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Section Name : A06

Group Number : 11

Group Leader : Sujai.E

Members of the Team : 3

S. No Name of the Student Register Number Signature of the Student

1 Anan.A 9923002005

2 Samineni Sai Sindhuja 99230040852

3 Sujai.E 99230041188

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

School of Freshman Engineering

Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education

Signature of the Examiner with Date


The virtual piano represents a transformative convergence of

technology and musical expression, providing enthusiasts and novices
alike with a dynamic platform to explore the world of piano playing.
Unlike its physical counterpart, the virtual piano exists in the digital
realm, accessible through computers, tablets, and even smartphones. Its
inception stems from the fusion of software ingenuity and a desire to
democratize musical creation, making the evocative tones of a piano
accessible to anyone with a device.

At the heart of the virtual piano experience lies a sophisticated emulation

of the traditional piano keyboard, allowing users to replicate the tactile
feel of ivory keys beneath their fingertips. However, what sets the virtual
piano apart is its versatility, transcending the constraints of physical space
and instrument size. With a vast array of features, users can experiment
with diverse soundscapes, customize tones, and even simulate different
piano models, from grand concert pianos to electric keyboards.

The virtual piano is not merely a replication; it is an evolution. Its

integration with technology enables functionalities unimaginable in
traditional instruments, such as recording and editing compositions with
ease, sharing musical creations globally, or collaborating in real-time
across continents. As a result, the virtual piano emerges as a gateway for
aspiring musicians, educators, and seasoned professionals to explore,
create, and push the boundaries of musical artistry in an interconnected,
digital age. This introduction merely scratches the surface of the rich
symphony that the virtual piano orchestrates in the contemporary musical

The primary objective of the virtual piano project is to

democratize access to musical expression by harnessing the power of
digital technology. This ambitious endeavor seeks to break down barriers
traditionally associated with learning and playing the piano, making it
accessible to a global audience. The project aims to provide a user-friendly
interface that replicates the tactile experience of a physical piano while
leveraging the flexibility of virtual environments. In doing so, it fosters
inclusivity, allowing individuals of varied skill levels and backgrounds to
engage with the joy of creating music.

Additionally, the virtual piano project endeavors to push the boundaries of
innovation in music technology. By incorporating features such as
customizable tones, diverse instrument simulations, and collaborative
capabilities, it aspires to redefine the way people interact with and
experience music. Ultimately, the overarching goal is to inspire creativity,
facilitate learning, and cultivate a vibrant community around the virtual
piano, fostering a new era of musical exploration.


 Accessibility: Ensure that the virtual piano is user-friendly, breaking down barriers to
entry and making the instrument accessible to individuals of all ages and skill levels.

 Realism: Achieve a high level of realism in keyboard feel and sound reproduction,
simulating the nuances of playing a physical piano to enhance the user experience.

 Versatility: Provide a diverse range of tones and instrument simulations, allowing users
to explore various musical genres and styles within the virtual piano platform.

 Innovation: Push the boundaries of music technology by incorporating innovative

features, such as collaborative capabilities, real-time sharing, and integration with other
digital tools.

 Education: Serve as a valuable educational tool, offering tutorials, practice modes, and
interactive learning experiences to support users in their musical journey.

 Customization: Enable users to personalize their virtual piano experience, allowing for
the creation of unique sounds, instrument setups, and even customizable layouts to cater to
individual preferences.

 Integration: Seamlessly integrate with other digital platforms and technologies,

enhancing compatibility and fostering connectivity within the broader musical and digital

 Performance: Optimize the virtual piano's performance to ensure smooth operation

across a variety of devices, from computers and tablets to smartphones, without
compromising quality.

 Community Building: Foster a vibrant online community around the virtual piano,
encouraging collaboration, sharing of compositions, and the exchange of knowledge and
experiences among users.

 Continuous Improvement: Commit to ongoing development and updates,
incorporating user feedback to enhance features, address issues, and stay at the forefront of
advancements in both musical and digital realms.



1. User Interface (UI) Module:

 Responsible for displaying the virtual piano keyboard and additional
 Captures user input from mouse clicks or keyboard events.

2. Sound Generation Module:

 Generates audio output corresponding to key presses on the virtual
 Utilizes sound libraries or algorithms to produce realistic piano tones.

3. Input Handling Module:

 Manages user input, translating it into commands for the virtual
 Handles events such as key presses, releases, and sustain pedal

4. MIDI Integration Module:

 Implements MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
functionality for communication with external MIDI devices or

5. Recording and Playback Module:

 Allows users to record their performances on the virtual piano.
 Provides playback functionality for reviewing recorded sessions.

6. Instrument Selection Module:

 Enables users to choose different piano models or customize
instrument settings.
 Manages the selection and loading of instrument samples.

7. Effects and Processing Module:

 Adds audio effects such as reverb or chorus to enhance the virtual
piano sound.
 Manages signal processing for a more dynamic and expressive

8. Settings and Configuration Module:

 Handles user preferences and configurations, such as key mappings,
volume adjustments, and visual settings.

9. Learning and Practice Module:

 Implements features for users to practice piano playing, including
tutorials, exercises, and feedback mechanisms.

10. Networking Module (Optional):

 Facilitates online collaboration or multiplayer functionalities for
users to play together in real-time.


#include <stdio.h>

void readMatrix(int array[10][10], int rows, int colums); void printMatrix(int

array[10][10], int rows, int colums); void matrixAddSub(int arrayone[10]
[10], int arraytwo[10][10], int rows, int colums, int mul); void
matrixScalarMultiply(int array[10][10], int scalar, int rows, int colums); void
matrixMultiply(int arrayone[10][10], int arraytwo[10][10], int rowsA, int
columsA, int columsB);

int main()
int i, j, k;
int matrixA[10][10];
int matrixB[10][10];
int rowA, colA; int
rowB, colB; int
operation; char
again = 'Y'; int
scalar = 0; int add =
int sub = -1;

while (again == 'Y' &&'y'){

printf("\n\t__________\n\tOperation Menu\n\t------------------------\n");
printf("\t1.) Add\n"); printf("\t2.) Subtract\n"); printf("\t3.) Scalar
Multiply\n"); printf("\t4.) Multiply Two Matrices\n"); printf("\t5.)
Determinant Matrix\n"); printf("\t6.) Transpose Matrix\n");
printf("\t7.) EXIT\n"); printf("\t------------------------\n");

printf("Enter your choice: ");

scanf(" %d", &operation);

switch (operation)
case 1:

printf("\nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix A :
"); scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA); printf("\
nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix B : ");
scanf("%d%d", &rowB, &colB);

while ((rowA != rowB) || (colA != colB))

printf("\nMatrices must be the Same Size\n");
printf("\nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix A : ");
scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA); printf("Enter the
Rows and Columns for Matrix B : "); scanf("%d%d",
&rowB, &colB);
printf("\n\tEnter Elements of Matrix A a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowA,
readMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\t\tMatrix A\n\
n"); printMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\tEnter
Elements of Matrix B a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowB, colB);
readMatrix(matrixB, rowB, colB);
printf("\n\t\tMatrix B\n\n"); printMatrix(matrixB,
rowB, colB); printf("\nThe Sum of MatrixA +
MatrixB is : \n");
matrixAddSub(matrixA, matrixB, rowA, colA, add);

printf("\nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix A : ");

scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA);
printf("Enter the Rows and Columns for Matrix B : ");
scanf("%d%d", &rowB, &colB);

while ((rowA != rowB) || (colA != colB))

printf("\nMatrices must be the Same Size\n");
printf("\nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix A : ");
scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA); printf("Enter the

Rows and Columns for Matrix B : "); scanf("%d%d",
&rowB, &colB);
printf("\n\tEnter Elements of Matrix A a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowA,
readMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\t\
tMatrix A\n\n");
printMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA);

printf("\n\tEnter Elements of Matrix B a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowB, colB);

readMatrix(matrixB, rowB, colB); printf("\n\t\tMatrix
B\n\n"); printMatrix(matrixB, rowB, colB); printf("\
nThe Difference Between MatrixA - MatrixB is : \n");
matrixAddSub(matrixA, matrixB, rowA, colA, sub); break;

printf("\nEnter the Scalar: ");

scanf("%d", &scalar);
printf("\nThe Scalar is: %d ", scalar); printf("\
nEnter the Rows and Columns for matrix A: ");
scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA);
printf("\n\tEnter Elements of Matrix A a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowA,
readMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\t\tMatrix A\n\
n"); printMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\nThe Scalar
Multiplication Between MatrixA * %d is : \n", scalar);
matrixScalarMultiply(matrixA, scalar, rowA, colA);

printf("\nEnter the Rows and Columns for Matrix A : ");

scanf("%d%d", &rowA, &colA); printf("Enter the Rows and
Columns for Matrix B : "); scanf("%d%d", &rowB, &colB); printf("\
n\tEnter Elements of Matrix A a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowA, colA);
readMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\t\tMatrix A\n\
n"); printMatrix(matrixA, rowA, colA); printf("\n\tEnter Elements of
Matrix B a %d x %d matrix.\n", rowB, colB);

readMatrix(matrixB, rowB, colB);
printf("\n\t\tMatrix B\n\n");
printMatrix(matrixB, rowB, colB);
matrixMultiply(matrixA, matrixB, rowA, colA, colB);

case 5:

#define SIZE 10
float a[SIZE][SIZE], x[SIZE], ratio, det=1;
int i,j,k,n;
printf("Enter Order of Matrix: "); scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\nEnter Coefficients of Matrix: \n");
for(i=0;i< n;i++)
for(j=0;j< n;j++) {
scanf("%f", &a[i][j]);
for(i=0;i< n;i++)
for(j=i+1;j< n;j++)
ratio = a[j][i]/a[i][i];

for(k=0;k< n;k++)
a[j][k] = a[j][k] - ratio*a[i][k];
for(i=0;i< n;i++)
det = det * a[i][i];
printf("\n\nDeterminant of given Matrix is: %0.2f", det);
} else if(n==2)
{ float v,w,x,y,z; printf("\
nEnter a(11)value : ");
printf("\nEnter a(12)value : ");
printf("\nEnter a(21)value : ");
scanf("%f",&x); printf("\nEnter
a(21)value : ");
scanf("%f",&y); z=(v*y)+(w*x); printf("\
n\nDeterminant of given Matrix is: %0.2f", z);
return 0;

case 6:

int a[10][10], transpose[10][10], r, c,i,j;
printf("Enter rows and columns: ");
scanf("%d %d", &r, &c); printf("\nEnter
matrix elements:\n"); for ( i = 0; i < r; +
for ( j = 0; j < c; ++j)
printf("Enter element a(%d%d): ", i + 1, j + 1); scanf("%d", &a[i]
printf("\nEntered matrix: \n"); for (i = 0; i
< r; ++i)
for ( j = 0; j < c; ++j)
printf("%d ", a[i][j]); if (j == c
- 1)
for (i = 0; i < r; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < c; ++j)
transpose[j][i] = a[i][j];
printf("\nTranspose of the matrix:\n");
for (i = 0; i < c; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < r; ++j)
printf("%d ", transpose[i][j]);
if (j == r - 1)
return 0;
printf("\n\nThank You\n");
printf("(: !Good Bye! :)\n\n"); return 0;

printf("\nIncorrect Option! Please Choose a Number 1-7.");

printf("\n\nDo you want to Calculate Again ? Y/N\n");

scanf(" %c", &again);
again = toupper(again);
printf("\n\nThank You\n");
printf("(: !Good Bye! :)\n\n"); return 0;

void readMatrix(int array[10][10], int rows, int colums)

int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++){
printf("\t%d Entries for Row %d : ", colums, i + 1);
for (j = 0; j < colums; j++){
scanf("%d", &array[i][j]);

void printMatrix(int array[10][10], int rows, int colums)

int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < colums; j++){
printf("\t%d", array[i][j]);

void matrixAddSub(int arrayone[10][10], int arraytwo[10][10], int rows, int

colums, int mul)
int i, j;
int sumM[10][10];
int scaM[10][10];
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < colums; j++)
scaM[i][j] = mul * arraytwo[i][j];

for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)

for (j = 0; j < colums; j++)
sumM[i][j] = arrayone[i][j] + scaM[i][j];
printf("\t%d", sumM[i][j]);

void matrixScalarMultiply(int array[10][10], int scalar, int rows, int colums)

int i, j;
int scaM[10][10];
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (j = 0; j < colums; j++)
scaM[i][j] = scalar * array[i][j];
printf("%d\t", scaM[i][j]);

void matrixMultiply(int arrayone[10][10], int arraytwo[10][10], int rowsA, int

columsA,int columsB){
int i, j, k;
int mulM[10][10];

for (i = 0; i<rowsA; ++i)

for (j = 0; j<columsB; ++j)
mulM[i][j] = 0;

for (i = 0; i<rowsA; ++i)
for (j = 0; j<columsB; ++j)
for (k = 0; k<columsA; ++k)
mulM[i][j] += arrayone[i][k] * arraytwo[k][j];
printf("\nOutput Matrix:\n");
for (i = 0; i<rowsA; ++i)
for (j = 0; j<columsB; ++j)
printf("\t%d ", mulM[i][j]);
if (j == columsB - 1)


a) Operation Menu

b) Addition

c) Subraction

d) Scalar Multiplication

e) Matrix Multiplication

f) Determinant of Matrix
g) Transpose of Matrix



In conclusion, the virtual piano stands as a testament to the

transformative power of technology in the realm of musical exploration. Its
evolution from a mere emulation of a physical instrument to a dynamic,
versatile platform has redefined the landscape of piano playing. The
democratization of music through accessibility lies at the heart of its
purpose, breaking down barriers and inviting individuals of diverse
backgrounds to embark on a journey of creative expression.

The virtual piano's commitment to realism, achieved through sophisticated

sound generation and keyboard emulation, enhances the user experience,
bridging the gap between the digital and acoustic worlds. Its versatility
opens doors to a myriad of musical possibilities, allowing users to explore
different genres, tones, and instrument simulations within a single digital

Moreover, the virtual piano serves as a nexus of innovation, incorporating

features that extend beyond the capabilities of traditional instruments.
Collaborative functionalities, educational tools, and customization options
empower users to shape their musical identity and connect with a global
community of enthusiasts.

As we reflect on the multifaceted objectives of virtual pianos—

accessibility, innovation, education, and community building—it becomes
evident that these digital instruments not only preserve the essence of piano
playing but also propel it into a new era of interconnected creativity. With a
commitment to continuous improvement and a finger on the pulse of
technological advancements, the virtual piano emerges not just as a
simulation but as a catalyst for musical evolution in the digital age.

1) Advanced Haptic Feedback: Implementing sophisticated haptic feedback technology

to simulate the feel of real piano keys, providing users with a more immersive and authentic
playing experience.

2) AI-driven Adaptive Learning: Incorporating artificial intelligence algorithms to
analyze users' playing styles and offer personalized feedback and suggestions for
improvement, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

3) Virtual Reality Integration: Utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology to transport

users into virtual concert halls or diverse environments, enhancing the overall sensory
experience and making virtual piano playing more engaging.

4) Collaborative Performance Features: Introducing features that enable multiple

users to play together in real-time, fostering collaboration among musicians irrespective of
their physical locations, thus expanding opportunities for virtual ensemble performances.

5) Customizable Virtual Instruments: Allowing users to customize and create their

virtual piano instruments by adjusting parameters such as key sensitivity, sound profiles,
and visual aesthetics, providing a tailored and unique playing experience.


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