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Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Centro Universitario UAEM Atlacomulco

Accounting degree

English VIII

Portfolio of evidence
TEACHER: Ing. En Com. Víctor Manuel Pedraza

STUDENT: Sara Plata León

No. of account: 2124511


November 2023

EVIDENCE FROM THE NOTEBOOK.............................................................................4

1st partial........................................................................................................................................................4
2nd partial.......................................................................................................................................................8

TEAMS EVIDENCE..........................................................................................................13
1st partial......................................................................................................................................................13
2nd partial.....................................................................................................................................................16

AA CENTERS.....................................................................................................................17
1st partial......................................................................................................................................................17
2st partial......................................................................................................................................................19


The following work aims to make clear my knowledge acquired during the course
and the communication to date in this portfolio sets out the different activities that I
have carried out and how they were carried out, I explain how they helped me
clarify my ideas and how they are that I have learned them.

Evidence from the notebook

1st partial
In this class the teacher introduced us to the forms and structure of
transforming from the direct form to the indirect form, some of the
rules that we must take into account so that the structure of the
sentence is correct. After that, the teacher asked for participation in
which one classmate formulated the sentence directly and another
transformed it.
In this class the teacher explained to
us the topic of reported speech and
indirect speech, the changes that
must be made when transforming
from one way to another. In the same
After we had seen the theoretical
part, the teacher wrote a text on the
blackboard where we had to identify
reported and indirect speech, in the
same way identify the verbal tense
and then, according to the structure
that was there, transform it into the
countable one.

2nd partial

When we recently started

the second midterm, the
After this the teacher dictated to us a few small paragraphs about topics that
are important in the degree, one of which he addressed in the dictated text
was that of conditionals.
This is just the evidence of
the task where I leave it
alone to investigate the
On this occasion we addressed the topic of conditionals in more
depth, first the teacher explained the topic to us and then we saw
some examples. After this, the teacher asked us to distribute each
of the conditionals in teams so that we could make a small note
where they would be explained and then we would also hand in the
exercises for each conditional.
This was one of the last classes we had in the midterm, because it
is worth mentioning that on Tuesdays the session was inside the
classroom and on Thursdays in a computer room where we worked
with TEAMS.
TEAMS evidence
1st partial

English First week activities.pdf

In this job it was more

practical and it is better
because you interact more
with the English and even
if you don't understand the
language much, you
already have an idea of
the subject it is easier. The
indirect questions don't
seem so difficult to me, it's
just a little confusing due
to the structure
CAA activities..pdf

I found this activity quite

entertaining and out of the
ordinary that they always
allow us. It helped me
exercise and better
understand simple
questions of the past and
present and understand
some more concepts.

Auto Accesos.pdf

In this activity it was only

to deliver the evidence of
our first partial self-access
Reported speech pptx file (first delivery).pdf

I spoke with my partner with whom I am going

to work as a team to organize ourselves and
prepare our work that the teacher asked of
us, which consists of making a PowerPoint
presentation, the teacher already gave us the
material. We just have to explain it and record
it. Perla and I, Sara, agreed that she and I are
going to present a slide, so that it remains


Here it was only the

delivery of the previous
tabajao where we had to
explain the slides as a
2nd partial

This activity was done by

teams where we carried
out the investigation of an
important event in a
country so that we could
later explain it.


using conditionals you are

going to identify 1st, 2nd, and
3rd conditional sentences into
the text.
After this classification you
have to say in one or another
way what the condition and
result are in those sentences
you have already classified as
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
AA Centers
1st partial
2st partial
I conclude that this English VIII course has been of great importance for me
personally, since I have learned a lot about the basics of English, it is gratifying for
me to have good progress in terms of the second language and it is good to know
that the university . requires this language as a degree requirement because
English is the most spoken language in the world and in the future I know that
having knowledge of the language will be of great importance for my performance
as a professional.

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