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1st SEM SEC SET-1 2022

Full marks - 75

1. MCQ(1*5)

a) which of the following is characteristic of digital education ?

Ans- use of digital technologies

b) digital education refers to the integration of technology in which area ?

Ans- Education

c) which of the following is an advantage of digital education ?


d) what does LMS stand for in the context of digital education ?


e) what is the benefits of online assessment in digital education ?

Ans- immediate feedback and grading

3. Full Form(1*5)

a) LMS



d) ICT


GROUP - B(15*4)

a) what is digital education and why is it important in today world?

b) How has digital education transformed traditional teaching methods ?

c) some common digital education tools used in classroom ?

d) How do digital education tools enhance student engagement and participation ?

e) What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital education tools ?

f) How has digital education impacted the education landscape in India ?

1st SEM SEC SET-2 2022

1) MCQ(1*5)

a) what does MOOC stand for in the context of digital education ?

Ans- Massive Open Online Course

b) which of the following is a form of synchronous learning in digital education ?

Ans- online discussion forum

c) what is the role of digital citizenship in digital education?

Ans- responsible and ethical use of technology

d) which of the following is an example of digital learning resource ?

Ans- Educational app

e) what is the significance of flipped classroom in digital education ?

3. Full Form(1*5)

a) LMS


c) VLE


e) OER

a) How have digital education platforms influence remote learning in India ?

b) what role does AI play in digital education ?

c) what are the ethical considerations of using digital education tools and platforms ?

d) what challenges are faced in implenting digital education in India ?

e) How can digital education help address the issue of teacher shortage in India ?

f) How are schools and universities incorporating digital education into their curriculum?

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