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Official Publication of CDAHK













Growth: 3X
70% Advocacy and
compare to other Policy
chiro association

Partnerships and

CDAHK Member’s
16 Papers


Our dedication to public education
The highest award in chiropractic, has borne fruit, with the Association
David Chapman-Smith Honor Award and members receiving 3 out of 8
and IBCE Research Poster Award, awards on World Spine Day
received at the 17th World Competition 2023.
Federation of Chiropractic (WFC)
Biennial Congress

in reflection of the year that has just passed, I am

honored to be elected as the chairman and present
MOST Practicing CHIROPRACTORS, which not only
outlines the milestones achieved by our Association
but also embodies the principle that "The world is
changed by your example, not your opinion." As a
CDAHK chiropractor, I have had the privilege of leading
by example and laying down a path of action that
aligns with the visionary mission of our organization.

Strategic Leadership and Recognition: Our leadership

within the chiropractic community in Hong Kong and
Asia has been asserted and recognized globally. The
highest award in chiropractic, David Chapman-Smith
Honor Award, received at the 17th World Federation of
Chiropractic (WFC) Biennial Congress is a testament to
our relentless pursuit of excellence and marks a historic
accomplishment as the first Chinese recipient of this
lifetime achievement honor. This accolade is not mine
alone but a shared symbol of our collective dedication.

Advocacy and Diplomacy: Throughout the year, our

proactive advocacy efforts have taken us to the
corridors of power, from the National Health
Commission in Beijing to the Chinese Medical
Association. Our dialogue with WFC, and our visits to
esteemed medical institutions, have not only fortified
our position but also paved the way for future
collaboration and understanding.
In our advocacy, we have voiced the concerns and
rights of our members through substantial policy
recommendations, including those for pain centers
operated by non-healthcare practitioners, child abuse
reporting, tobacco control, and disability welfare. Our
engagement with the Financial Secretary and
contributions to the Chief Executive's policy address
has positioned us as a formidable and constructive
force in shaping public health policy.
CHAIRMAN REPORT Public Education and Awards: Our
dedication to public education has
borne fruit, with the Association and
Membership Engagement and Growth: Our members receiving 3 out of 8 awards
dedication to member satisfaction and growth has on World Spine Day Competition 2023.
been unwavering. Through our communication These accolades reflect the hard work
channels, such as Facebook and Official Publication of our members and their commitment
<Hong Kong Chiropractor>, we have maintained a to educating the public about the
robust and engaged community. The inauguration of benefits of chiropractic care.
the Hong Kong College of Chiropractic stands as a
pillar of our commitment to nurturing the next Research Excellence: As a
generation of chiropractic professionals, with representative of Hong Kong’s
esteemed attendees such as the British Consulate and chiropractors, I led many science

the WFC secretary-general marking its significance. projects and my recognition as the top
《Chiropractic &
case author in the
Manual Therapies 》 and the “World’s
Partnerships and Community Integration: The
Most Prodigious Author” by the WFC's
partnerships we have cultivated with sponsors, the
WFC, healthcare associations, and educational
《World Quarterly Report》underscores
the quality and impact of our research.
institutions have been instrumental. Our participation
Furthermore, quotations of our work
in events like the National Day Celebrations and gala
from the local, international, and
dinners has not only elevated our presence but also
chiropractic news including 《ICA
integrated chiropractic care into the broader
News 》 and 《Dynamic Chiropractic》
healthcare conversation in Hong Kong. showed the impact of our work. The
honor of receiving the WFC’s IBCE
Poster Award reinforces our position as
leaders in chiropractic research and

As we move forward, our vision remains

clear. The newly elected CDAHK board
will continue to lead by example,
demonstrating through our actions the
profound impact chiropractic care can
have on society. By maintaining our
commitment to advocacy, education,
research, and community engagement,
we ensure not only the growth of our
profession but also the health and well-
being of the communities we serve.

Thank you for your continued support

and dedication.

“The world is changed by your

Warm regards,
example, not your opinion.”
Eric Chun-Pu Chu,
CDAHK Chairman 2014-24

Engaging public health and policy making

The CDAHK has been at the forefront of public health advocacy and policy development, actively
contributing to critical legislative consultations to shape the future of healthcare and public welfare in
Hong Kong.

Further exemplifying its role in healthcare policy, the CDAHK made significant contributions to various
policy bills. Drawing on the expertise of its members, the association advocated for amendments that
would recognize registered chiropractors as important stakeholders in the process of making advanced
medical decisions. The CDAHK's recommendations aimed to ensure that patients have access to
comprehensive and collaborative healthcare services, reflecting the association's vision for a more
inclusive and interdisciplinary healthcare system.

The following are our current involvement for the policies

Nurses Registration Safeguarding National

Advance Decision on Life-
(Amendment) Bill 2023 Security: Basic Law Article 23
sustaining Treatment Bill
Legislation Public Consultation

Consultation for the Mandatory Reporting of Response to Policy Address 2023

government 2024-25 Budget Child Abuse Bill
Letter to the Financial Secretary
on the 2024-25 Budget
As the consultation period for the 2024-25 Specific Recommendations
Budget draws near, the CDAHK has officially
submitted a letter to the Financial Secretary,
outlining key proposals that we believe will
benefit the public healthcare system, Support for the Hong Kong College of
enhance the standard of healthcare Chiropractors: We propose the inclusion of
services, and position Hong Kong as a chiropractic education in the UGC-funded
magnet for international healthcare talents, scheme, recognizing its global medical
specifically in the field of chiropractic. standing and addressing the local need for
professional talent development.

Key Points of the Letter Include: Enhancement of Chiropractic Resources:

To improve healthcare efficiency, we
Alleviating Public Healthcare Pressure: The recommend increasing budgetary support
aging population of Hong Kong has led to an for chiropractic services, including
increase in musculoskeletal disorders, where integrating chiropractors into the public
chiropractic care has demonstrated efficacy healthcare sector.
and cost-effectiveness. We have proposed
increased budgetary support for the Investment in Chiropractic Research: We
chiropractic profession to help reduce the suggest bolstering investment in
burden on public healthcare facilities chiropractic research to maintain Hong
Kong's leading position and capitalize on
Addressing Medical Manpower Shortage: the opportunities within the Guangdong-
Hong Kong’s healthcare system is grappling Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
with a shortage of medical personnel. By
supporting the chiropractic profession, we Promoting Chiropractic Education and
can enhance service efficiency and address Awareness: Given the aging population
this critical manpower shortage. and the medical manpower shortage, we
recommend incorporating chiropractic
Promoting Hong Kong’s Chiropractic knowledge into public health education to
Excellence: Following the prestigious enhance spinal health awareness and
international recognition received by Hong prevent musculoskeletal pain.
Kong chiropractors in 2023, we urge the
Government to leverage this accolade to
attract international chiropractic
professionals to our city.
Community engagement is essential for
chiropractors to effectively serve their local
populations. By building relationships and
actively participating in community activities,
chiropractors can gain a deeper
understanding of the unique health needs
and concerns of the people they serve. This
involvement allows them to tailor their
services to address specific local health
issues, promote wellness, and educate the
public on the benefits of chiropractic care.

Dr Barry Decker giving a talk at a BNI meeting

Lok Sin Tong Cheung Yip Mou

Ching Kindergarten participated
in the "One Chiropractor for
Each School" program
organized by the Children's
Chiropractic Foundation, Dr
Jeffrey Ng came to the school to
check the spine of the students.
At the same time, the teachers
practice exercise with the
children daily, with a mission to
continue to build up the spine
care awareness.
Engagement can take various forms,
such as participating in health fairs,
Principal Lee and Ms. Hu from Yan
conducting workshops, or
Chai Hospital Shan King
collaborating with local businesses
Kindergarten promoted children's
and schools. Dr Samuel Wong
chiropractic health and screening
shared to students about spinal
by Dr Benny Tong from Children
Chiropractic Foundation

Dr Andy Lee provides Brain-based Approach

(Neuroplasticity) class: Brain Remodeling to
Address Autism, Hyperactivity, Inattentiveness,
Developmental Delays, Learning Disabilities, and
Special Learning Needs (SEN) (Beginner Class) to
the Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staffs. The
class is about the latest brain science and brain
research, developmental, learning, emotional and
behavioral problems are actually related to the
"imbalance between left and right brain
The CDAHK once again demonstrated its commitment
to fostering growth and unity within the chiropractic
community with a highly successful gathering for young
members and chiropractors on January 29, led by the
past executive, Dr. Tracy Wong.

The event, organized by CDAHK's dedicated

committees, was a vibrant mix of practical workshops,
inspirational talks, and networking opportunities aimed
at empowering the next generation of chiropractors.
Participants had the chance to enhance their
chiropractic technique, delve into the philosophy behind
their practice, and discuss the unique challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead.

Dr. Tracy Wong, a pillar of mentorship within the

community, shared her invaluable insights on nurturing
the upcoming generation. "It is essential to pass on the
torch of knowledge and experience to ensure the
continued excellence of chiropractic care," emphasized
Dr. Wong.

Dr. Erica Chan captivated attendees with her patient

education strategies that center on patient care,
showcasing the importance of communication and
understanding in a successful practice.

Dr. Valerie Chu recounted her journey of integrating into

society by engaging with community associations,
highlighting the significance of volunteer leadership in
personal and professional development.

Startup stories were a key feature of the event, with Dr.

Priscilla Choi discussing how Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) have been instrumental in her clinic's
growth, while Dr. Michael Lee shared his experience
managing two clinics and his appreciation for the diverse
chiropractic community in Hong Kong.

Dr. Charmaine Wong from UpHealth gave a heartfelt talk "The diversity of experiences shared today
about her challenges as a new graduate and the gradual underscores the multifaceted nature of
mastering of a patient referral system. chiropractic practice and the dynamic individuals
who are driving its future," said Dr. Wong. "The
Dr. Alvin Hsu shared the interplay between personal chiro in Hong Kong should support the
family commitments and career, and the quest for work- continuous learning and leadership development
life balance, a topic that resonates across professions. of our young members."
DIGITAL REVOLUTION Highlights from the Seminar:

@ META (FACEBOOK) Unleashing Creativity in Healthcare

with AI: Members learned about the
intersection of artificial intelligence
and healthcare marketing, exploring
innovative ways to engage with
On January 25, 2024, CDAHK Drs Jacky Yeung, Kary
Lam, Keith Wong, and Ada Lam had the unique
Meta's Latest Strategies: The seminar
opportunity to attend an enlightening seminar hosted
showcased how to effectively utilize
by Meta, in collaboration with Digio. The seminar, titled
Meta's advanced advertising suite to
"Uncover the Digital Marketing Landscape of 2024 and
optimize marketing funnels, increasing
Beyond," was a deep dive into the future of digital
the potential for patient reach and
marketing and how chiropractors can leverage these
practice growth.
tools to transform their outreach and patient
engagement strategies.
Big Data for Success: Speakers
emphasized the importance of big
Held at the Meta Meeting Room on the 47th floor, the
data in crafting resonant marketing
seminar unfolded a series of discussions that were
campaigns, providing insights into
both informative and transformative.
patient demographics, behaviors, and

Content & Influencer Marketing: The

event also covered the burgeoning
field of influencer marketing and how
to create content that stands out in a
crowded digital space.

AI Applications: Practical sessions on

the deployment of AI tools such as
chatbots were provided,
demonstrating how these can
enhance patient service and
automate engagement.
From Chiropractor to Beauty Business
Dr Rin Park
1. Dr. Park, could you share with us the The journey continued as I joined Mirae
journey that led you from practicing Biomedicine, where my focus shifted to
innovative anti-aging treatments using
chiropractic to becoming a key
stem cell research. Additionally, I co-
player in the production of Korean
founded a company, contributing to the
dermal fillers with Biocell Lab Ltd and development of advanced Hybrid HA
Mirae Biomedicine? technology and our flagship product,
My transition from practicing chiropractic
to becoming involved in the production of In collaboration with Biocell Lab Ltd, I've
Korean dermal fillers has been a been actively engaged in diverse ventures,
fascinating journey. Initially, my interest in including the production of HA dermal
merging aesthetics with chiropractic care fillers, the establishment of a franchise-
led me to explore diverse areas, including operated AI smart fillers plant, the
addressing concerns like poor posture, production of digital infusion injectors, and
straight neck, scoliosis, pelvic distortion, dedicated research in stem cells for anti-
and bowlegs through an aesthetic lens, aging programs.
which I termed as physical aesthetics.
Upon relocating to Hong Kong, the This journey has been marked by a
prevalent Korean beauty trends caught commitment to exploring and contributing
my attention, sparking a newfound to various facets of aesthetics and
fascination with aesthetic medicine. This biomedicine, ultimately leading me to play
curiosity led me to take a proactive step in a key role in the creation of Korean dermal
2013 by enrolling in medical aesthetics fillers with Biocell Lab Ltd and Mirae
courses in Korea, deepening my expertise Biomedicine.
in the field.
2. What inspired you to pivot from
Subsequently, I became the inaugural chiropractic to the cosmetic
director of a Korean aesthetic clinic in TST.
application of dermal fillers, and how
This pivotal career move marked a shift
do you feel your background has
toward providing clients with a
comprehensive approach to aesthetics influenced your approach in the
that considers both internal and external beauty industry?
My pivot from chiropractic care to the and expand their practices into new,
cosmetic application of facial lasers and uncharted territories of medicine and
later the manufacturing of dermal fillers
originated from a desire to extend my
impact beyond addressing musculoskeletal
I'd like to share some advice for my fellow
issues. As a chiropractor, my specialization
healthcare professionals venturing into new
encompassed treating conditions such as
territories of medicine and wellness.
facial asymmetry, straight neck, scoliosis,
I've found that diversifying your experiences
pelvic distortion, and bowed legs,
and collaborating across disciplines can be
interpreting these as components of
incredibly enriching. My journey involved
physical aesthetics. This hands-on
exploring various careers, and each
experience heightened my interest in
experience brought a unique perspective.
aesthetics, recognizing its potential to
Networking and sharing ideas contribute
significantly influence the overall well-being
significantly to personal and collective
of patients
growth in this ever-evolving field.
Upon relocating to Hong Kong, a distinctive
In the face of challenges, it's essential to
opportunity presented itself for me to delve
stay adaptable and resilient. Success tends
into aesthetic medicine, with a specific
to be a part of an ongoing process, and
focus on catering to individuals seeking
setbacks can offer valuable learning
cosmetic enhancements. Drawing on my
opportunities. I'd like to emphasize the
background in chiropractic care, I
importance of interdisciplinary
possessed a holistic understanding of the
collaboration as well; many breakthroughs
human body, proving to be a valuable asset
occur at the intersection of different
in the realm of aesthetic medicine.
Furthermore, my studies in dermatology at
Lastly, never underestimate the power of
Palmer strengthened my foundation and
collaboration. Collaborate with individuals
supplied the necessary knowledge to
who bring diverse skills and perspectives to
venture into the beauty industry.
the table, as this synergy can lead to
wonderful solutions. I hope these humble
3. As someone who's now highly
insights might be of some help as you
involved in the creation of advanced navigate the exciting but challenging path
healthcare solutions, what advice of innovation and expansion in healthcare.
would you offer to healthcare
professionals looking to innovate
CDAHK Joins WHO Efforts to
Elevate Musculoskeletal Health
In the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, a WHO's Strategic Health
significant movement is underway. The
CDAHK participated in the World Health
Organization (WHO) seminars to combat a
Recognizing the urgency of the issue,
silent epidemic: musculoskeletal (MSK)
WHO's series of events aim to ignite early
conditions. As MSK disorders continue to
discussions, involve key stakeholders, and
escalate, contributing significantly to
set a foundation for heightened
years lived with disability (YLD), the WHO is
awareness and attention towards MSK
launching a series of pivotal events to
health. The objective is clear: to provide a
raise the priority of MSK health worldwide.
comprehensive overview of the MSK Global
CDAHK board members, attending both
Burden series publications as part of
January 31 and February 28 events, are at
launching the Lancet Rheumatology
the vanguard, championing the cause as
theme issue on global musculoskeletal
primary healthcare leaders.
health, and to foster strategic discussions
that will shape the future of MSK care.

The Global Burden of CDAHK's Role and Contributions

Musculoskeletal Conditions
The CDAHK participated in the online
events is more than ceremonial. Board
The reality is stark—MSK conditions are
members of CDAHK have not only
among the top contributors to global
attended the sessions but have actively
disability, transcending age, gender, and
contribute to the scientific community by
socioeconomic boundaries. These
publishing insights and experiences from
conditions, which encompass a wide array
over 100 research papers. These papers,
of ailments from joint diseases to
focusing on musculoskeletal pain in
osteoporosis, significantly strain health
patients from Hong Kong, have been
systems, inflate healthcare costs, and
instrumental in establishing best practice
necessitate extensive rehabilitation
as a cornerstone of primary healthcare.
services. The WHO's initiative seeks to
confront this burden head-on, with CDAHK
playing a critical role in these
Insights from
the WHO
During the events on January 31 and February
28, discussions revolved around the critical
nature of early intervention, prevention
strategies, and the integration of chiropractic
care into broader health systems. In Hong
Kong, CDAHK's research, particularly its
emphasis on patient outcomes and
evidence-based care, provided a rich source
of discussion, helping to inform potential
policy changes and care strategies on a
global scale.

The Importance of Chiropractic Care

As MSK conditions continue to burden health
systems, the role of chiropractic care has

Directions and
never been more pertinent. CDAHK's extensive
research and clinical expertise highlight the

effectiveness of chiropractic interventions in
managing MSK conditions, reducing pain, and

improving functionality, thus enhancing
patients' quality of life. The evidence
suggests not only clinical benefits but also
potential cost savings for healthcare systems
when chiropractic care is incorporated into
the treatment paradigm.

Looking ahead, the WHO

has charted a course for
future meetings, with a
clear agenda to address
the strategic progression
of the MSK initiative.
CDAHK will participate in
different meetings, with
the association expected
to provide valuable input
that will guide the
development of global
strategies for MSK health.

The Gap in the

Healthcare System
Wai Ting Lee • Eric Chun-Pu Chu
• Kary Lam • Rick Lau • Jacky
Yeung • Kristy Yau • Cherie Chau

A recent by Dr Wai Ting Lee sheds light

on the experiences of chiropractic
patients in Hong Kong and their call for
chiropractors to have the authority to
issue sick leave certificates. Despite
high satisfaction with chiropractic care,
particularly for back pain relief, patients
face inconvenience due to the current
legislative limitations on chiropractors.

The cross-sectional survey analyzed

data from 522 patients undergoing
chiropractic treatment in Hong Kong.
The research aimed to explore the
characteristics of chiropractic patients,
their treatment outcomes, and their
views on sick leave certification by
chiropractors. The survey found that
back pain is the primary reason for
seeking chiropractic care, with many
patients reporting quick relief and high
satisfaction levels. However, due to
chiropractors' lack of authority to issue
sick leave certificates, patients often
have to consult other healthcare
professionals, leading to additional
financial and emotional strain.
Implications & Recommendations
The study highlights the gap in
the healthcare system where
chiropractors, although
recognized as primary
healthcare providers since 1993,
are not authorized to issue sick
leave certificates. This limitation
forces patients to seek
additional medical
consultations, creating a burden
on the healthcare system and
the patients themselves. With
orthopedic wait times reaching
up to 99 weeks, chiropractic care
offers an effective alternative
that is currently underutilized due
to legislative and awareness

The findings suggest that

enabling chiropractors to issue
sick leave certificates could
significantly benefit patients by
providing more direct and
efficient care, reducing wait
times, and alleviating the load on
other healthcare professionals.
The Chiropractic Doctors
Association of Hong Kong
(CDAHK) has already set The study concludes that recognizing
guidelines for issuing sick leave, the role of chiropractors in sick leave
indicating readiness for authorization could improve Hong
responsible implementation of Kong's healthcare system's efficiency
such authority. The study calls for and patient satisfaction. It
further research to deepen underscores the need for public
understanding and recommends awareness and integration of
changes in policy to enhance chiropractic care as a vital component
comprehensive patient care of the city’s healthcare services.
within Hong Kong's healthcare
system. Cite this article as: Lee W, Chu E, Lam
K, et al. (January 25, 2024) Exploring
Chiropractic Healthcare in Hong
Kong: Sick Leave Certification
Dilemma. Cureus 16(1): e52957.
Council Insights and Legal Frameworks
by Dr. Kary Lam

Dr. Kary Lam, with her extensive experience as the

former Chairlady of the Hong Kong Chiropractic
Council, took the podium to demystify the intricacies
of the council's structure, the pivotal legal
procedures, and the critical roles of council
members. Her presentation was a deep dive into the
regulatory framework that ensures the chiropractic
profession in Hong Kong upholds its standards of
excellence and integrity.

Students were given a rare glimpse into the council's

operations, understanding the balance between
regulation and the autonomy of the profession. Dr.
Lam stressed the significance of the council in
maintaining public trust and ensuring that
In a remarkable session organized by the Hong Kong
practitioners adhere to rigorous ethical and College of Chiropractic, the students and faculty had
professional guidelines. The knowledge imparted by the privilege to engage with two venerated figures in the
Dr. Lam is fundamental for those who aspire to join field of chiropractic - Dr. Kary Lam, former Chairlady of
the chiropractic community, equipping them with a the Hong Kong Chiropractic Council, and Dr. Vincent
Chan, the Founding Chairman of the Chiropractic
thorough understanding of their future Doctors’ Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK).

CDAHK Generation
The narrative then transitioned to a
historical perspective with Dr. Vincent “Actions speak louder
Chan, who shared a compelling chronicle
of the evolution of chiropractic care in than words; let your
Hong Kong. Dr. Chan's account of the
history of chiropractic was not just words teach and your
informative but also thought-provoking,
as he delved into the reasons behind the actions speak.
Hong Kong Chiropractors Association's
(HKCA) failure to sustain as the
organization for chiropractic leaders.

The HKCA's inability to foster the growth Dr Vincent Chan

of the profession led to a stagnation that
was detrimental to the field. This
stagnation resulted in many members
leaving the HKCA to form what is now
known as the CDAHK (and other
chiropractic associations), the more
robust and inclusive association that is
currently almost 3X larger than its

Dr. Chan illuminated the critical junctures

and decisions that have shaped the
chiropractic landscape in Hong Kong. His
candid reflection on the past issues
within the HKCA, including governance
challenges and the lack of a unified
vision, served as a cautionary tale and a
source of lessons for the next generation
of chiropractors.

In the heart of Hengqin, Zhuhai, where the ocean's Upon arrival, the CDAHK members were greeted by
whisper can be heard amidst bustling crowds, the the sprawling vistas of the Chimelong Ocean
CDAHK discovered a weekend retreat like no other. Kingdom. The park boasts eight themed areas,
On the 16th and 17th of December, CDAHK hosted each representing different parts of the ocean,
an extraordinary fellowship gathering at the new and offers a plethora of experiences ranging from
Chimelong Ocean Kingdom theme park and hotel, high-octane rides to serene aquatic exhibits.
offering its members a unique blend of relaxation,
education, and aquatic adventure. The weekend was a balance of fun and
camaraderie, as chiropractors from all walks of life
For the CDAHK members, the journey to Chimelong congregated to share their experiences, discuss
was not just a trip but a symbolic dive into an advancements in musculoskeletal health, and,
ocean of possibility, an opportunity to foster most importantly, to take a breather from their
stronger bonds within the chiropractic community demanding practices.
and explore the wonders of marine life.
King Cypress Mattress
Elderly Life Quality Through
Better Sleep
King Cypress Mattress, in their
efforts to give back to the
community. Recognizing the
importance of sleep in
maintaining and improving the
quality of life for the elderly,
especially those who work hard in
community recycling jobs, King
Cypress Mattress has made a
significant contribution.

Elderly individuals engaged in

community recycling efforts often
endure physically demanding Acknowledging this concern, King
tasks, including bending and Cypress Mattress has generously
collecting cardboard on the donated health-promoting cervical
streets. This strenuous activity pillows to 60 senior community recycling
without proper rest can adversely workers at the Kwu Tung Christian
affect their memory and Spiritual Elderly Health Centre. The
alertness, increasing the risk of company is dedicated to ensuring that
accidents in their daily lives. after a day’s hard work, these seniors
can enjoy the restorative benefits of a
good night’s sleep, thereby improving
their overall life quality.
In a compelling session of the career
planning seminar shared by the CDAHK
member, Dr. Cherrie Chau and Emmanuel
Wong engaged with approximately 220
senior secondary students from Secondary
4 to Secondary 5. Doctors' address to the
young minds was not just about sharing
experiences from the chiropractic field, but
also extending a visionary outlook on the
future of this profession, providing a wide-
ranging blueprint for career development.




In the heart of Hong Kong's bustling Wan

Chai district, the Southorn Stadium
witnessed a remarkable display of
sportsmanship and dedication on December
10th, 2023. At the MMASA Amateur MMA
Championships, a story unfolded that went
beyond the physicality of combat—a story of
passion, healing, and leadership, embodied
by Dr. William Wan, a sports chiropractor
with a deep connection to the MMA

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is often shrouded in

misconceptions, perceived by some as mere
street fighting. Yet, those who practice and
understand the sport know it as a disciplined
blend of techniques, a testament to the
human spirit's resilience. In a time when
Hong Kong’s attention to MMA waned due to
the epidemic's constraints, the
championship held at the Southern Arena
signified more than a resurgence; it was a
renaissance of spirit and tenacity.

With seven new champions crowned across

twelve intense bouts, the event epitomized
the return of large-scale amateur MMA
tournaments to the city. Amongst the
excitement, Dr. William Wan served not only
as a chiropractor but also as a guide,
imbuing fighters with the courage to
surmount challenges inside and outside the
Dr. Wan's commitment to MMA extends
far beyond the bounds of Hong Kong.
His recent visit to the Shanghai
Performance Institute UFCPI
illuminated his quest for knowledge
and excellence. At UFCPI, Dr. Wan
delved into the world-class facilities
and absorbed the institution's
philosophy of nurturing top-tier MMA FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP
fighters. This experience sharpened
his expertise, equipping him to provide PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE
unparalleled care and support to the
athletes he serves.
Dr. Wan's journey with MMA is a poignant
His presence at the championships narrative of service and leadership. As a
and UFCPI is a testament to his belief sports chiropractor, he heals not just the
in the transformative power of MMA. body but also the spirit, encouraging
He understands that the sport is more fighters to surpass their limits. His touch
than the sum of its parts—it is a extends beyond the physical, reaching into
crucible where discipline, respect, and the very hearts of those he aids, inspiring
the pursuit of excellence meld confidence and resilience.
together to forge not just fighters, but
leaders. the MMA community is fortunate to have a
figure like Dr. Wan, whose dedication and
expertise remind us that true leadership is
about uplifting others to achieve their best
selves. As we celebrate the success of the
MMA Championships, we also celebrate the
silent heroes like Dr. Wan, whose
contributions make such events a beacon
of hope and excellence.

Let this story remind us all that the spirit of

MMA and the spirit of healing are
intertwined, each making the other
stronger. May we continue to support and
learn from the diverse talents that bring
such electrifying events to life in our great
Chu published several women's chiropractic health papers. As a
consultant, his expertise extends beyond the clinic to the heart of the
community. At the event, he shared invaluable insights into the role of
chiropractic care in personal growth and empowerment.

At the ceremony, Chu conducted workshops focusing on light exercise

and relaxation aerobics, designed specifically to help participants
rejuvenate themselves physically. This aligns with the program's holistic
approach to empowerment, which includes career planning, self-worth
workshops, communication skills training, and practical skills such as
event planning and digital literacy.

self-help, and helping other
The one-year program aims to nurture
Hong Kong Single Parents self-reliance in participants,
Association encouraging a philosophy of "self-
improvement, self-help, and helping
Dr. Eric Chu particiated in the others." The stories of transformation
Launching Ceremony of the among the 100 women participating
"Flower Knowledge - Women's have been profoundly moving,
Empowerment Programme" highlighting the significant impact of the
cum Sharing Session with Star program.
Successful Women, an initiative
by the Hong Kong Single The CDAHK recognizes the importance of
Parents Association (HKSPA). health as the foundation for
independence and success. Dr. Chu's
participation underscores our belief that
empowering women extends beyond
physical wellness to include mental
strength and emotional resilience.


Canadian Chiropractic Association (Canada)
Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (Hong Kong SAR)
Chiropractic Association of South Africa (South Africa)


Chiropractic Student Council, University of Johannesburg
(South Africa)
International Medical University (Malaysia)


Children Chiropractic Foundation (Hong Kong SAR, China)
InterCare (Philippines)
New York Medical Group (Hong Kong SAR, China)
World Spine Day Celebration: Triple Accolades
for Hong Kong's Chiropractic Excellence
Dr Jacky Yeung,
Second Prize in Association Category: CDAHK has been
awarded the Second Prize in the 2023 World Spine Day This year' s World Spine Day
Competition in the association category, underscoring its campaign emphasizes
commitment to public education and the advancement of movement as a key
chiropractic care. element in combating
spinal pain and disability, a
global health concern more
Championship for Children's Initiative: The Children prevalent than many
Chiropractic Foundation, dedicated to the well-being of the chronic diseases combined.
younger demographic, has received the championship for
its extensive efforts in promoting spinal health. The An estimated 540 million
people worldwide suffer
foundation organized a remarkable series of events that
from low back pain at any
reached out to 192 kindergartens and 124 elementary given moment. The
schools, engaging over 1800 participants in activities #MOVEYOURSPINE
designed to educate and inspire healthy spinal habits from campaign advocates for
an early age. increased global
commitment from
governments, communities,
High Commendation for NYMG: New York Medical Group and public health entities
(NYMG) has been recognized with a high commendation in to confront this challenge
the Individual Clinic/Organization category. NYMG's head-on. Recognizing the
innovative use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educating the acute lack of access to
quality spine care in under-
public about spinal health marks a significant advancement
served regions, the
in the field and exemplifies the modern approach to initiative also aims to
healthcare dissemination. reduce the chronicity and
permanent deformity
CDAHK's Educational MilestoneIn line with the World Spine resulting from untreated
spinal conditions.
Day 2023 theme, #MOVEYOURSPINE, CDAHK published a
comprehensive book with contributions from its esteemed
members. This publication aims to enlighten the public on
various chiropractic conditions and promote an
understanding of the importance of spinal health.
A Call to Action
CDAHK, the Children Chiropractic Foundation, and NYMG
The Road
are proud representatives of Hong Kong's leadership in
chiropractic care. Their achievements at the World Spine Ahead:
Advocacy and
Day 2023 competition reflect the city's commitment to set
global standards in health, education, and patient care.

As we celebrate World Spine Day, CDAHK invites everyone to
partake in the #MOVEYOURSPINE campaign. Let's stay
mobile, prevent physical inactivity, avoid overloading our

spines, and adopt healthy habits for the betterment of our
spinal health and overall well-being.
24 WSD Awards (2013-2023 )
The 2023 theme of Move Your Spine focused on highlighting WFC MEMBER ASSOCIATION
ways in which people can help their spines by staying CDAHK 2nd Prize
mobile, avoiding sedentary behaviors, not overloading their CCF 1st Prize
spines, and adopting healthy habits such as weight loss and NYMG Highly Commended
smoking cessation. World Spine Day organizing committee
co-chair, Dr Dani Weisner, said, "Public health initiatives like 2022
World Spine Day are critical in raising awareness, providing WFC MEMBER ASSOCIATION
information, and empowering the public to care for their CDAHK Highly Commended
spines. For spine health experts, World Spine Day provides a PRIVATE CLINIC
NYMG 1st Prize
perfect opportunity to meaningfully contribute and CCF Highly Commended
proactively participate in their communities through
education." 2021
CDAHK 2nd Prize
NYMG 1st Prize
CCF Highly Commended

CDAHK 2nd Prize
CCF 1st Prize
NYMG Highly Commended

CDAHK 2nd Prize
CCF Highly Commended
As usual, the WFC's annual World Spine Day competition
drew entries from around the world. WSD committee co- 2017
chair, Dr Rebekah Wilks, commented, "We were thrilled with WFC MEMBER ASSOCIATION
CDAHK 2nd Prize
yet another year of energy and innovation. Our competition
entrants were all incredibly ingenious and we loved how NYMG Special Commended
WFC member associations, educational institutions, and
private clinics all threw themselves into the spirit of World 2016
CCF 1st Prize
NYMG Special Commended

CDAHK 1st Prize

CDAHK 1st Prize
CCF 2nd Prize
HKCCF 1st Prize

CCF 1st Prize
HKCCF 3rd Prize

2023 committees
The CDAHK is collaborating with
esteemed healthcare associations for
the upcoming 75th anniversary of the
founding of the People's Republic of
China. This landmark event is not just a
celebration of the nation's history but
also a testament to the remarkable
strides we have taken in healthcare.

Under the esteemed chairmanship of Dr.

Edward Leong Che-hung and Dr. Ko Wing
Man, a committee representing a broad
spectrum of healthcare professionals has
been formed. This committee is a mosaic
of dedication, featuring medical doctors,
dentists, chiropractors, registered nurses,
pharmacists, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists, clinical
psychologists, midwives, and many allied
healthcare professionals. Together, we
stand united in our commitment to the
health and well-being of our community.

The CDAHK is proud to be part of this interprofessional synergy, where

different disciplines come together to forge a stronger healthcare
system. As we plan for an array of activities to commemorate this
special occasion, we are reminded of the journey that healthcare in our
nation has undergone, evolving and advancing to meet the needs of
our people.
Prof. Hon Chan Wing-kwong (LEGCO) and
Chiropractic Leaders Convene for the Future of
China's Chiropractic Progress
In a groundbreaking meeting that may shape The emphasis was on the importance of project
the future of chiropractic in China, Prof. Hon management and leadership training to ensure
Chan Wing-kwong, a member of the Legislative that future chiropractic leaders are equipped
Council, joined forces with prominent figures in not only with clinical expertise but also with the
the CDAHK, as well as Dr. Li Peng, President of the skills required to navigate and contribute
China Chiropractic Association (CAC). positively to the industry's growth.

This assembly marked a pivotal step towards The meeting concluded with a resolution to work
the integration and development of chiropractic towards the creation of a legislative framework
care within China's healthcare framework. The that supports the development of chiropractic
meeting, hosted in a collaborative spirit, aimed education and practice in China, akin to the
to outline a strategic roadmap for the structured programs that have benefited
chiropractic profession, drawing on the traditional Chinese medicine. It was a
successes and challenges faced by traditional momentous day for all present, signaling the
Chinese medicine in its legislative journey. start of a concerted effort to elevate the
standards and recognition of chiropractic care
Dr. Li Peng, a registered chiropractor, brought to in the region, ensuring its rightful place within
the table the CAC's vision and current strides in the broader healthcare system.
advancing the profession across mainland
China. The CDAHK shared insights from Hong The participants agreed to reconvene, setting
Kong's history with chiropractic care, detailing the stage for ongoing collaboration and
the profession's evolution and its proposition for strategic planning. The future of chiropractic in
future growth. The exchange of experiences was China seems bright, with a clear direction and a
enriched by Prof. Chan’s legislative expertise, dedicated team of professionals at the helm.
particularly his involvement with the legislative
processes concerning traditional Chinese
medicine and its education programs.

Discussions delved into the strategic

development of legislation, education, and
industry standards for chiropractic care. A major
focal point was the establishment of rigorous
educational benchmarks to ensure that the
profession is upheld by highly skilled
practitioners. Moreover, the dialogue opened up
about the potential hurdles in the path of
progress, notably the challenges posed by the
Hong Kong Chiropractors Association's (Drs
Henry Chan, Claudia Ng, and Antonio Wong)
critique of local education.

The meeting also served as a platform to

caution against the detriments of self-serving
interests within the profession. Attendees were
urged to remain vigilant of individuals who,
despite being original stakeholders, might
prioritize personal gain over the collective
progress of chiropractic care. Such selfishness, it
was warned, could act as a poison to the
profession, undermining efforts to establish a
cohesive and altruistic chiropractic community.
World Chiropractic
Quarterly World Report
The January 2024 issue of the World
Chiropractic Federation’s Quarterly World
Report features chiropractic contributions
from Hong Kong spanning more than a
dozen pages – a recognition of chiropractic
progress in this key Asian region.

- Book Version: []

- PDF Version: []

As the official newsletter of the WFC, the

Quarterly aggregates updates from its Members
worldwide. This edition covers chiropractic
advances across the globe, celebrating both
traditions and innovation in the profession.

For healthcare leaders in

Hong Kong, gaining such
platform and
acknowledgement from
the international
community is an honor.
Our dedication and
commitment to
enhancing health is

With submissions now

from 37 countries, the
Quarterly documents
chiropractic globally. Our
educational institutions,
researchers and
professionals worldwide
work as partners for
spinal and
musculoskeletal health.
This publication serves
as a milestone for the

Hong Kong’s SIRVA

HONG KONG research has garnered
RESEARCH global recognition
By collaborating with reputable organizations to
Chu EC. Shoulder Injury Related distribute clinical insights born of service, our
to Vaccine Administration colleague renews society's understanding of
(SIRVA) in 16 Patients Following chiropractic's role in rehabilitation. Real-world
COVID-19 Vaccination Who
experiences, when shared purposefully, strengthen us
Presented to Chiropractic,
all in expanding access to non-surgical care
Orthopedic, and Physiotherapy
Clinics in Hong Kong During worldwide.
2021. Med Sci Monit. While individual achievements motivate, our true
2022;28:e937430. purpose lies in collective progress. Engaging in
doi:10.12659/MSM.937430 respectful discussions empowers practitioners and
administrators alike to develop inclusive frameworks
supporting patient-centered wellness.
United in the goal of elevating healthcare standards,
our united efforts will continue enabling new heights
of innovation and care. CDAHK proudly supports
professionals dedicated similarly. The journey is long,
but together we walk ever closer to a brighter future.
Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Silicon
Valley Entrepreneurs Summit
Eric Chu, took center stage at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Summit to
discuss the transformative power of virtual health tools and the digital overhaul in healthcare. The
event was a significant meeting of the minds, hosted at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park,
and organized by the Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) in partnership with the
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

Dr Chu shared his insights into the rapidly evolving field of digital health, which is redefining the
landscape for practitioners, patients, and policymakers alike. His address touched upon the
significant strides made in telehealth, wearable devices, and artificial intelligence, all of which
contribute to a burgeoning "hospital at home" model that prioritizes patient convenience and
continuous care.
The Rise of Telehealth and Digital Tools
The summit highlighted the burgeoning trend of virtual
health tools, which have shown a remarkable increase in
patient demand. Chu underscored the growth in wearable
technology for health tracking and the expansion of mobile
health applications that offer personalized insights into
one’s health. He also emphasized the rise of AI-driven
diagnostic and management tools that have the potential
to significantly enhance patient care.

Addressing Challenges in a Digital Age

However, Chu did not shy away from addressing the
challenges faced in the digital transformation of healthcare.
He cited physician uncertainty about integrating technology
into clinical practice and the concerns over maintaining the
quality of patient-doctor relationships. Chu also raised
critical points on data privacy and the security of digital
platforms, as well as the need for healthcare professionals
to adapt to continuous updates and innovations in
Envisioning the "Hospital at Home"
In his vision of the "hospital at home" experience, Chu explained how
virtual health tools could enhance patient care by providing real-
time monitoring, offering remote consultations and follow-ups, and
ensuring medication adherence through digital reminders. He also
pointed out that access to personal health records and early
detection of health issues via data analysis could be facilitated by
these advancements.
He acknowledged the challenges in ensuring equal access to the
necessary technology and internet connectivity. Training patients
and caregivers to use technology effectively and balancing
technology with the need for personal care and human interaction
were also cited as potential hurdles.

The Role of Life Science Technology Companies

Chu called on life science technology companies to play a pivotal
role in this new era by collaborating with governments and NGOs to
improve drug accessibility, implementing tiered pricing strategies,
and investing in local manufacturing to reduce costs. He also
advocated for developing generic versions of essential medicines
and supporting policies that ensure the quality and safety of
medicines globally.

Advocating for Equity in Healthcare

Beyond technology, Chu passionately spoke about the need for
greater equity in healthcare. He outlined strategies for life science
technology companies, such as strengthening healthcare
infrastructure in underserved areas, training local healthcare
workers, and enhancing global health education. Chu also
emphasized the importance of fostering public-private partnerships
and advocating for universal health coverage to ensure that all
individuals have access to necessary healthcare services.

Advances in Healthcare
Chu noted several impressive developments within the healthcare
ecosystem, such as the expansion of telemedicine services, the
application of AI and machine learning in diagnostics, the
proliferation of mobile health applications, and the innovations in 3D
printing for medicine. He praised global health initiatives aimed at
eradicating diseases and the rapid development of vaccines, as
seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the power of
international collaboration.

The Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Summit was not just a forum for
sharing ideas but also a beacon for the future of healthcare. Eric Chu's participation and
sharing cemented his and CDAHK's commitment to adapting and embracing
technological advancements while ensuring their responsible and equitable distribution.

CDAHK continues to advocate for innovation in healthcare delivery, emphasizing that while
technology is a powerful more
tool for University
advancement, the human updates
element remains irreplaceable.
Chu's address at the summit was a call to action for all stakeholders in the healthcare
ecosystem to work collaboratively towards a future where technology enhances the quality
of care and access for patients across the globe.


The IBCE may also provide an analysis of

the chiropractic profession within each
jurisdiction that chooses to utilize IBCE
services. This analysis helps further define
exam development.

WCCS presents Dr. Eric Chun Pu Chu, DC, The World Congress of Chiropractic
PhD, FRCC (Ortho), our next speaker for Students (WCCS) is an international
our online speaker series 🎉 organization representing students from
12 chiropractic colleges around the world.
Join us on zoom to delve with us into the The mission of the WCCS is to provide an
subject of „The Supercharge Patient apolitical platform on which chiropractic
History: create referral and science“ on students and new graduates are able to
February 28th, 2024! develop leadership skills and a deeper
understanding of the diversity within
Interested but not available on this chiropractic, necessary to advance the
date? No problem! The zoom session will chiropractic profession in the wider
be recorded. If you register, you‘ll be healthcare industry.
sent a link to access it after it took place.
The core goals of the WCCS include*
The link to register can be found in the
link on our bio or on your chapter 1. Promote and advance access to
emails! chiropractic care by encouraging and
supporting interprofessional
collaboration, research and
2. Promote unity by providing a politically
neutral and inclusive platform where
chiropractic students may respectfully
share and debate both chiropractic and
healthcare issues.
3. Provide the opportunity for the
development and growth of leadership
skills amongst chiropractic students.
4. Represent the values and opinions of
chiropractic students to professional,
governmental and non-governmental
The IBCE may also provide an analysis of
the chiropractic profession within each
jurisdiction that chooses to utilize IBCE
services. This analysis helps further define
exam development.

McTimoney in world news!

Fantastic to see the McTimoney
College of Chiropractic in this
edition of the World Federation
of Chiropractic Quarterly Bulletin
where the launch of our Hong
Kong campus is featured. Check
out p46 which highlights our
high-profile event at the British
Consulate and p73 which
focuses on the ribbon cutting
opening ceremony for our Hong
Kong College of Chiropractic. If
you would like more information
or to find out how retraining as a WFC Secretary General Richard
chiropractor might fit with your Brown spoke of the “value of
lifestyle choices, please contact high standards of education
us at 01235 468 569 or email us and training and the
at admissions@mctimoney- importance of ensuring that patients were served by those
with specialist knowledge and
skills in the delivery of evidence-
based spine and joint care”. He
also said ‘Today is a historic
moment for chiropractic in
Hong Kong. I am confident that
the launch of this programme
will act as a springboard for the
development and sustainability
of the chiropractic workforce in
Hong Kong’.

MSc Animal Manipulation

This weekend saw the start of the MSc Animal (Chiropractic)
Manipulation (Chiropractic) programme with
another group of excited students beginning their
learning journey with us… and it was straight to
business learning canine palpation skills and
Two-year, part-time programme
studying the skeletal frames of different animals The McTimoney College of Chiropractic offers an
too. MSc Animal Manipulation (Chiropractic)
programme awarded by Ulster University. The
programme is recognized by the Register of
Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP) and
Animal Health Professions Register (AHPR).

How the Programme is Taught

The MSc Animal Manipulation (Chiropractic)
programme offers an opportunity for individuals
seeking to elevate their professional journey. With
blended delivery, it suits diverse backgrounds.
The overall aim of the programme is to offer
sound teaching in the theory and practice of
animal manipulation, with particular emphasis on
the McTimoney technique for animals. It aims to
produce safe, competent, and reflective
practitioners as well as encourage opportunities
for research and further postgraduate studies.
MSc Chiropractic
The McTimoney College of Chiropractic offers an
MSc Chiropractic (Paediatrics) programme
awarded by Ulster University.
The purpose of this three-year, part-time
programme is to produce a Chiropractic clinician
How the Programme is Taught
capable of delivering Chiropractic care to the
paediatric population safely and effectively. This The MSc Chiropractic (Paediatrics) programme
includes observing clinical parameters that may offers a pathway towards achieving Membership
require referral to other healthcare professionals and Fellowship with the Royal College of
while adhering to the rules of the profession and Chiropractors and the Specialist Faculty of
the laws of the country. Paediatrics.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

Be 21 years or over when the programme
Hold a first professional qualification in
Hold registration with the relevant
Chiropractic governing body in their country
of residence.
Reflecting on 2023 of Empowerment with CDAHK

As we embrace the new year, it's a moment to celebrate the incredible journey of the CDAHK
throughout 2023. A year filled with not just one, but 12 DYNAMIC EVENTS that have fortified our
community and enhanced our practices!

Last year, we took the initiative to go beyond the talk and truly walk the walk. Each event was
carefully curated to support our members' professional development and to foster a culture of
continuous learning and networking within the chiropractic field.

From hands-on workshops, and enlightening seminars, to engaging symposiums, CDAHK has been
the driving force behind nurturing a proactive and thriving chiropractic community in Hong Kong.
We believe in growth through action, and our events have been instrumental in equipping our
members with the latest knowledge, tools, and strategies to excel in their practices.

We live by setting an example. Our commitment goes beyond words, as we actively create
opportunities for chiropractors to connect, learn, and grow. Unlike others, who may focus on
criticism, we concentrate on building a supportive and constructive environment that uplifts every
member. As we step forward, let's carry the momentum of last year's successes and continue to
innovate, inspire, and lead by example. Here's to making 2024 an even more impactful year for our
members and the chiropractic profession!
Sinomax’s Support for Spinal

Tech + Sleep
With a significant 30.2% market share in the
US and top rankings in both Hong Kong and
mainland China, Sinomax is dedicated to
improving the quality of sleep and, by
extension, promoting spinal health.
During the new product release and sales channel promotion
meeting, Sinomax showcased its latest innovation, This product
aims to promote spinal health and provide a solution to sleep
problems. The event was attended by over 100 people, including
industry experts, dealers, and representatives from various
associations such as the Shenzhen Furniture Industry Association
and the Hong Kong Household Furniture Association.
China Home Furnishing Champion List
Sinomax's participation in the China Home Furnishing
Champion List Award Ceremony further highlighted
their commitment to high-quality development in the
home building materials industry. The general
manager of SINOMAX home furnishing, Ken Lam,
emphasized that Sinomax is not merely a mattress
and pillow company but a brand dedicated to solving
users' sleep problems.

By broadening their
brand boundaries
Recognizing the need for new growth opportunities, through
Sinomax has been actively exploring cross-border
collaborations, seeking out new technologies and technological
opportunities. By broadening its brand boundaries
through technological innovation, Sinomax aims to innovation,
address not only bedding and sleep-related issues
but also delve into life sciences. They believe that the Sinomax aims to
search for new technology will be a key factor in the
future success of home furnishing companies. address not only
Sinomax's efforts in innovation and commitment to bedding and sleep-
solving sleep problems have been recognized by
industry leaders. They were honored with the "Most
related issues but
Valuable Innovative Enterprise of China Hotel Supply"
award at the China Hotel Purchase and Supply
also delve into life
With its focus on spinal health and its dedication to
technological advancements, Sinomax continues to
position itself as a leading brand in the home
furnishing industry. As they strive to provide high-
quality products and solutions, Sinomax aims to
improve the sleep quality and overall well-being of
their customers.
cdahk on MEDIA

radio Shows newspaper TELEvision

Dr. B.J. Palmer even Newspaper articles can CDAHK Chiropractor has been
recognized the power of radio provide a useful source of interviewed by tvb for expert
when he started “WOC” chiropractic information, advice on various health
(World of Chiropractic) radio serving as a primary source of topics related to spinal care.
in Davenport, Iowa, in information about current Topics related to correct
chiropractic’s formative science of our profession. sitting and standing posture,
years.. CDAHK chiropractors Major newspapers also as well as the significance of
are riding the wave of the contain CDAHK members' proper arch support and
information age by packaging commentaries or footwear. These topics are
information in a hard-hitting retrospective articles about vital in promoting overall
yet entertaining format, and chiropractic knowledge, they musculoskeletal health and
delivering it on talk radio. can also serve as a secondary preventing common problems
source. that individuals may
A Leap in Sleep Adapting to Hong
Health Innovation Kong's Climate
At this year's Hong Kong Homex, held from Recognizing the unique challenges posed
December 23rd to 26th at the prestigious Hong by Hong Kong's humid and allergy-prone
Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Emma's environment, Emma's has been relentless in
Mattress has emerged as the star of the show, upgrading its technology. This dedication to
captivating the attention of home styling innovation is evident in their full range of
enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers Australian anti-allergy mattresses, which
alike. Known for its chiropractic-friendly are designed with cutting-edge anti-
mattresses, Emma's has become synonymous bacterial and anti-mite technology.
with restful sleep and spinal health.
The meticulous treatment of sponges and
As visitors wander through the vast array of home fabrics ensures that Emma's mattresses
and electrical appliance brands, Emma's Mattress provide comprehensive protection. They
stands out with its commitment to enhancing effectively reduce the growth of bacteria,
sleep health. The brand's presence at Homex 2023 mold, and dust mites, creating a sanctuary
is not merely an exhibit but a statement of its of cleanliness and health for the bedroom.
dedication to creating the perfect sleep

Secret Behind the Sheets

The B-Sensible Tencel Sheet Waterproofing Test is among the
many surprises Emma's has presented at Homex. These sheets
are not just waterproof; they are a testament to the brand's
holistic approach to sleep health. By protecting the mattress from
moisture, the Tencel sheets extend the life of the anti-allergy
features, ensuring long-term health benefits.
The credibility of Emma's Mattress is further bolstered by testimonials from
key opinion leaders (KOLs) such as Jer Lau and DeeGor Ho. These
influencers have shared their personal experiences, praising the
transformative impact Emma's mattresses have had on their sleep quality
and overall well-being.

Jer Lau, known for her discerning taste in home decor and wellness,
has noted how Emma's mattresses align with her pursuit of a stylish
yet health-conscious lifestyle. Meanwhile, DeeGor Ho has
highlighted the brand's commitment to combating allergies, a boon
for those similarly afflicted in Hong Kong's challenging environment.

As Homex 2023 concludes, visitors leave with a lasting impression of

Emma's Mattress, not just as a product, but as a lifestyle choice that
promotes health, comfort, and style. With Emma's, the dream of having a
clean and healthy bedroom is no longer a luxury.
The National
Sports Training
Beijing, China – In the bustling corridors of The National
Sports Training Center, home to Team China's elite athletes,
Dr. David Bellin is a familiar and respected figure. With his
hands skillfully at work, Dr. Bellin is not just another member
of the medical team; he is a visionary chiropractor bent on
revolutionizing the perception and practice of chiropractic
care in China.

A Vision for Chiropractic in China

Dr. Bellin's journey in China began in April 2012 when he

joined Tsinghua University in Beijing as a Senior Visiting
Scholar. His time at one of China’s most prestigious
institutions was marked by a dedication to teaching and
research, laying the groundwork for chiropractic's future in
the country.

January has seen him take on a role at The National Sports

Training Center, where his expertise contributes to the health
and performance of China's top athletes. However, his vision
extends far beyond the treatment tables of the training
center. Dr. Bellin is committed to establishing chiropractic as
a separate and distinct profession in China through higher
education, licensure, legislation, and research.

Dr David Bellin, Sports

Chiropractor for Team China

A 46-year-old man with no significant medical or family history

presented to our clinic after six months of progressive lower
back pain and radiculopathy in his left leg. Despite multiple
interventions, including NSAIDs, physical therapy,
acupuncture, and chiropractic manipulation, his symptoms
had not improved. Concerningly, severe pain was disrupting
his sleep and daily activities, with a numerical pain rating of 9.

The patient’s lumbar radiographs initially showed mild

degenerative changes, and he was treated for lumbosacral
radiculopathy with no relief. Our chiropractic examination
revealed normal lumbar motion, but left leg pain increased
with flexion, and motor testing showed weakness in knee
extension and ankle dorsiflexion. With such progressive
neurological deficits, our differential diagnosis widened to
include conditions such as a disc herniation, lumbar stenosis,
piriformis syndrome, and facet joint syndrome. However, the
persistent worsening of his symptoms despite conservative
management warranted further investigation.

Given the patient's worsening condition and presence of

neurological signs, we made the critical decision to request
an MRI. The scan revealed a 2-cm intraspinal schwannoma at
the L4 level, causing nerve root compression—a finding that
had been missed in the previous workup.

After discussion with the radiologist, the patient was quickly

referred to a spine surgeon, and underwent a laminectomy
and gross total resection of the schwannoma. Postoperative
results were remarkable: within six weeks, he experienced
near-complete symptom resolution and returned to normal
functioning. Four months after surgery, following a tailored
postoperative rehabilitation program including spinal
mobilization therapy, he reported a quality of life
improvement to 100%.

This case underscores the importance of early MRI for patients

presenting with neurological deficits and persistent
symptoms, despite normal radiographs. Schwannomas, while
rare, can mimic common back pain conditions and if not
detected early, can lead to significant neurological damage.

In the bustling realm of chiropractic medicine,

practitioners are accustomed to the familiar tapestry
of back pain, neck strains, and the occasional slipped
disc. But every so often, a patient walks through the
door with a story that challenges the status quo,
pushing the boundaries of conventional treatment
and shining a light on the lesser-known capabilities of
chiropractic care.

Meet James, a 46-year-old delivery worker whose life

took an unforeseen turn when what started as a
persistent neck ache evolved into a condition that
seemed to mock the very essence of his hardworking
nature. James' tremors began subtly, an unwelcome
dance of his limbs that escalated into a full-blown
dystonic tremor, rendering his hands nearly unusable
for the delicate task of penmanship, let alone the
rigorous demands of his job.

The path to understanding James' condition was a

winding one. Initial treatments with gabapentin and
ibuprofen barely scratched the surface of his
discomfort. It wasn't until a detailed investigation,
including cervical radiographs and MRI, that the true
culprit was unveiled: degenerative changes in his
cervical spine, culminating in a rare manifestation of
cervical radiculopathy.

James' introduction to chiropractic care marked a

turning point in his battle against the relentless
tremors. Skeptical but desperate for relief, he
embarked on a treatment regimen that would soon
change his life. The initial relief was a balm to his
chronic pain, but it was the dedicated weeks of
cervical manipulative therapy and mechanical spinal
decompression that truly turned the tide.

As James' story unfolded, so did the tremors that

once dictated his life. With each passing week under
chiropractic care, the tremors subsided, eventually
disappearing. The transformation was nothing short
of miraculous, a testament to the potential of
chiropractic intervention in cases that extend beyond
the textbook presentations.

James' journey is more than a success story; it's a

beacon for the field, urging further exploration into
the complex interplay between the spine and
neurological manifestations. It calls for more
research, more understanding, and more stories of
healing that redefine the limits of what chiropractic
care can achieve.

In a recent article published in the Cureus Medical Journal, a Hong Kong chiropractor illuminated the path to non-surgical
relief for a 70-year-old patient grappling with the dual challenges of atlantoaxial subluxation and spinal stenosis.


The patient, a retired manager, Initial examinations revealed bilateral Remarkably, after only six
suffered from chronic progressive reduced sensation and normal motor chiropractic sessions, the patient
numbness in both hands, which had strength, with no significant changes in reported a 50% improvement in
worsened over six months. Despite a deep tendon reflexes. MRI imaging numbness and hand coordination.
concerning diagnosis that included confirmed both atlantoaxial subluxation This multimodal chiropractic care
grade I anterolisthesis at C3-C4, and moderate to severe spinal stenosis. plan included:
cervical spondylosis, and reduced Patient education
disc height, the patient declined Soft tissue therapy
surgery in favor of conservative Low-velocity, low-amplitude
chiropractic care. mobilization of the lower cervical
and upper thoracic joints
A tailored neck-strengthening
exercise regimen
RESULTS LESSONS LEARNED High-velocity manipulations were
judiciously avoided, and the patient
After one month, the patient enjoyed This case exemplifies the potential of was empowered to perform specific
a 90% resolution of symptoms and chiropractic care to manage complex exercises at home.
returned to normal activities. At the spinal conditions non-invasively. It also
two-month follow-up, the patient accentuates the significance of an
remained asymptomatic and Cite this article as: Yau K, Chu E,
accurate diagnosis and the
continued with daily neck exercises. Zhao J G, et al. (January 01, 2024)
customization of treatment plans to fit
The six-month follow-up confirmed Multimodal Management of
individual needs and preferences.
the sustained benefits of chiropractic Coexisting Atlantoaxial Subluxation
care, with the patient's quality of life and Spinal Stenosis in an Older
rating reaching 100%. Adult: A Case Report and Literature
Review. Cureus 16(1): e51442.

In a striking report published by the Cureus Medical Journal in January

2024, a case of metastatic breast cancer misinterpreted as pregnancy-
related neck pain is scrutinized, providing invaluable insights into the
complexities of diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy.


A 36-year-old woman, caught in the whirlwind of new motherhood,
faced an unexpected adversary. Her neck pain, which emerged in
her third trimester and persisted postpartum, was initially
dismissed as a common discomfort of pregnancy. Yet, the
persistence of her symptoms, unrelieved by NSAIDs and alternative
therapies, hinted at a more grave underlying condition.

Chiropractic interventions, including gentle exercises and low-force
spinal manual techniques, not only contributed to a drastic pain
reduction but also enhanced the patient's quality of life, which soared
from a meager 60% to an impressive 90%. The improvement was
such that she could once again engage in caring for her children and
participate in social activities, reclaiming the life that cancer and pain
had put on hold.


After thorough chiropractic and oncological assessment, including This case underscores the necessity of a
an MRI that revealed spinal lesions and a PET scan identifying a meticulous approach to unexplained symptoms
hypermetabolic breast mass, the stark reality was unveiled: in pregnant and postpartum women. It also
metastatic breast cancer. The findings were a sobering reminder of emphasizes the value of a multidisciplinary
the critical need for vigilant diagnostic processes, especially in strategy, marrying the precision of oncology with
populations like pregnant and postpartum women, where the supportive care of chiropractic and
symptoms can often be misleading. rehabilitation.

n a compelling case study published in the Cureus Medical Journal, January 2024, we explore the chiropractic
management of a patient grappling with the dual challenges of lumbar disc herniation and advanced liver
cancer. This case, drawn from the Hong Kong Chiropractor's Journal, demonstrates the delicate balance
required in treating complex medical conditions with chiropractic interventions.


A 30-year-old construction MRI scans revealed disc herniation at The outcomes were noteworthy:
worker, diagnosed with stage IV the L5/S1 level, nerve impingement, pain levels plummeted from 7/10
liver cancer, endured a back and liver metastases. Armed with this to a mild 1/10, lumbar range of
injury from a fall, leading to information, a chiropractic treatment motion increased, and walking
severe lumbar pain with plan was meticulously crafted, distance improved from 100 to
decreased sensation in his right mindful of the patient's fragile 800 meters. His quality of life, as
leg. Differentiating the source of condition. It encompassed: per the WHOQOL scale, leaped
his pain—whether from Gentle joint mobilization to from 48% to an impressive 90%.
metastatic cancer or the injury— enhance flexibility and alleviate
was crucial for effective pain. Cite this article as: Chu E, Piong
management. Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue S, Tao C (January 01, 2024)
Mobilization (IASTM) to mitigate Chiropractic Management of
muscle tightness and Lumbar Disc Herniation in a
inflammation. Patient With Co-existing Liver
A regimen of low-impact Cancer: A Case Report. Cureus
exercises to fortify muscle 16(1): e51445.
strength and coordination. doi:10.7759/cureus.51445

This case is a testament to the impact of integrative chiropractic care in managing complex health scenarios.
It underscores the adaptability of chiropractic techniques in improving the quality of life, even against the
backdrop of terminal illness.
As the patient continues his care with both his chiropractor and oncologist, his case is a reminder of the
potential for collaborative healthcare to navigate the complexities of co-existing conditions. It is a narrative
that resonates with the philosophy of care that is as responsive to individual patient needs as it is informed by
clinical expertise.
Image of 2002 CDAHK
Today, we take a step back from our daily
headlines to celebrate a momentous occasion -
the 3rd anniversary of the CDAHK. In this special
edition, emblazoned across our front page, we
honor the dedication and commitment of the 21
CDAHK members who have been with us since
the beginning. Their unwavering service to the
community, their relentless pursuit of excellence
in the field of chiropractic - all are precious
pieces of our shared history.
Past Events

It has come to our attention that a recent post has

been circulating on social media claiming that the
Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong 香港
執業脊醫協會 CDAHK has endorsed a range of spine-
supported school bags produced by YOME.

*We hereby clarify that CDAHK has NOT provided

any endorsement for YOME products.*

The claim stating our association has endorsed

YOME's spine-supported school bags is *false* and
*misleading*. We have reported different sites and
we strongly advise the public to exercise caution
and verify product endorsements through official
channels to avoid any deception.
We take such matters very seriously and are
currently investigating this unauthorized claim.
Appropriate actions will be taken to address this

#peekaroo #yomeschoolbag #yome #schoolbag

Thank you for Supporting CDAHK



CDAHK is the peak body for the chiropractic profession in Hong Kong. Representing most
registered chiropractors, the CDAHK has actively involved in all kinds of chiropractic activities
and public health care events since its establishment. CDAHK is committed to advance
chiropractic health care by raising awareness through public education, membership services,
research, public engagement and governance.

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