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Write all your answer in CAPITALIZE FORM. NO ERASURES.

DIRECTION/S: Answer the following analogy. Find your answers on the
box below.
1. Baroque: barocco; Renaissance: ______________________
2. Liturgical music: __________________________; Secular music: Nonreligious
3. Renaissance: Golden Age; Medieval: ________________________
4. Harpsicord: ________________________; Lute: Renaissance
5. Motet: Medieval; ____________________: Renaissance
6. Imitation of Voices: ________________________; Dynamic Contrast: Baroque
7. ________________________: Monophonic; Renaissance: Polyphonic
8. Mass: Eucharistic Liturgy; ___________________________: Poetic text
9. Medieval: Churches; Renaissance: ____________________________
10. _______________________: Highest Female Voice; Tenor: Highest Male Voice

Dark Ages Renaissance Courts Soprano Religious

Medieval Renaitre Baroque Madrigal Mass

DIRECTION/S: Read and carefully analyze each statement. Write the letter of
your answer before the number.
______1. The following are the characteristics of the Renaissance music except:
a. Mostly monophony
b. Imitation among voices is common
c. Use of word painting in texts and music
d. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
______2. It is known as non-religious music.
a. Concerto b. Sacred music c. Secular music
______3. A form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument
accompanied by an orchestra.
a. Concert Grosso
b. Concerto
c. Fugue
______4. Harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are
commonly used during this period.
a. Baroque Period b. Medieval period c. Renaissance Period
______5. It was the most prominent instrument of the Renaissance Era.
a. Keyboard b. Harpsichord c. Lute
DIRECTION/S: Read and understand the following statements. If the statement
is correct, write TRUE and FALSE if otherwise. Write your answer before the
______________1. Medieval music started by the fall of the Roman Empire.
______________2. Monophony is a vocal music which has several melodies sung
at the same time.
______________3. Some musical terms developed during the baroque period was
still used today.
______________4. A Capella music came from an Italian term which means "in
the manner of the chapel".
______________5. Barroco means “pearl of regular shape”
______________6. Fugue is a contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative
______________7. Liturgical music of the Medieval period is secular music.
______________8. Melodies form baroque music are not easy to sing or
______________9. Madrigal is the secular music of the Renaissance period.
_____________10. Acapella uses human voices and also instruments.

DIRECTION/S: Identify and write the complete name of the composer of each
___________________________1. Messiah
___________________________2. Four Season
___________________________3. Pope Marcellus’ Mass
___________________________4. Fire, Fire, My Heart
___________________________5. Toccata

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