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Cell Division
smaller cell has higher sa to V ratio (surface area/volume)

why divide ?
↳ more efficient at importing and exporting materials
↳ maintain efficiency
occur during Mitosis
interphase(Growth & Replication) = Prepare cell for division
Mitosis division of nuclei (chromosome)

Cytokinesis = division of cytoplasm

Mitosis + Cytokinesis =
produce 2 genetically identical cell

Mitosis (4 Phrase)
1) Prophase Q -Pairohome
-centricles migrate & spindle fiber form
nuclear envelope break down
-chromosome condense Nuclear

2) Metaphase
↓ ②
chromosome line up in the middle of cell
(spindle fibers are connected to centromere

3) Anaphase ↓ ③
Sister chromatids separate

4) Telophase

new nuclei form

chromosome begin to uncoil

↳ division of cytoplasm
in Animal cells = membrane pinches close
in plant cells =
cell plate form

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