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Word Synonyms Brief Meaning

Reading perusal, perusing the act of reading something carefully

Humanity human race, humankind
all human beings
Legislation lawmaking, law-giving
the process of making laws
Constitution supreme law, fundamental
the fundamental
law law of a country or state
Enact pass into law, make
to make
law something a law
Ensolve solve to find a solution to a problem
Assert state firmly, declare
to say something confidently
Assess evaluate, appraiseto judge the value or quality of something
Vote cast a ballot, poll to give one's opinion on something by choosing one of a number of options
Elect choose by vote, select
to select someone for a position by voting
Assume take on, take responsibility
to accept for
a responsibility or duty
Refute prove wrong, disprove
to show that something is not true
Enhance improve, make better
to make something better
Enchant delight, enraptureto make someone very happy
Approve sanction, authorize
to give official permission for something to happen
Delineate outline, sketch to draw the main features of something
Engrossing captivating, absorbing
holding one's attention completely
Forestalling preventing, preempting
taking action to stop something from happening
Regrading reconsidering, reviewing
changing one's opinion or decision about something
Demise death, end the end of someone's life or the existence of something
Perception understanding, interpretation
the way in which someone sees or understands something
Notion idea, opinion a belief or idea that is not necessarily based on facts
Extortion blackmail, coercion
the crime of obtaining money or property from someone by threatening them
Exploitation unfair treatment, abuse
the act of using someone or something unfairly or taking advantage of them
Obvious clear, evident easy to understand or see
Obnoxious disgusting, hatefulvery unpleasant or offensive
Billious angry, irritable feeling or showing anger or annoyance
Retrieve recover, fetch get back something that has been lost or taken away
Ferrariage carriage, coach a vehicle for carrying people, typically pulled by horses
Precious valuable, cherished
worth a lot of money or loved and valued very much
Spacious large, roomy having a lot of space or plenty of space to move around in
Vicious cruel, spiteful deliberately causing pain or suffering to others or full of or showing a desire to hurt others
Vindicate clear, exonerate prove that someone is innocent or right
Justify defend, excuse show that something is right or reasonable
Prejudice bias, discrimination
an unfair opinion or judgment formed without knowing the facts or treating someone unfairly because of their race, religion, gender, or other personal characteristic
Injustice unfairness, wrongdoing
the state of being unjust or something that is morally wrong or unacceptable
Suffrage voting rights, enfranchisement
the right to vote in elections or the granting of the right to vote
Generate create, produce produce or bring something into existence or make or manufacture something
Intimate personal, close relating to or affecting someone or their private life or having a strong personal relationship with someone
Animosity hostility, ill will strong dislike or hatred directed against a person or thing or unfriendly feelings towards someone
Instigate provoke, stir up cause something to happen, especially something bad or violent
Joint connected, sharedjoined or fastened together or done or experienced by two or more people

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