symbol audits to verify

consistency, accuracy and standards conformance.

PCB symbols will adapt to streamline electronics design as technologies

continue making exponential advances.


In summary, PCB symbols are the visual language enabling simple and

efficient design of complex electronics systems. The concise

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representations empower rapid schematic creation, hardware-software

integration, layout, documentation and manufacturing.

Learning to efficiently leverage PCB symbols is an essential skill for any

embedded systems designer and electrical engineer. Their widespread

use across the industry underscores their importance at the core of

electronics hardware development.

As products advance in complexity and functionality, PCB symbols will

continue playing a key role in comprehension and development of

sophisticated electronic devices through their simplicity, standardization

and universality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the purpose of PCB symbols?

A1: PCB symbols allow engineers to represent components and

connections in schematics and layouts visually for simplified design,

simulation, production and servicing of electronics hardware. They convey

the circuit information efficiently through standardized graphical shapes.

Q2: Should PCB symbols match datasheet symbols?

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A2: It is a good practice to match the symbols used in component

datasheets to avoid confusion. Many datasheets provide symbols

following IEC/IEEE standards that can be reused.

Q3: How are PCB symbols different from schematic symbols?

A3: PCB symbols are a subset of schematic symbols specialized for printed

circuit board design. PCB symbols focus on through-hole

and SMT components and interconnections on boards.

Q4: Can I use the same PCB symbol in multiple tools?

A4: Yes, you can use PCB symbols across multiple tools like schematic

capture, simulation, layout and BOM software. Standard compatible

symbols maintain consistency.

Q5: Do symbols change from schematic to PCB layout?

A5: The basic symbol outline usually remains the same. Additional physical

details like pad shapes are added in layout. The electrical connections and

names stay constant.

Related Posts:

1. Full tutorial capacitor symbol types and Capacitance formula

2. Why FR4 PCB Assembly is Suitable for Some PCB Applications

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3. Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Drone PCB

4. Problems Frequently Found in Complex PCB Assembly

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