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Sections 1st 2nd 3rd
2 Total
Final mark

NAME: _____________________________SURNAME:_____________________________
Time allowed: 1 hour
A) Read the story: “George and the dragon”
A long time ago there was a brave knight called George. George had lots of adventures as he
travelled by horse across the world. One day he came to a small village and met a man. The man told
George about a dragon that lived in the lake and attacked the village
every day.
First, the people in the village gave the dragon food, but the dragon
took the food and attacked the village. So the people gave the dragon
the animals from their farms. The dragon took all the animals, but
attacked the village.
The king sent his soldiers, but the dragon was very strong and the
soldiers were scared and ran away.
So finally, the King decided to send his only daughter, the princess, to
the lake to wait for the dragon. When George heard this, he ran as fast
as he could to the lake. When the dragon was going to eat the
princess, George attacked the dragon. He fought very bravely and
killed it. George and the princess returned to the village and everyone
was very happy. The King was so happy that he had a party with delicious food and drinks for the
people in the village.

Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? AACI use

Knight only
E.g. The knight ´s name was Ulises. _ F_
1) George met a man who lived in a village. ___
2) There was a friendly dragon in a lake. ___ 2nd

3) The people were afraid of the dragon. ___

4) George killed the dragon.___ Village
5) In the end, the King and the people were very happy. ___

B) Read the story and fill in the gaps with one word from the box.

Parrots 1) a type of colorful bird. They 2) in tropical and subtropical areas of South

and Central America, Asia and Africa. Because parrots are very intelligent, 3) are one of the

most popular pets in the world. Their feathers have bright colours and they usually 4)_______

long tails 5) big wings.

AACI use

1 are is am 1st
2 living live lives
3 their them they 2nd

4 has have had

5 but because and 3rd

C) Jessy and her mom are talking about the weekend
weekend.. Complete the dialogue with the
answers from the box. There are two extra answers. The first one is the example.

Mom: Tell me Jessy,

y, what are your plans for the weekend
weekend? A. Well, I don’t like movies.
Jessy: 1___F__
B. Thank you mom. Good
Mom: Good idea. What kind of films do you like?
like idea! AACI use
Jessy: 2______ C. Well, comedies are my
favourite ones. 1st
Mom: There´s a good comedy with Dove Cameron now.
Jessy: 3______ D. Good, I like Dove
Cameron very much. 2nd

Mom: I can buy the tickets with my credit card if you want.
E. At 7 pm, please
Jessy: 4______
F. I am going to the movies
Mom: What time do you prefer to go, 7 pm or 8 pm?
pm with my friends. R
Jessy: 5______ G. I don’t like restaurants.
Mom: Perfect. Can I go with you Jessy?
H. No. I want to go with my
Jessy: 6______ friends, mom.

D) Answer the questions about you. Use full sentences.

AACI use
1. Do you like comedy films?
films ______________________
2. What do you do at weekends?
weekends ______________________

3. How often do you go to the cinema?

cinema ________________________________________ 2nd

4.. Where were you yesterday? ________________________________________


5. When is your birthday?

? ________________________________________

E) Answer Kevin´s
´s email with the information in the chart.

My favourite food is chicken.

chicken What’ss your favourite food
food? Kevin’s
Please, tell me all about it. favourite food
Food : Pasta AACI use
Opinion: Delicious only

With: Tomato sauce

How often: Every Sunday
Your food Where: At home
With: My family 2nd
Yesterday: Ravioli
Tomorrow: Spaghetti with white sauce 3rd

Dear Kevin,

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