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‫ال أحلل النسخ أو التوزيع ‪0535620425‬‬

‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف ‪0535620425‬‬

‫ال احلل نشر اوراقي او‬

‫الدراسة منها بدون اذن‬
‫فهي نتاج جهد شخص ي‬
‫ال أحلل القطيات‬

‫تجميع للدرافتات المطلوب دراستها للوحدات التي تم دراستها حسب خطة المنهج ألختبار الميد‬
‫) ‪Reading / Writing (U 8 Book 1 / U 1 – 3 Book 3‬‬
‫‪ #‬ملحوظة الغرض من هذه النماذج هو تدريبك علي الكتابة عن أي موضوع يخصص الوحدات والتدرب‬
‫علي كتابة جمل صحيحه عن نفس الموضوع وليس االعتماد علي الحفظ‬

‫‪ #‬ملحوظة مهمه جدا ‪ :‬فهمك للعنوان المطلوب الكتابة عنه باالختبار يعتبر اكثر من ‪ %50‬من كتابتك الن‬
‫بدون فهم العنوان والكتابة عن موضوع أخر يعتبر ‪ OFF TOBIC‬وبالتالي ( صفر )‬
‫‪ #‬اعتقد اذا فهمت العنوان المطلوب الكتابة عنه باالختبار فمن السهل كتابة ‪ 12‬جمل عن نفس العنوان‬

‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف ‪0535620425‬‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

: ‫المواضيع االساسيه بهذه الوحدة‬

U 8 " Explanatory paragraph "
1- Why do college students get more cold - germs - viruses - Flu ?

2- How can we prevent the spread of viruses?

- How can we prevent diseases ?

- How can we prevent diseases around the world?

3- How can we avoid - prevent spreading a cold to others?

4- Write an explanatory paragraph about Cold.

5- Write an explanatory paragraph about Ebola .

6- Write an explanatory paragraph about Malaria .

7- Write an explanatory paragraph about Covid-19 .

8- Write an explanatory paragraph about " an epidemic "

: ‫نماذج مكتوبة مع جمل اضافية‬

1- Why do college students get more cold - germs - viruses - Flu ?

1- A cold is a common disease in colleges .

2- College students get more cold for many reasons. Or There are many reasons for this .

3- First, they live , eat and study very close together on campus.

4- For example, they attend classes with 200 students into one classroom .

5- Second, students often share cups , glasses , spoons and forks.

6- Therefore, they get germs easily.

7- Also, college students are under a lot of stress.

8- Stress makes it harder for the body to fight diseases.

9- Next , they don’t wash their hands after touching doors and chairs.

10- Finally, most college students have poor sleep and eat much fast food.

11- In addition, there are many unhealthy habits like smoking .

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

12- For all these reasons, college students get more cold than other people.

2- How can we prevent the spread of viruses?

How can we prevent diseases?

How can we prevent diseases around the world?

1- Preventing the spread of ( diseases - viruses ) is very important.

Or - There are many ways to prevent the spread of ( diseases - viruses ).

Or - We can prevent ( diseases - viruses ) around the world in many ways.

2- Here is how you can do it . Or There are many ways for this.

3- First , you should avoid sick people.

4- They may spread viruses easily . - They may infect you .

5- Second, you should wash your hands regularly.

6- Your hands may have bacteria or germs.

7- Next , you should cover your nose and mouth when you cough.

8- Also, avoid sharing things with others.

9- They may have bacteria or germs, too.

10- Finally , you should eat healthy food and exercise.

11- This helps your body to fight ( diseases - viruses ) .

12- To sum up, if you follow my steps, you prevent the spread of ( diseases - viruses )

 You should take a vaccine to improve your immune system.

 When you go to a hospital , you must wear a mask to avoid diseases

3- How can I avoid getting a cold?

1- A cold is a common disease these days.

2- Therefore , you have to avoid getting a cold .

2- Here is how you do it. Or There are many ways to do this.

3- First, you should avoid sick people. - you shouldn't get close to sick people.

4- They may have germs or viruses.

5- Second, When someone coughs , cover your mouth and nose .

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

6- Also, don't share people's personal items.

7- Next , you have to wash your hands regularly.

8- Viruses can stay on many things around you.

9- Finally, you should get enough sleep, eat well and relax.

10- This will help your body fight diseases.

11- To sum up , if you follow my steps , you can avoid getting a cold.

 You should eat healthy food. This will help your immune system to fight disease.

4- How can we avoid spreading a cold to others ?

1- Avoiding spreading a cold to others is very important .

Or You can avoid spreading a cold to others in many steps.

Or There are many ways to prevent spreading a cold to others.

2- Here is how you can do it . Or There are many ways to do this.

3- First, you should stay away from others and rest .

4- Second, you have to cover your nose and mouth when you cough - sneeze .

5- Also, you can wear a mask .

6- This will prevent viruses from travelling to others.

7- Next, don't travel when you are sick .

8- You may infect others who are sitting close by.

9- Finally, don't share glasses and cups. - When you are sick , use the sanitizer frequently.

10- To sum up, if you follow my steps, you can avoid spreading a cold to others.

 If you are sick, use your car and don't use the public transportation.
 You mustn't share your personal things with others.

5- Write an explanatory paragraph about an epidemic .

1- An epidemic is when a large number of people have the same disease at the same time.

2- Some diseases are very serious.

3- Also, they can spread quickly .

4- It can also spread to other countries .

5- For example, the spread of Zika virus in Brazil .

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

6- This virus began in Brazil and spread to other countries.

7- It differs from a plague .

8- A plague can kill many people .

9- However, an epidemic can kill many people , but it doesn't always.

10- To sum up, an epidemic is a serious public health emergency .

: ‫عند الكتابة عن مرض يمكن استخدام هذه الجمل‬

1- ……….. ‫ …………المرض‬is ………….. ‫ …………………التعريف‬.

2- …………‫ …………المرض‬has a lot of symptoms .
3- The symptoms are ………. 1 ………. and ……….2 …………
4- ………… ‫………المرض‬.. differs from ……… ‫………اسم مرض اخر‬..
5- Its symptoms appear within ..…4….. Days.
6- Almost everyone can get it.
7- It spreads through …………. coughing ……… and …….. sneezing ………… .
8- You can avoid getting this disease through some steps.
9- First, you should avoid sick people.
10- Second, you have to wash your hands frequently.
11- Finally, ……………………………………………………..
12- To sum up, getting the …… ‫……… المرض‬.is common, but you can take steps to stay healthy.

) Flu / Ebola / Malaria /Cold / common Cold ( ‫يوجد عدة امراض ذكرت بالكتاب مثل‬

1- Write an explanatory paragraph about Cold.

1- A cold is common disease .

2- A cold has a lot of symptoms .

3- The symptoms are fever and sore throat .

4- A cold is different from other diseases .

5- Its symptoms appear within 2-4 days.

6- It spreads through coughing and sneezing.

7- You can avoid getting this disease in many ways.

8- First , you should avoid sick people .

9- They spread viruses easily.

10- Also, you have to wash your hands frequently .

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

11- Finally , you have to stay home when you are sick .

12- To sum up, getting a cold is common, but we can avoid it.

1- A cold is an illness caused by a virus.

2- A cold starts with some symptoms such as a sore throat and a headache .

3- Then the runny nose starts.

4- You may also have a cough .

5- A cold can last a few days or a few weeks.

6- Every cold is different because there are over 200 different viruses .

7- It is different from the flu .

8- the flu is more severe.

9- There is no cure for the common cold.

10- some medicines help you feel better.

11- You can avoid getting cold through some steps .

12- First, avoid sick people.

13- Also, wash your hands frequently.

14- Getting a cold is common, but you can take steps to stay healthy .

2- Write an explanatory paragraph about the flu .

1- The flu is a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus that make people sick.
2- It has a lot of symptoms.
3- The symptoms are fever, sore throat, body aches and cough.
4- It is different from a common cold. Or It differs from a common cold.
5- The flu is worse than a common cold.
6- The flu has more severe symptoms than a common cold.
7- People from all ages can get the flu.
8- It spreads by germs. Or It spreads through breathing and touching germs.
9- You can avoid getting the flu through some steps
10- For example, you should wash your hands and cover your nose and mouth
11- Also, you can use antiviral medicines and avoid smoking.
12- To sum up, getting the flu is common, but you can take steps to stay healthy

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

3- Write an explanatory paragraph about Ebola

1- Ebola is an illness caused by a virus .

2- It is a contagious disease.

3- It spreads very quickly .

4- You have to wear a suit to avoid catching this disease.

5- Many people died from this disease.

6- There are some reasons that make people sick.

7- The first reason is touching infected blood.

8- The second reason is touching an infected person .

9- There is no cure for Ebola.

10- To sum up , Ebola needs special - good care.

 It has a lot of symptoms.

 The symptoms are fever , aches , severe headache and joint pain .
 It differs form other illnesses.

4- Write an explanatory paragraph about Malaria

1- Malaria is a serious disease.

2- It spreads by insects.

3- If the disease is found early , it can be treated.

4- There are some symptoms of Malaria.

5- The symptoms are fever , headache and muscle aches.

6- You can avoid getting Malaria in many ways.

7- First, you have to avoid mosquito biting.

8- You can use mosquito netting.

9- you can use it to cover your body while sleeping.

10- This is a very simple and in expensive solution.

11- To sum up, Malaria is an infectious disease , but we can avoid it.

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

: ‫نماذج اضافية‬

Preventing viral infections is a very important issue these days . Hygiene is very important to prevent viral infections.
First , we have to wash our hands correctly and frequently. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Be sure to
wear a mask . Avoid sharing ( Don't share ) dishes or glasses that are used by others . You have to keep distance . Also, keep the
surface that you frequently touch clean . You also have to eat healthy food . It's very important to do regular exercise to keep
healthy .Finally , you should get vaccines rapidly. At the end, we should do our best to protect ourselves and others .

There are many things people can do to prevent the spread of diseases. First, you should avoid sick people . They
spread viruses easily. We must stay away from other people for at least one meter. Next you should not touch your eyes, nose ,
or mouth . Your hands may have bacteria or germs. For this reason , people should wash their hands. It is important that everyone
use soap and warm water. Also , you should cover your nose and mouth when you cough. Some people use a tissue while other
people don't . You should sanitize your hands after you touch things. Overall, everyone can follow these simple steps to avoid
catching diseases and living a longer life.

Covid-19 is a pandemic that has affect our way of life . It's caused by a new strain of corona-virus . Covid-19 has a lot
of symptoms. Some of these symptoms are most common such as fever , dry cough and tiredness . Others are less common such
as aches and pains , sore throat, diarrhea , headache and loss of taste or smell . Covid 19 is different from other diseases . It's
symptoms appear within 2-14 days .It can cause serious illness unlike flu. There is no anti-viral drug to treat covid 19 , but there
are many antiviral drugs to treat Flu. Almost everyone can get it . It spreads through coughing and sneezing at large gatherings.
You can avoid getting this disease through some steps .First , by washing your hands regular and using hand sanitizer. Also, you
must keep a safe distance in public places like parks , malls and mosques . You must also wear a mask . You mustn't touch your
nose , eyes or mouth . You must cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough . Finally , you must stay at home if you
feel unwell .

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬


1- How to make a good impression?

Making a good first impression is very important. There are several ways to do it. First, you should smile to others.
This will form a good impression. Also, it will make others feel comfortable. Second, be careful when you talk. Try to use
positive words as much as possible. Avoid saying anything offensive. Third, maintain eye contact. It makes you appear
honest and builds trust when you look in the people's eyes. They feel you appreciate them. To sum up, making a good
first impression is really easy if you follow the above mentioned ideas.
Making a first impression is very important. There are many ways to do it. First, you should smile to others. This will
form a good impression. Also, it will make others feel comfortable. Second, be careful when you talk. You should use
positive words. Try to avoid saying anything offensive. Third, maintain eye contact. It makes you appear honest and builds
trust. Finally, Yoy have to listen carefully to others. To sum up , making a good impression is easy if you follow my steps.

2- How to make a good impression in a job interview?

Making a good first impression is very essential in a job interview. There are many ways to do this. First, you
should dress professionally. You should wear business clothes. You shouldn't wear a T-shirt and jeans. Second, you should
behave appropriately. For example, you should be punctual. It shows you are reliable. Also, you shouldn't speak too fast.
It can cause you to make mistakes. In addition, you should avoid slangs. It is informal. In short, it is important to make a
good first impression by following these tips.

3- How to make a good impression on a classmate?

Making a good first impression on a classmate is very important. There are several ways to do it. First, you should
smile to him . This will form a good impression. Also, it will make him feel comfortable. Second, be careful when you talk.
Try to use positive words as much as possible. Avoid saying anything offensive. Third, maintain eye contact when you talk
with him. It makes you appear honest and builds trust when you look in his eyes. He will feel you appreciate him. To sum
up, making a good first impression on a classmate is really easy if you follow the above mentioned ideas.
 You have to show good behavior.
 You should listen carefully when he talks.
 Also, don't interrupt him and wait for your turn.
 You should help him in lessons and classwork.
 You have to be friendly.
 You can invite him for a dinner.

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

4- How to make a good impression on your teacher?

Making a good impression on your teacher is very important. Here is how you can do it. First, you should wear
appropriately. You should wear clean clothes. Second, you have to be punctual and polite. Also, you shouldn't annoy your
classmates. Third, if your teacher gives information, you should listen carefully. You shouldn't interrupt your teacher.
Finally, when you meet your teacher, try to smile. This will show that you are friendly. If you want to answer a question,
raise your hand. To conclude, it is easy to make a good impression on your teacher if you follow my steps

5- How to make a good impression on your neighbor?

Making a good first impression on your neighbor is very important. Here is how you can do it. First, you have to
be polite and kind. You should greet him politely. You can also invite him for dinner and hang out with him. Then you can
offer help if possible. For example, you can help him fixing things at his home. Also, if he has any difficulties, advise him -
help him. Finally, don't disturb him. If he is sleeping, don't call him. Also, you shouldn't knock on his door while he is
sleeping. Also, don’t let your children play and scream at night. In short, you can make a good impression on your neighbor
if you follow my steps.

6- How to make a good impression on a future employer?

First impressions matter a lot. There are many ways to make a good impression on a future employer. You
should dress well for the job you want. In Saudi Arabia, you have to wear thob and shemagh. You should also arrive on
time, but not too early. Enter the place you are going to work at confidently. Be kind to everyone. Behave like you are
excited about the job, even you are secretly wondering if the position is a good fit for your talents. You should also be
prepared to talk about the company and yourself. Explain briefly how your expertise could contribute to the company's
success. You should speak clearly and with an even tone that will show confidence. To conclude, I think it's hard to make
a good first impression, So you should prepare yourself previously.

7- How to fix the bad first impression?

Leaving a bad impression is difficult but possible to fix. / There are many ways to fix the bad first impression. First,
you must figure out why you made others upset. Think about the conversations you had earlier and try to remember what
you said. For example, sometimes we tell a joke that people do not think it is funny. Second, be prepared for the next
time you see them. Make a plan about what you want to say and what topics you should avoid. Also, you can apologize
to them for your mistakes. Finally, when you see them again, be positive and act interested. Don't bring up the bad past
experience. Instead, focus on the present. You can ask questions, listen carefully, and respond to their comments. There
is no perfect rule. You have to be positive and interested in changing their opinion about you.

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

Fixing a bad impression is very important. Here is how you can do it. First, you must figure out why you made others
upset. Think about the conversation you had earlier and try to remember what you said. For example, sometimes we tell
a joke that people do not think it is funny. Second, be prepared for the next time you see them. You should make a plan
about what you want to say. Also, you should apologize to them for your mistakes. Finally, when you see them again be
positive and interested. Do not bring up the bad past experience. Instead, you should focus on the present. To sum up ,
you can fix the bad impression if you follow my steps.

8- How to make new friends?

Making new friends is very important. There are several ways to make new friends // Here is how you can do it.
First, if you go to school, you can make new friends in class. Come early so you have time to meet other people before
class starts. Try not to sit by yourself. Instead, sit next to another student and use small talk to start a conversation. Soon
you will discover what you have in common, and your new friendship can develop. Second, another place to make new
friends is at work. You and your coworkers will already have many things in common to talk about. Also, you can hang out
with your coworkers. Making new friends is not always easy. However, with a little effort, you can make new friends.
 To sum up, if you follow my steps you will make new friends.

9- How to annoy your coworkers?

When you start a job, you can leave a bad impression on/ annoy your coworkers in many ways. First, because the
workplace can be stressful, it can be easy to forget the people around you. Therefore, you may speak loudly on your
phone. This can be difficult for your coworkers to focus on what they are doing. This may annoy them. It may send a
message that you don't care for them. Second, another common mistake is to take the last cup of coffee and not make a
new pot. This means that the next person has to make a new pot. Nobody likes to do this because it is rude. Also, leaving
your cell phone on may annoy them. Your ringing cell phone may disturb them. They need quietness to do their work. In
short, leaving a bad impression on your coworkers can be done easily, but avoid it.

10- How to annoy your classmates?

You can leave a bad impression on/ annoy your classmates in many ways. First, sometimes you can be very rude.
For example, you can copy their homework without their permission. This will make them very angry. Also, you may
interrupt them while talking. This will make them hate you. Second, if they need help and you don't help them, this will
leave a bad impression. In addition, if they have an exam and you always make noise, they cannot focus. Finally, another
common mistake is to leave your cell phone on. Your ringing cell phone may disturb them. They need quietness to study.
In short, leaving a bad impression on- annoying your classmates can be done easily.

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

11- What qualities do you look in a friend?

Life is full ups and downs. Therefore, we need someone who can understand and support us. These special people
are called friends. There are some qualities in a good friend. A good friend is always caring, helpful, trustworthy, loyal, a
good listener and honest. First, a good friend should be a good listener. If you have a problem, he should listen to you.
Second, he also should trustworthy. You can able to tell him all your secrets without any fear. Also, true friend should be
loyal. A good friend shouldn’t talk about you behind your back. Finally, good friends should always be available for support.
You can be sure for any help and support. In short, these qualities make a friend as a good friend. It is important to
surround ourselves with friends.
 A good friend is someone difficult to find.
 Friends are essential in our lives.
 The biggest achievement is getting a true friend.
 There are some qualities in a good friend.

12- How do you feel when you meet someone new at school or at work? What do you say to make him - her
feel more comfortable?
Meeting someone new is very exciting. Meeting someone new at school - college is a very common event. You
should make him feel comfortable. There are many ways to do this. First, you can start a small talk with him. Therefore,
you can find something in common / you can find a common interest. This will break the ice between you. For example,
you can talk about the weather or a football match. Second, you can invite him for a dinner. After the dinner, you can
hang out with him. This may start a new friendship. To sum up, if you follow my steps, you can make the new friend feel
 You have to smile when you meet someone new.
 You shouldn't ask personal questions.
 You shouldn't interrupt while talking.
 You have to be a good listener.
 You should speak politely.
 Don’t say offensive jokes.

13- A small talk to make new friends

A small talk is a good way to make new friends. Here is how you can do it. First, you should make eye contact before
you start a conversation. That will show your confidence. In addition, you should choose a good topic. For example, you
can talk about the weather, a football match, or a local occasion. Also, try to find a common interest. Next, you should

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0535620425 ‫ال أحلل النسخ او التوزيع أبويوسف‬

avoid personal question. For instance, don't ask about age. That can make- leave a bad impression. Finally, you should
stay away from offensive jokes. In fact, a small talk is a big deal.
A small talk is very important to make new friends. Here is how you can do it. First, you should greet them politely
before start a conversation. This makes them feel comfortable. Second, you should be a good listener. Also, you shouldn't
always talk. You should let them say what they want. Next, you shouldn't ask personal questions. For example, you
shouldn't ask about age or salary. Instead, you have to ask them good questions to show interest. Finally, you should
maintain eye contact. This will make them feel you appreciate them. To sum up, small talk is a good deal to make new

14-Do you agree that a small talk is a big deal? Why? Why not?
A small talk is a big deal. It can build new friends. When we begin a conversation with new people, we want to feel
comfortable and so do they. We use a small talk to find a common interest. This can break the ice between us. Once we
have a common interest, a friendship can begin. The more we use a small talk, the more friends we can make. Also, a
small talk can help us to do - perform better at work. For example, if you want to impress a job interview, a small talk can
make a good first impression. It also can lead to successful business deals. Finally, effective small talk at the office can also
help people get promoted. In fact, it is actually a very big deal.

15-How can a small talk lead to a job - promotion - in a job interview?

A small talk is very important in a job interview. Here is how you can do it. First, find common ground. You should
select something around you that share with the other person. Then, look around the room for common interests. Perhaps
the interviewer has a photo of his children on his disk." oh, you have kids, too?" you might ask. Next, keep the conversation
going. You can ask questions to show interest. Don't do all the talking and avoid anything offensive Also, avoid asking
personal questions. For example, don't ask about age and salary. It could create a negative impression. Finally, maintain
eye contact. This will show you are confident. Also, it will make people feel you appreciate what they are saying. To sum
up, a small talk can help you in a job interview.

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1. My favorite dish is ................‫اسم الطعام‬................

2. It is a traditional Saudi dish.

3. It is famous not only in Saudi Arabia, but throughout the world.

4. The main ingredients of ..........‫اسم الطعام‬.......... are ...........1 ‫مكون‬.......... and ……………2 ‫……مكون‬.…

5. It has a great taste and spicy smell.

6. ............‫الطعام‬.….... is usually served with ..................... and ..................

7. My mother often makes special

8. It is very tasty.

9. Also, it is available at every Saudi restaurant.

10. It makes me feel happy when I enjoy its delicious taste.

11. It is easy to make.

12. In short, .............‫الطعام‬.......... is a delicious dish which is very close to my heart.

1- Write a paragraph about your favorite dish using descriptive adjectives.

What food do you really like or dislike? Choose one food and describe.
My favorite dish is kabsa. It is a traditional Saudi dish. It is famous not only in Saudi Arabia, but throughout the
world. The main ingredients in kabsa are rice, meat and vegetables. There are also other ingredients such as chicken and
tomato. It has a great taste and lemony and spicy smell. It is usually served with fresh yoghurt, hot sauce and green salad.
My mother always makes special kabsa. It is very tasty. Kabsa is available at every Saudi restaurant because it is a
traditional dish. It makes me happy when I enjoy its delicious taste. In conclusion, Kabsa is a really delicious dish which is
very close to my heart.

2- How can we form an impression on food?

There are many ways to form an impression of food. Most people think of taste as the primary sense to form an
impression of food. However, others think about the information we get before we eat / we put food in our mouths. It
may be that other senses are more reliable. Those senses are sight, smell, hearing and touch. First, smell can form a good
impression. For example, when you smell the coffee beans at the coffee shop, you think it is better than the coffee at
home. Second, hearing can also form an impression. For instance, if you hear a strange name, you may want to try this
food. Also, touch and sight play a role. While some people love to eat sushi, others refuse to eat it because they don't like

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it in their mouths. Now many menus show pictures of food. Chefs are also worried about the presentation. To sum up,
forming a good impression of food is important to enjoy it.

3- How to make food attractive in pictures.

How to take the tastiest food photos.
How to get the perfect food picture.
Making food attractive in pictures is very important. There are many factors that make food attractive in pictures.
First, plating food in an orderly way makes food appear delicious. People tend to eat the food that is arranged. Second,
lighting is also important. It is better to use natural light. It makes the food look better. Also, a plate shape can leave a
good impression. Food will look better on a square plate. Finally, the color of the plate is also important. If the food is
colored, use a dark plate. In short, the method you use to photograph your food will influence the way others feel about
it. If you follow my steps, you will make food attractive in pictures.
 If you follow these advice. I am sure people may want to taste your food.

4- Why does food make people feel good?

Food is important for people to feel good. There are many reasons for this. First, food gives people / us energy. If
you eat well, you can do better at work. Also, food makes our minds clear. makes people focus more. Second, food can
bring family members together. For example, family members can have a breakfast together. Third, food can keep us -
people healthy. Therefore, people - we can do tasks easily. In addition, people - we can enjoy its delicious taste. When we
have a delicious meal, we feel happy. Finally, we feel interested when we try food from different cultures. In short, food
is a huge part of human life.
 For these reasons, food can affect people's moods.

5- Why does food make people feel good?

Food is important for people to feel good. There are many reasons for this. First, food gives people - us energy. If
you eat well, you can do better at work. Also, food makes our minds clear. makes people focus more. Second, food can
bring family members together. For example, family members can have a breakfast together. Third, food can keep us -
people healthy. Therefore, people - we can do tasks easily. In addition, people - we can enjoy its delicious taste. When
we have a delicious meal, we feel happy. Finally, we feel interested when we try food from different cultures. In short,
food is a huge part of human life. For these reasons, food can affect people's moods.

6- Why do people change their diets ?

There are some factors that cause people to change their diets. People change their diets for many reasons. There
are many reasons that make people change their diets. First, some people change their diets because of possible health

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problems. For example, if someone has a diabetes, he tries to avoid sugary foods. Also, some people want to lose weight,
so they change their eating habits. Second, other people search for a new experience. If they go to the same restaurant
every time, they order a new meal. They are adventurous. In addition, some people have a desire to be like others. They
want to experience other countries' food. For instance, you can find people in Saudi Arabia like to eat Italian meals, such
as pizza. Finally, cost and income can influence eating habits. To sum up, food is a huge part of life, and there are many
factors that can affect eating choices.

7- Which food did you dislike as a child? Which food do you dislike as an adult?
People have different eating habits. First, when I was a child, I didn't like to eat pasta. Also, I didn't like to eat fish.
I didn't like foods that contain onion. For example, I didn't like to eat liver with onion. Second, now I have different eating
habits. I don't like to eat sugary foods. For example, I don't like to eat candy and cakes. In addition, I don't like foods that
contain garlic. For instance, I don't use to eat pizza with garlic Finally, until now I don't like to eat fish. In short, food
preferences change when we get older.

8- Describe Supertasters:
Supertasters think that a lot of foods are too strong. They are born with a gene that makes them sensitive to bitter
foods. Therefore, they dislike coffee. They also have more taste buds. These buds can make them easily feel fatty foods
in their mouths. As a result, they stay away from high-fat foods. Also, they are sensitive to pain on the tongue. Therefore,
they avoid spicy foods. They avoid foods that taste bad and eat foods that gives them pleasure. Because supertasters
avoid bitter fruits and vegetables, their diets are not balanced. Therefore, they are at risk for cancer. They hate fatty foods,
so they are thinner and at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

9- What kind of tasters are you ? Are you a nontaster, medium taster, or supertaster? Why ?
I think I am a Supertasters for some reasons. I think that a lot of foods are too strong. I was born with a gene that
makes me sensitive to bitter foods. Therefore, I dislike coffee. I also have more taste buds. These buds can make me easily
feel fatty foods in my mouths. As a result, I stay away from high-fat foods. Also, I am sensitive to pain on the tongue.
Therefore, I avoid spicy foods. I avoid foods that taste bad and eat foods that gives me pleasure. Because I avoid bitter
fruits and vegetables, my diets are not balanced. Therefore, I am at risk for cancer. I hate fatty foods, so I am thinner and
at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

10- Describe Supertasters and nontasters:

Nontasters and supertasters must be aware of what they eat. First, Supertasters think that a lot of foods are too
strong. They are born with a gene that makes them sensitive to bitter foods. Therefore, they dislike coffee. They hate fatty
foods, too. Their diets are not balanced. Therefore, they are thinner and at risk for heart disease and diabetes. Second,

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nontasters experience fewer tastes. Therefore, they can enjoy hot foods like chili without pain. They like foods high in fat
because their tongues don't act negatively to them. In short, We don't all have the same number of taste buds. Therefore,
there are different kinds of tasters.

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1- A summary Paragraph and A personal opinion Paragraph:

A summary Paragraph
‫البجراف االول يبدأ ب ـ ـ ـ‬
According to the article, - According to Reading 1 - According to Reading 2
According to the article, governments want children to learn with tablets. They want them to be better prepared
for jobs of the future. Teachers are in favor of using tablets because they make learning more interactive. Teachers can
provide students with instant feedback. There is one disadvantages of using tablets in classrooms. Students get distracted
and stop focusing on the teacher. The author believes that if students, parents and teachers work together, tablets could
be in all classrooms and make students better prepared for the future.

A personal opinion Paragraph

‫الثان يبدأ ب ـ ـ ـ‬
‫ي‬ ‫البجراف‬

1-In my opinion , .....using tablets in education ........................ is a great idea / unworthy idea / a good idea / a bad idea .
2-I have several reasons on this .

In my opinion, using tablets in schools is a great idea. I have several reasons on this. First, using tablets makes
learning more interactive. Students can highlight and underline words easily. Second, using tablets can prepare students
for future jobs. Most jobs in future will require computer skills. Finally, tablets are light and easy to use. In short, I believe
that tablet education is a good way to future jobs.

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2- Write your opinion about The advantages of driverless cars

Driverless cars have many advantages. There are some reasons for this. First, driverless cars can reduce car crashes.
The number one cause of crashes is driver errors. This is because most drivers can be distracted while driving. Also, they
may get sleepy or make bad judgments. Sensors in driverless cars tell the car if an accident is going to occur. Second, It is
a hands-free driving. Therefore, drivers have the freedom to read or sleep during the journey. As a result, driverless cars
can reduce road rage / road rage will disappear. Finally, there will no longer need for driving licenses. In short, I think we
will see driverless cars everywhere soon.
 They will obey every rule and the speed limit

3- Write your opinion about The disadvantages of driverless cars

Driverless cars have many disadvantages. There are some reasons for this. First, driverless cars are technology and
technology is not perfect. It sometimes crashes and doesn't always work the way we want it to. Second, machine error is
another reason. If there is an accident, who will be to blame. You will blame the driver or the car. No one will accept the
responsibility. Also, they cannot expect the unpredictable situations. There will be a misunderstanding. Third, driverless
cars can't work well with weather issues. If there is a heavy rain or a snowstorm, it is difficult to navigate properly. That is
because the sensors may not work well. Finally, most drivers will be jobless. They will lost their jobs because of driverless
cars. In short, I think we shouldn't use more driverless cars because of their disadvantages.

4- Write your opinion about The advantages tablets / using tablets .

Using tablets in education is a great idea. There are many advantages for this. | have many reasons on this. First, it
makes learning more interactive. Students can underline and highlight words easily. Second, using tablets prepare
students for future jobs. Most jobs in future will require computer skills. Also, it makes learning easier. They are easy to
carry because they are light. They can store a lot of information, too. Finally, using tablets is easier for the online learning.
You can study anywhere and anytime you want. In addition, you can communicate with your teacher at any time. In short,
tablets have positive effects on education.
 Tablets can allow teachers to help students instantly.
 Teachers can direct students right away for extra instruction.
 Students can also email or text their teachers for help and get instant feedback.

5- Write your opinion about The disadvantages tablets / using tablets .

Using tablets in education is not a great idea. There are some disadvantages for this. I have many reasons on this.
First, tablets can distract students. For example, students can play games or chat with each other while studying.
Therefore, they can miss important information. Too much distraction can have a negative impact on students' grades.

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Second, internet connection is another problem. Not all families have internet access. This will put students at a
disadvantage. Finally, tablets are expensive. They are more expensive than traditional books. Therefore, many students
cannot buy them. In short, I think using tablets can harm students someway.

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