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Interconnection scavenger hunt 29/01/24

Statement Disagree - Agree

So long as they do not harm others, individuals should be ______________________________

free to pursue their own goals.

People should not journey by car if they can walk, cycle

or take a train instead.

Whether my belongings come from near or far away, it

has no impact on me as long as they do their job


The environment should not be damaged unnecessarily

in the pursuit of human ends.

I would like to know more about where my things are

made and who makes them.

Governments should be allowed to increase taxes

significantly to save lives in the developing world.

Global interactions generally change our lives for the


I don’t know where most of my belongings were made. ______________________________

Governments, not individuals, are the ones who are

responsible for making sure companies don’t ruin the


Even if the impacts are small, my actions can make a

positive change in the world.

The choices of those who can make a big impact in the

world matter the most.

My Favorite things Description Country of origin Continent of origin

Item of clothing 1

Item of clothing 1



Food 1

Food 2

Food 3




TV show

Band/ musician



Sports team

Holiday destination
Research the Fashion Revolution 01/02/24

1. In what ways is the fashion industry making us interconnected?

2. What is the Fashion Revolution?
3. Why does it exist?
4. How did it start?
5. Who is responsible for the campaign?
6. In what ways are people taking action against the problems caused by the global garment

(Use website:

The True Cost of Black Friday 02/02/24

Define the following terms:

 Mass Production-
 Consumerism-
 Impulse Buy-
 Overspending-

Read the article:

Respond to the question:

What is the true cost of events like Black Friday? Consider the environment, the economy, the labour
market, people's wellbeing.

Use quotes or information from the article to support your response (150+ words)
Consumption 05/02/24

The Story of Stuff This explains the development of the cycle of

How does consumption interconnect countries? Construct a cause-and-effect wheel to display your ideas.

Life cycle of a t-shirt Ted clip:

While watching (or on second watch) complete the following table:

Claim - a statement based Support - evidence for the Question - what are you left
on what you saw claim wondering?

Go to Von Wong

Make a list of facts from both links on the page.

Visit the homepage and select 2 – 4 of the other photography campaigns and list the facts from those

Why would a highly renowned photographer spend time producing such campaigns? There is no money in it
– just volunteering his time and working with other volunteers and unwanted resources???

Why would people volunteer their time to help with these campaigns?
Sustainable Threads - What's behind the Label of My Jeans? 08/02/24

Use the Sustainable Threads PPT attached SUSTAINABLE THREADS FAST FASHION BLUE JEANS lesson, take
summary notes on the information shared in each slide.

Individually, then in pairs, then in small groups, complete the activities and discussions throughout the ppt.

Think about your own jeans, or other widely available product of which you might have multiple of at
Sustainable Threads #2: Rana Plaza 13/02/24

Look at Rana Plaza disaster news reports / videos (slides #2 and #3) and create a list of the problems of
garment factories - physical, economic, social, etc. Discuss your list with the class and teacher about Rana
Plaza reading.

Create a timeline of the history of garment production (Slides 5 - 8).

Move to Slide 13: Investigate the making of cloth in the 19th century. Why was it so hard? What was it like
for factory workers then?

Why are fewer garments made in the UK today? (slide 14)

What can we do to protect garment workers? Research and discussion.

What stories do objects tell us about workers in the past?

Task 4: Working in your group, use the information provided about your object to find out garment production
and the fashion industry in Birmingham and the West Midlands.

All of the objects have a connection to Birmingham or the West Midlands and are cared for by Birmingham
Museums. Most of them are on display at Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum.

Start by looking at the picture of the object and reading the information. Make some notes about the object.

Now use the further research information to find out more. What are you able to find out:
•about the workers that made or used the object?
•about the working conditions associated with the object?
•Think about the evidence and information you are using. Is it a source from the time? If it is a written source,
who wrote it? What does it not tell you about?
•What else would you like to find out about working conditions in the 18th and 19th century?
•Why do you think goods for the garment industry were made locally in the past?

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