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1)leisure- free time

2)parallel- side by side and having the same distance continuously between them

3)relieve- no longer felling distressed or anxious

4)nonplussed- surprised and confused so much that a person is unsure how to react

5)enormous- very large in size, quantity or extent

6)stationary- not moving or not intendee to move

7)complement - add to something in a way that enhances or improves

8)dilemma- a situation in which a different choice has to be made between two or more alternatives

9)interrogate- ask questions closely, agressively and formally

10)inconvenience- trouble or difficulty caused to one's personal requirement or comfort

11)anxious- experiencing worry, unease or nervousness typically about an imminent event or something with an
uncertain outcome.

12)privilege- a special right, advantage or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group

13)acknowledge- accept or admit the existence or truth of

14)excited- very enthusiastic and eager

15)sentient- able to perceive or feel things

16)contagious- spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect contact

17)disembark- leave a ship, aircraft or other vechile

18)barograph- a record or atmospheric preassure produce by a barograph.

19)surmised- suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it

20)scoundrel- a dishonest person

21)vortices- a mass of whirling fluid or air

22)fearsome- frightening, especially in apperance

23)brambles- a prickly vine,especially a blackberry or other wild shrub of the rose family

24)antarctic- referring tonthe south polar region or Antarctica

25)feign- pretend to be affected by(feelings, state or injury)

26)evanesce- pass out of sight

27)miscellaneous- consisting of diverse things or members

28)schedule- a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving a list of intended events and times

29)oxygen- a colorless, odorless reactive gas

30)orphan- child whose parents are dead

31)bouquet- an attactively arrange bunch of flower

32)cervine- relating to a deer

33)schedule- giving lists of intended events and times

34)receipt- the action of receiving something or the factof it's being received

35)capacity- the maximum amount that something can contain


1)entrepreneur- a person who organizes and operates businesses, takingb on more than normal financial risk in order
to do so

2)conscience- an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior

3)ubiquitous- present or appearing or found everywhere

4)ambiguous- open to more then one interpretation; having a double meaning; unclear or unexact

5)depth- the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something

6)consequence- a result of an action or condition

7)vacillate- alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive

8)precocious- having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual

9)plaintiff- a person who brings a case against another in a court of law

10)prestigious- inspiring respect and admiration having higher status

11)apperance- the way that someone or something look

12)hypothesis- is an idea or proposition that is assumed or taken for granted for the sake or argument or explanation

13)permeate- spread throughout

14)meticulous- showing great attention to detail, very careful and precise

15)paradigm- a typical example or pattern of something; a model

16)slough- a swamp

17)coalition- a union into one body or mass

18)collaborate- work jointly on an activity especially to produce or create something

19)tyrannical- exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way

20)ambidextrous- able ton use the right and left hands equally well

21)grotesque- comically or repulsively ugly or distorted

22)monotheism- the doctrine or belief that there is obly one God

23)poultice- a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material or flour, applied to the body to relieve
soreness and inflammation and kept in place with a cloth

24)zucchini- a green variety of smooth-skinned summer squash

25)dilate- make of become wider,larger or more open

26)liquefy- make of become liquid

27)indict- formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime

28)bologna- a large smoke sausage of beef, veal, pork

29)playwright- a person who writes play

30)minuscule- rather less, rather small

31)pronounciation- is the way in which a word or a language is spoken

32)pharaoh- is the vernacular term often used for the monarch of Ancient Egypt

33)imperialism- is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power

34)fuchsia- a vivid purplish-red color

35)croissant- a French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky pastry

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