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The Learning
LESSON 1 Learner Safety and Security


Check (✔) the box that corresponds to the learning environment of the
class you have observed.

The learning environment... Yes No Remarks

1. is clean and orderly ✔ The students are responsible
enough to keep the classroom
neat and clean.
2. has policies that ensure the ✔ The teacher secure the welfare of
safety and security of students the students in terms of the safety
and security.
3. has space where students can ✔ There is immense place where
play students have time to enjoy and
interact with others student.
4. displays work of students ✔ I don’t observed displayed works
of the student.
5. allows students to freely ✔ The teacher give opportunity for
express their thoughts and the students to have freedom of
ideas expression.

6. gives students an opportunity ✔ The teacher gives students an

to take part in the formulation opportunity to take part in the
of classroom rules and policies formulation of classroom rules
and policies.
7. has teachers who are calm ✔ The teacher handle it
and respectful professionally.

8. encourages students to ✔ The teacher uplift her students to

explore and learn on their own explore and learn their own.
9. gives students opportunities to ✔ The teacher embraces mistakes
correct mistakes as valuable learning opportunities,
providing her students with a safe
space to experiment, grow, and
refine their understanding.
10. encourages students to ✔ In an atmosphere of mutual
resolve conflicts peacefully respect and understanding, the
teacher fosters a culture of
peaceful conflict resolution,
empowering students to navigate
disagreements with empathy and


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.

1. What features of the learning environment have significantly contributed to

the students' learning?
A crucial aspect of the learning environment that fosters student
engagement and success is the teacher's unwavering commitment to
fairness and impartiality. This manifests in treating every student with
respect, valuing their unique perspectives, and providing equal
opportunities for participation and expression.

2. In your opinion, how can the school's learning environment be improved?

Transforming the school learning environment requires a paradigm
shift from traditional passive learning methods to an approach that actively
engages students in the learning process. Embracing interactive learning,
where students are not merely recipients of information but active
participants in their own education, fosters deeper understanding, critical
thinking skills, and a genuine passion for learning.
3. How does Maslow's theory explain the importance of security and safety in
ensuring that learning will take place?
As per Maslow's hierarchy of needs, addressing fundamental
human needs like safety and security is a prerequisite for individuals to
pursue higher-level aspirations such as love, belonging, esteem, and self-
actualization. In educational aspect, the importance of a safe and secure
school environment cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in
establishing the essential conditions for effective learning.


Complete the following:

I realized that understanding the significance of learner safety and

security in the student learning environment is crucial. It involves
recognizing the essential role that a secure and safe setting plays in
facilitating effective and positive learning experiences. Ensuring the well-
being of students contributes not only to their physical safety but also
creates a foundation for emotional and psychological security, fostering an
environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

I believe that the importance of a learning environment could have

a big impact to the learning of the students. The quality and nature of the
learning environment play a pivotal role in shaping a student's educational
journey. A conducive and well-crafted learning environment has the
I feel that ensuring learner safety and security in the student
learning environment is not merely about preventing physical harm; it
encompasses a holistic approach that addresses both physical and
emotional well-being.

When I become a teacher, I aim to create inclusive learning

environment for my students, promoting enhanced learning and ensuring
they feel valued by prioritizing their safety and security. As a teacher, your
role extends far beyond simply imparting knowledge. You have the power
to create a classroom environment where students feel valued, supported,
and empowered to reach their full potential.
LESSON 2 Fair Learning Environment


Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your class observation and answer
the succeeding questions.

Yes No
The teacher provides students opportunities to make mistakes. ✔
The teacher knows the students well. ✔
The teacher provides a wide range of options from which ✔
students can choose from in order to engage in an activity.
The students are allowed to engage in a variety of experiences to ✔
learn a new concept or skill.
The students are encouraged to express themselves. ✔
The teacher extends the lesson so that all students benefit from ✔
The teacher utilizes various ways of determining how students ✔

1. What can you say about the learning environment?

The teacher's active involvement in creating a positive and

stimulating atmosphere is complemented by the encouraging
surroundings, which collectively contribute to a holistic approach to
education. This pleasant interplay promotes not only academic
engagement but also a broader sense of passion and eagerness to learn,
reflecting the collaborative efforts of the teacher and the environment in
creating a nurturing space for students.
2. How can the teacher further promote a fair learning environment?

Establishing a fair learning environment centers on the teacher's

ability to project an authentic and trustworthy persona. By demonstrating
genuine care, consistency, and fairness, teachers can cultivate a sense of
security among students, empowering them to confidently seek guidance
and support.


Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.

1. What could have contributed to the presence or absence of a fair learning

A fair learning environment depends on positive things like good
communication, fair teaching, equal opportunities, and supportive teachers
and policies. On the other hand, if there's favoritism, discrimination, or not
enough resources, it can make things unfair. Basically, creating a fair
learning place means having positive teacher-student relationships, fair
practices, and equal opportunities for everyone.

2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?

A fair learning environment is a basis of effective education,

fostering a sense of security, motivation, and engagement among
students. When fairness conquers, with equal treatment and unwavering
support from teachers, students feel empowered to actively participate in
the learning process. They become more inquisitive, engage in
collaborative learning, and approach challenges with a sense of optimism.

Complete the following:

I realized that grasping the significance of a fair learning

environment requires recognizing its deep impact on students' overall well-
being and academic success. Fairness cultivates a sense of security,
equality, and motivation among learners, empowering them to actively
engage in the learning process and approach challenges with a positive
I believe that at the heart of a fair learning environment lies a
culture of open and honest communication, where students feel
comfortable expressing their thoughts, asking questions, and seeking help
without fear of judgment. This fosters a sense of trust and connection
between teachers and students, empowering students to become active
participants in their own learning journey.

I feel that experiencing a fair learning environment cultivates a

sense of positivity and well-being among students. It is an environment
that embodies the values of equality, inclusivity, and supportive
interactions, fostering a sense of belonging and empowering students to
reach their full potential.

When I become a teacher, I will step into the role of a teacher that
brings responsibility of creating a fair and equitable learning environment
where every student feels empowered to thrive.
LESSON 3 Management of Classroom Structure and Activities


A. In the box below, draw the room layout of the class you have observed.



What can you say about the physical structure of your classroom?
The classroom's physical environment is inadequate for effective
learning. The ceiling is in disarray, and there is no functional restroom for
students to use. Furthermore, the chairs are poorly designed and hinder
students' ability to focus and concentrate.

1. What were the things that you considered when you arranged the
In her initial assessment, she accurately considered the diverse
needs of the students, taking into account their varying abilities, genders,
and heights.

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of
physical setup?

Upon evaluating the gathered data, she concluded that the

classroom's physical arrangement fosters a conducive learning
environment, particularly for students with diverse abilities. This design
effectively accommodates their unique learning preferences, enabling
them to reach their full potential.


Based on what you have observed in class and the teacher's responses
on the interview, answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that the classroom structure is consistent with the teacher's
objectives? Why? Why not?
Given her meticulous consideration of students' diverse needs, the
teacher's primary objective is to cultivate an accessible learning
environment that embraces and empowers all students to thrive. Her
dedication to fostering an inclusive classroom culture reflects her
unwavering belief that every student, regardless of their background or
abilities, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.
2. How does the classroom setup affect the students' performance and
The classroom arrangement, meticulously designed to cater to the
diverse learning needs of all students, effectively fosters an inclusive and
supportive learning environment. This thoughtful approach to classroom
design undoubtedly contributes to enhanced student performance and a
deeper engagement in the learning process.
3. If you were the teacher, what kind of classroom structure would you adopt
to maximize the students' learning?
As a teacher, I would design my classroom to specifically address
the unique learning needs of my students. By adapting the classroom
environment to the individual needs of my students, I aim to cultivate an
inclusive and empowering learning space where every student feels
valued and supported in their academic journey.


Complete the following:

I realized that the effectivity of the classroom management involves

establishing clear expectations, creating a positive climate, designing a
functional layout, employing varied teaching methods, utilizing effective
time management, promoting self-regulation, fostering parent-teacher
collaboration, and continuously reflecting and refining practices.
Additionally, by implementing these strategies, teachers can cultivate a
supportive learning environment that empowers students to reach their full

I believe that the effectivity of the classroom management demands

a fundamental belief in the transformative power of nurturing a positive,
supportive, and structured learning environment that empowers students
to thrive and achieve their full potential.

I feel that classroom management requires a holistic approach that

prioritizes clear expectations, a supportive environment, a functional
layout, varied teaching methods, effective time management, self-
regulation skills, parent-teacher collaboration, and continuous reflection
and improvement.

When I become a teacher, I will maintain a well-managed

classroom that requires dedication and adaptability. Moreover, I believe
that effective teachers create a positive learning environment through
clear expectations, consistent norms, and regular student assessment.
Engaging in professional development, and reflecting on practices
contribute to continuous improvement.
LESSON 4 Support for Learner Participation

Check (✔) the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.
Yes No
1. The teacher tells the students of his or her expectations after ✔
every activity.

2. The teacher recognizes the effort made by the students who ✔


3. The classroom is arranged in a way that the students can see ✔

and communicate with each other.

4. The teacher moves around the room as he or she discusses ✔

the lesson.

5. The teacher makes use of various teaching strategies to elicit ✔

the students' participation.

6. The students are given the opportunity to discuss their ✔

thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the whole class or some
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.
1. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in
From what I've noticed, my cooperating teacher effectively employs
positive reinforcement to motivate students to participate in class. She
incentivizes engagement by offering additional points, creating a positive
and rewarding atmosphere that encourages active involvement. This
approach not only acknowledges and celebrates students' contributions
but also reinforces a sense of achievement, fostering a more participative
and enthusiastic learning environment.

2. What do you think is the best classroom setup to encourage the students
to engage in the activity?
To foster an engaging and inclusive learning environment, the ideal
classroom setup should incorporate comfortable seating arrangements,
interactive displays, and thoughtfully integrated technology. Cultivating a
positive and supportive atmosphere where every student feels valued is
mattered. Establishing clearly defined learning zones and maintaining an
organized space further promotes focus and productivity. Ultimately, the
goal is to create a flexible, engaging, and welcoming classroom that
nurtures a love of learning for all students.
3. What strategies should the teacher use to make the students participate in
To foster an interactive and engaging learning environment,
teachers should carefully integrate authentic assessments and
strategically employ technology into the instructional process. By seeking
innovative alternatives to traditional teaching methods, educators can
effectively encourage active student participation, promoting deeper
understanding and fostering a lifelong love of learning.

Complete the following:
I realized that fostering meaningful learner participation requires a
comprehensive approach that embraces diverse teaching strategies, a
supportive learning environment, technology integration, authentic
assessment, and culturally responsive practices.
I believe that the most beautiful experience in supporting learner
participation is witnessing the moment when a student who has previously
struggled or been hesitant to engage suddenly lights up with
understanding and enthusiasm.
I feel that the best thing about supporting learner participation is
witnessing the transformation of students as they develop a deeper
understanding of the world around them, gain confidence in their abilities,
and discover a passion for learning. It is an honor to play a role in
nurturing their intellectual curiosity, fostering their creativity, and helping
them reach their full potential.
When I become a teacher, I will create a classroom where students
feel positive, included, and empowered to participate involves several key
actions. These include using various teaching methods, offering regular
feedback, incorporating technology wisely, allowing self-expression and
choice, modeling active participation, constantly assessing and adjusting
teaching approaches, and collaborating with students.
LESSON 5 Promotion of Purposive Learning

Determine if the environment supports purposive learning by checking (✔)
the box that corresponds to what you have observed in class.
Yes No
1. The learning environment promotes respect by giving the ✔
students opportunities to listen to each other.

2. The students are provided with avenues to observe and ✔

practice a skill.

3. All experiences are considered learning experiences. ✔

4. The students are given opportunities to collaborate with ✔

each other.

5. The teacher uses other strategies aside from lecture to ✔

help the students understand the lesson.

Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you
have observed in class.
1. Does the teacher support purposive learning? If yes, how? If no, how can
the teacher support purposive learning?
Yes, to promote purposive learning, teachers can employ a variety
of strategies, including clearly articulating learning objectives,
incorporating real-world examples, providing engaging materials,
integrating technology, and encouraging reflection. Adapting activities to
student needs and demonstrating cross-curricular connections further
enhance the purposeful learning experience.
2. How else can purposive learning be promoted in the classroom?
To foster a culture of purposive learning, educators can integrate
real-world experiences into the classroom, enabling students to engage
firsthand with authentic challenges, develop critical thinking and problem-
solving skills, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the concepts being

Complete the following:
I realized that from my perspective, as an observer in the
classroom, I have witnessed the transformative power of purposive
learning. When teachers prioritize clear learning objectives, incorporate
real-world connections, encourage student choice and autonomy, provide
meaningful feedback, facilitate reflective practices, and adapt teaching
strategies, students become active participants in their own education.
They are not just passively receiving information; they are actively
engaged in the learning process, making connections between what they
are learning and their own experiences.
I believe that promoting purposive learning among students is
crucial as it enhances engagement, fosters a deeper understanding, and
cultivates a passion for lifelong learning. Moreover, purposive learning
empowers students to become engaged, knowledgeable, and lifelong
I feel that embracing wholeheartedly the concept of promoting
purposive learning among students, as it aligns with the pursuit of a more
meaningful and engaging educational experience. When students grasp
the purpose behind their learning endeavors, it not only boost their
motivation but also cultivates a deep understanding of the subject matter.
When I become a teacher, I am committed to incorporate purposive
learning into my classroom, believing it will empower my students to thrive
in their future endeavors.
LESSON 6 Management of Learner Behavior

Preliminary Activity
Observe the teacher. Check the item that best describes the learning
Yes No Remarks
1. Does the teacher expect the students ✔ The teacher expectedly
to respond according to how the wants the students to
lesson was taught? be participative in the
learning process
2. Does the teacher provide the ✔ The teacher ensures
students with opportunities to engage that it is aligned with
in activities of their choice? the students interest

3. Does the teacher provide immediate ✔ The teacher reinforced

feedback like praises or grades? positive praises

4. Is the classroom environment ✔ The teacher designed

arranged so that the students can the classroom so that
easily collaborate? the students can
5. Is the classroom environment ✔ The teacher ensures
arranged so that the students can that the students have
freely explore their interests? the freedom to choose
their personal
preference and to
explore their own
6. Does the teacher provide the ✔ The teacher encourage
students with opportunities to the students to meet
succeed? their educational
7. Does the teacher immediately correct ✔ Yes, the teacher take
the mistakes made by the students? good action in guiding
the students mistakes
8. Does the teacher guide the students ✔ The teacher is
to discover their own mistakes? responsible enough to
solve conflict and
9. Does the teacher allow the students ✔ The teacher facilitates
to commit mistakes until they are this behaviour in the
able to correct these errors on their manner that they
own? monitor such actions
and assess them
10. Is the student-teacher relationship ✔ Yes

11. Can the students freely express their ✔ Yes,the students have
thoughts and ideas in class? the freedom of
expression towards
their teacher
12. Does the teacher listen to the ✔ The teacher appreciate
students' ideas? the efforts of the
students sincerely
Read carefully and answer the following questions.
1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?
The flexible classroom management can effectively help on the
teacher's ability to adapt their approach based on student behavior. When
authority is required, the teacher demonstrates firmness and discipline to
maintain order.

2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class
contributes to the students' learning? Why? Why not?
Under the guidance of a capable teacher, students can develop the
skills and understanding necessary to behave appropriately. The teacher's
effective management style positively influences student conduct, leading
to adherence to rules and a sense of respect for the teacher's authority.

3. If you were the teacher, what management style would best maximize
students' learning?
Effective classroom management is subject on the main behavior of
the students. While an authoritarian approach can teach discipline and
encourage attentiveness, it should be implemented thoughtfully to avoid
creating a negative learning environment. Striking a balance between
authority and flexibility is essential for fostering positive behavior in

Write your reflection by completing the following:
I realized that the management of learner behavior is a crucial
aspect of effective teaching, as it sets the foundation for a positive and
productive learning environment. When teachers implement effective
classroom management strategies, they foster a sense of order, respect,
and cooperation among students, enabling them to focus on acquiring
knowledge and developing their skills.

I believe that the essence of the management of learner behavior is

an essential component of effective teaching. It is not about imposing firm
control, but rather about guiding students towards self-discipline,
responsible behavior, and a genuine passion for learning. By establishing
a positive and structured learning environment, teachers can empower
students to excel academically, socially, and emotionally.
I feel that management of learner behavior is an ongoing process
that requires continuous attention and adjustment from teachers. As
students mature and classroom dynamics evolve, teachers must adapt
their strategies to maintain a conducive learning environment.
When I become a teacher, I will be establishing clear expectations
and routines, fostering positive relationships with students, utilizing
positive reinforcement, addressing misbehavior, cultivating a sense of
community and belonging, seeking parental engagement, and
continuously reflecting and adapting are the cornerstone strategies for
promoting effective management of learner behavior.

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