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- larger than life (adj): describe a person who is much more interesting than

- down-to-earth (adj): practical, friendly, reasonable.
- broaden perspective
- complicated, problematic, thorny, knotty, complex, challenging, (seemingly)
- efficacious = effective
- address the issue = reverse the worrying trend
- probable = possible
- effect = impact = ramification = repercussion = implication
- injurious = deleterious = detrimental = prejudicial
- viable = feasible = workable

- vandalism (the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other
people), power abuse, human trafficking, embezzlement -> reason: it can stem
from a complex combination of motivations, often interwoven with individual
circumstances, social pressures, psychological factors, and lead to frustration or
just simply because people have a desire for attention -> solutions: Prevention
forms the bedrock, aiming to tackle root causes like poverty, inequality, and lack
of opportunity through social investments, education, and mental health
support. Fostering strong communities and positive alternatives for youth can
further erode the fertile ground for criminal behavior. Yet, consequences remain
an essential part of the equation, holding individuals accountable while
prioritizing restorative justice. Punishments should be tailored to the crime and
individual, emphasizing rehabilitation programs that address underlying issues
and foster reintegration into society. By weaving together prevention,
restorative approaches, and proportional consequences, we can build a safer
future where justice mends rather than merely mends.
- prisoner = inmate = detainee
- imprison sb = detain sb = jail sb = put sb in prison = incarcerate sb


- have a weakness for sth = have a liking for
- cheesy rom coms = one that is too romantic, sickly sweet
- a voracious/avid reader = bookworm = sb really loves reading books
- read sth from cover to cover (in one go) = to read a book, magazine, etc. all the
way through from the beginning to the end (in one go)
- bury my head in a book
- I’m a bit of a bookworm
-The film keeps me on the edge of my seat the whole time = makes me focused
-A real page turner= a book that is so gripping that you want to read it non-stop
- a box-office hit = blockbuster = a book or film that is successful
- evoke a profound sense of (awe, reminiscence, admiration) :
- transcend boundaries
- touch the depths of our souls
- deepen my appreciation for sth
- transport me to the world of fantasy/ chích is carefree
- be a cherished piece of art
- in the pink of health (idm) = in very good health
- (as) right as rain (idm) = to feel healthy or well again
- (every) once in a while (idm) = sometimes but not often
- revitalizing = rejuvenating = invigorating (adj): making you feel energetic, fresh
+ Ideas for Vung Tau beach:
- cutting-edge (adj)= very modern and with all the newest features
+cutting-edge design/technology
- leading-edge (adj)= in or at the most advanced position in an area of activity

- physical
- psychological/mental
- cognitive
- recreational
- cultural ( dressing, mannerism, cuisine, traditions )
- environmental
- social ( relationships )
- financial/monetary

- Looking at the chart from the overall perspective = Overall = It can be seen that
- delineate = illustrate
- Likewise -> furthermore = besides = …
-> also = a same pattern can be seen for+category, which+explanation


Task 1

The given table delineates how much oil was produced on a daily basis in 4 different nations,
including Nigeria, Chad, Congo, and Somalia within a four-year period starting from 2000.

Looking at the table from an overall perspective, the quotidian oil manufacture in Congo experienced
a descending tendency as opposed to/, whereas the opposite was true for/a reverse trend can be
witnessed ? that in other nations. It can also be seen/evident that Nigeria and Congo dominated the
daily oil production during the period shown. (most minor data?)

From 2000 to 2002, both Nigeria and Congo decreased by 15.000 and 53.000, respectively,
whereas/while the figure for Nigeria rose from 5.000 to 17.000. In comparison, the daily oil
production of Chad still remained 0 throughout the same period.

(In 2000 …. Over the following 2 years….)

In the last two years, the quotidian oil manufacture of Congo experienced a fall to 203.000. In spite of
the downward trend, the figure for Congo was still bigger than that for Chad and Somalia which both
represented 50.000 in the last year. Nigeria, likewise, held the lead in the daily oil production among
the 4 nations in 2004.

The given table delineates how much oil was produced on a daily basis in 4 different nations during a
four-year period starting from 2000.

Overall, the data for Congo experienced a descending tendency, whereas the opposite was true for that
for other states.



- It really motivates ppl to work harder to award achievements. -> They tend to strive for material
wealth and possessions since it is the only way to measure how successful they become.

- stimulate economic growth


- overconsumption, since more and more goods are used

nhieu cong ti dong cua, nhu cau tieu dung giam -> information

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