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Film Vocabulary Unit 1

Daria Tarasenko
Group A-311

1. An equation – a mathematical statement showing that two amounts are

equal using mathematical symbols. Рівняння
2. To factor/to factorize – to resolve into factors. Розкласти на множники
3. Straightforward – easy to comprehend. Прямолінійний
4. To tuck in – to make someone feel comfortable in a bed.
Вмостити/вмоститися. To consume food eagerly – запихатися їжею
5. Junk – things of no use or value. Мотлох
6. To ascend – to move up. Підніматися вгору, зростати
7. A comrade – a friend, especially one who you have been involved in a
difficult situation with. Друг, товариш
8. To lap – to go past someone in a race who has been round the track
one less time than you. Обігнати
9. To enlighten – to provide someone with information and understanding
of something. Просвітлити
10. Friction – the force which makes it difficult for the object to slide along
the surface. Тертя
11. A custodian – the person responsible for preserving or protecting
something. Зберігач
12. Obsolete – not in use anymore. Застарілий
13. Riddled – full of something unwanted. Пронизаний
14. To entail – to involve. Тягнути за собою (включати, вміщати)
15. An interrogation – the process of asking someone questions in a
violent manner. Допит
16. To outwork – to endeavor harder than someone. Випередити
17. Ignition – the process of being exploded or burnt (by the electrical
system in the engine). Запалювання
18. To render – to cause something/someone to be in a particular state.
19. To hook on – to fasten with a hook, or catch with a hook.
20. To moot – to suggest for a discussion. Запропонувати/висвітлити
21. To resume – to extend/prolong. Подовжити, розширити
22. Decimal – relating to a counting system based on the number ten.
23. Bulky – taking a lot of space. Громіздкий
24. Bumpy – not smooth. Горбкуватий
25. To designate – to choose someone to execute responsibilities.
26. Pertinent – relating directly to the topic. Актуальний та доречний
27. Retrieval – the process of finding and bringing something back.
28. Jeopardy (in jeopardy) – in danger of being destroyed. Під загрозою
29. Illegible – impossible to read. Нерозбірливий
30. Ogle – to look at someone with a conspicuous interest. Стріляти
31. Charmer – someone with likable and attractive qualities.
32. To dissolve – to be absorbed by a liquid. Розчиняти
33. To have a knack for something – to be versed in a topic.
Вміло/майстерно виконувати певний вид діяльності
34. Attagirl – used as a form of approval and encouragement for a girl.
35. To churn out – to produce amounts of something low quality quickly.
36. Itinerary – a detailed route of a journey. Маршрут
37. Illuminate – to fill with light and make brighter. Освітити
38. Paramount – more important than anything else. Першочерговий
39. To vow – to make a determined decision or promise.
40. Hostile – vicious and unfriendly. Ворожий
41. Trajectory – the curved path followed by the object after it has been
shot or thrown into the air. Траєкторія
42. Altitude – height above sea level. Висота над рівнем моря
43. Descent – the state of relating to a particular group (usually in the
past). Походження
44. Hold your horses – used to warn someone about irrational thoughts
and actions. Не поспішати
45. A rivet – a metal pin used to fasten flat pieces of metal or other thick
material. Заклепка
46. Clearance – the process of removing waste. Очищення
47. Shield – a large metal object used for protection. Щит
48. Segregated – kept separately. Відокремлений
49. Unprecedented – never having existed in the past. Безпрецедентний
50. Credentials – the abilities making someone suitable for a particular
occupation. Дані/кваліфікація/повноваження

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