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- Consommer moins de viande, végétariens, insectes, sans gluten, vegan, fas-food


- Discover a new Culture, meet new people, make friendship all around the world, learn a new
language, discover typical food
- City-trip : cheap because you can have discount in last minute, you can have all in one it can
be an advantages (Paris, Dubai)
- Ski (go to the montain): after their examens, a lot of students go to ski with a group of
friends, but it’s not a destination specially for friends, a lot of family go to ski. Moreover, we
have today industrial tracks.
- Destination with sun : Country with sun is I think the destination with the most tourist, after
the school year, when a worker has leave, his first idea is to go to holiday at the sun. It’s the
best for relax after a long time of work.
- All in one
- Camping

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