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Committee : Disarmament and International Security Committee

Topic : Prevention of Arms race and Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,

Authors – United States of America,

Sponsors – United Kingdom of Great Britain , French Republic,

Prevention of arms race and Treaty on Prohibition

The General Assembly,

Perambulatory Clauses { All given By United states of America }

Reaffirming the Nonproliferation treaty, and being fully aware of

Alarmed the arms as well the nuclear race in the Indian
Deeply concerned by the deescalating situation in the middle east
and its potential consequences ,
Disturbed by Russia-Ukraine conflict and the threats of nuclear war
by the Russia Federation ,
Recognizing the many drawback of treaty on prohibition of nuclear
1 In article 4{1} it is mentioned that the countries signing countries
that removal of irreversible nuclear facilities like Chernobyl which
provide a large part of energy to the world at cheap rates, and
pollution free
Deeply concerned by the use of chemical weapons in Syrian Civil
Deeply concerned by the desire of countries for possessing nuclear
Emphasizing the consequences of nuclear war and nuclear disaster,
Desiring a nuclear free world,

1 Encourages all NPT parties, in particular the nuclear-

weapon-states, to fulfil their obligation under the treaty to
undertake negotiations on effective measures leading to
nuclear disarmament

They could pursue this goal by agreement on a framework of

separate, mutually reinforcing instruments. Or they could
consider negotiating a nuclear-weapons convention, backed by
a strong system of verification, as has long been proposed at
the United Nations. Upon the request of Costa Rica and
Malaysia, I have circulated to all UN member states a draft of
such a convention, which offers a good point of departure

The nuclear powers should actively engage with other states on this
issue at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, the world’s
single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum. The United states
would also welcome a resumption of bilateral negotiations between
the United States and Russian Federation aimed at deep and
verifiable reductions of their respective arsenals;

2 Further reminds all the countries which have not

signed the NPT to sign it, With special emphasis on India and
3 Recommends a number of complementary measures . These
include the elimination of other types of WMD; new efforts
against WMD terrorism; limits on the production and trade in
conventional arms; and new weapons bans, including of
missiles and space weapons. The General Assembly could
also take up the recommendation of the Blix Commission for
a “World Summit on disarmament, non-proliferation and
terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction”

Some doubt that the problem of WMD terrorism can ever be solved.
But if there is real, verified progress in disarmament, the ability to
eliminate this threat will grow exponentially. It will be much easier to
encourage governments to tighten relevant controls if a basic, global
taboo exists on the very possession of certain types of weapons. As
we progressively eliminate the world’s deadliest weapons and their
components, we will make it harder to execute WMD terrorist attacks.
And if our efforts

also manage to address the social, economic, cultural, and political

conditions that aggravate terrorist threats, so much the better;

4 Advises the formation of an Independent board of commission

formed by global peace peacekeeping forces and scientist which
works toward maintaining a level of uranium 235 in specific country,
checking nuclear reactor for signs of programme for nuclear
weapons, the board shall be funded by a commission of taxes on
trade of uranium 235;

5 Encourages Middle Eastern states to continue to work on the

Middle Eastern Nuclear Weapon Free Zone treaty and now with
endorsement and support from United states, NATO, United
Kingdom of Great Britain and the French Republic;

6 Advices its NATO allies and other European countries to form a

nuclear free zone in Europe with the hopes of reducing tension with
Russian federation;

7 call upon countries to reconsider their ratification of TPNW;

8 Taking notes OF Threat of Russian president Vladimir Putin
the United states believe that both Russian federation and united
should reduce the number of active nuclear weapons to deescalate
the situation;

9 strongly condemns TPNW treaty as it will be a major loss to

the country possessing nuclear weapon as around their investing a
large amount of manpower and money in developing nuclear energy,
it believes that a much more reliable bill should be passed in which
the interest of nuclear nation must guaranteed and manages nuclear
weapons much efficentl.

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