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ACTIVITY (10/07/23)

Instruction: For your Activity today Write a 1 page of your personal experience or your
stories of an incidents that have left a huge mark in your life and the lesson learned after that

A few years ago, I had a close call with a home safety incident that
made me realize the importance of fire safety. One evening, I was
cooking dinner on the stove and got distracted by a phone call. I stepped
away from the kitchen, thinking I would only be a minute.

During that brief phone call, I completely forgot about the pot on the
stove. It wasn't until I smelled something burning that I rushed back to
the kitchen to find flames leaping from the pot. My mom and I panicked
for a moment, I reached for a kitchen towel to smother the flames, but the
fire only grew larger. Fortunately, my mom remembered the fire
extinguisher under the sink. She grabbed it, followed the instructions, and
managed to put out the fire before it could spread to the curtains and

This experience taught me a crucial lesson about the importance of

never leaving the stove unattended while cooking. Even a momentary
distraction can lead to a dangerous situation. I also learned how vital it is
to have a functioning fire extinguisher readily accessible in the kitchen
and to know how to use it.

Since then, I've become much more conscious of kitchen safety and
always make sure to stay focused when cooking. It's a lesson I'll never
forget and one that has undoubtedly improved the safety of my home.

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