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Unit 4.

HR manager discussing office etiquette rules for new employees:

First, be sure to arrive on time each day, at 8:30 am sharp, so you can start work
promptly. Our office dress code is business casual - no shorts, t-shirts or flip-flops
We want to present a professional appearance.
When it comes to behaviors, be polite and respectful towards all co-workers.
Address people appropriately by their title and surname until you get to know them
better. During small talk at the office, avoid controversial topics like politics and
religion. Stick to neutral subjects like sports, entertainment or weekend plans.
Importantly, refrain from any inappropriate behaviors like eavedropping or talking
behind somebody’s back. This will not be tolerated. Also do not use your cell
phone for personal matters during work hours. It must be kept on silent.
That’s the end of my presentation.

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