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Q1 What is listening? How does it differ from hearing? why is it important to listen?
Listening is the cognitive process that involves hearing, understanding, integrating and responding.

Hearing is a [process that takes place when sound waves strike the ears and it is much of a physical
activity than cognitive

The following are the differences between hearing and listening

Hearing is the ability to use ears only. In contrast listening is a skill that requires one to use senses
including seeing, hearing and the sense of touch

Hearing is a physiological process while listening is a psychological process

Hearing is an involuntary process that starts with noise, vibrations, movement of fluid in the ears
which sends the sound to the brain whereas listening is a voluntary act through which we try to listen
and interpret the sounds etc

Listening is a cognitive process which involves hearing, interpreting, evaluating and responding. In
contrast hearing is just an unintentional process which does not involve any such mental process.

Hearing begins before we listen however listening begins only after hearing. Hearing occurs on a sub-
conscious level. While listening occurs on a conscious level

2. What is listening and what are the techniques of effective listening?

Listening is the cognitive process that involves hearing, understanding, integrating and responding.

Listening means receiving message in a thoughtful manner that leads to understanding of the
meaning of the messages. It is an important and indispensable part of the communication. It offers
the benefits of informational and relational benefits.

The following are the techniques of effective listening

1.Be attentive: To effectively listen we must practice to be attentive by eliminating physical and
mental distractions.

2. Probe questions: To effectively listen asking questions at the right time to seek clarity is
imperative. This way we can express our desire to understand while we are listening.

3.Avoid interruptions: unnecessary interruptions can prevent us to pay our attention while we are
listening. Therefore we need to avoid all such interruptions in the form of phones moving away from
distracted thoughts etc in order to listen effectively.

4. Using positive body language: we should maintain positive body language while listening.This can
be done by nodding, smiling and maintaining eye contact with the speaker.

5. Empathize: In order to effectively listen what the speaker is saying we need to look at from their
perspective. We should not jump to conclusions. We have to put ourselves in other person’s shoes
and listen attentively.

6. Paraphrasing technique: It means speaking the information given by a person in our own words
and confirming it with the speaker. This helps us to listen better by interpreting the words and
3. What are the barriers to effective listening?

Barriers are the obstacles that prevent movement or action. Barriers in active listening cause the
hindrance to the listener and disrupt the process of listening.

The following are some of the most common barriers to listening

!. Hearing problems: When people have physiological problem they wouldn’t be able to hear as it
leads to hearing deficiency

2. Rapid thoughts: On an average an effective listener can process information at a rate of 500 words
per minute. Hence people usually get bored while listening to the persons who talk very slowly.

3. Overload of message: When a message is very lengthy, illogical it becomes difficult to concentrate
and understand. As a result listening becomes ineffective.

4. Egotism: self-centred attitude is a major stumbling block in the process of listening. When a person
is self centred the mind will be closed for another person’s message an d that will effect listening.

5. Perceptions: our perceptions are selective and limited. As a result we do not listen to what the
other person is saying and we try to add or subtract the message according to our perceptions. Thus
our pre-conceived ideas, prejudices and perceptions hinder the listening process.

6. Cultural differences: In a globalised world a business organisation can have employees from
different countries, different cultures and backgrounds. This can create problems for listening to the
people of other cultures.

7. Faulty assumptions: One of the common faulty assumptions of listening is that it is basically a
passive activity and that it is only the sender’s responsibility to communicate effectively. This hinders
the process of listening.

Q4. What are the types of Listening ?

Listening is the cognitive process that involves hearing, understanding, integrating and responding.

Listening means receiving message in a thoughtful manner that leads to understanding of the
meaning of the messages. It is an important and indispensable part of the communication. It offers
the benefits of informational and relational benefits.

The following are the types of listening :

1. Pretending Listening : It means pretending through facial expressions that communicated

message is listened. Here nothing like listening takes place , just hearing is there
2. Selective Listening : It means not taking the message as it is, even adding or deducting
according to ones own whims and wishes, selecting the “desired” part and ignoring the
undesired part of the message
3. Attentive Listening : It involves paying attention on the words that are being spoken rather
than understanding the head and heart of the person speaking
4. Empathic Listening : It involves listening not only through ears but also through eyes, heart. It
is listening intently and intensively to understand the person fully, deeply, both emotionally
and intellectually.
5. Listening for mutual creativity : Listening for mutual creativity is responsible for many
breakthroughs in the world. Mutual creativity is higher than empathetic listening. Listening
for mutual creativity is rooted in 2 questions : What do you most want and How can I help
you get what you most want? This listening relieves the persons from stress and strain,
soothes their hearts and helps them to bring the idea lying in the crust of their sub-conscious
minds to the conscious surface.
6. Intuitive Listening : Like listening for mutual creativity, intuitive listening is also a higher form
of listening. It means listening through intuitive mind by silencing the other internal
dialogues going simultaneously.
7. Ethical Listening : It mean paying full attention in order to know the ethical problem in what
someone says and then actively encouraging the person to talk about it in depth by narrating
ones lived experiences.




Writing is the art of expressing our views, ideas, and thoughts. The ability to write meaningful
sentences, lines, paragraphs which a reader can easily understand is effective writing skill

The importance of writing skills:

Good writing skills are required for the following purposes:

1. To present information accurately and in detail

2. To present information in a structured, coherent and organized format
3. To present concise, relevant information
4. To analyze and evaluate written information
5. To record, report the activities, projects etc. conducted or held in an institution
6. To present information with credibility
7. To enhance vocabulary

Characteristics of good writing:

1. Conciseness: This is an important quality that distinguishes good writing from bad
writing. We must avoid unnecessary words and fillers because they distract the readers.

2. Style: writing style plays a great role in determining whether your writing is good or bad.
Writing style basically means the way that you present your text to the reader; your
word choice, voice, and fluency all contribute to your writing style. A good writing style
is always in line with the writer’s opinion, the reader’s’ expectations, and the topic’s
3. Grammar: need good grammar skills in order to craft a good piece of writing. As a
writer, you are supposed to follow the grammatical rules of Standard English precisely.

4. Correctness: A good writing must have an attention to the grammatical correctness

because Grammatical mistakes, spelling errors are very likely to have a negative impact
on your readers.

5. Word Choice: A good piece of writing must always have the most suitable and accurate
words. Good word choice greatly contributes to the clarity and readability of the text.
6. Accuracy : A good writing must have accurate information with all substantial evidences
such as presenting facts and figures using graphs, statistical data tables etc.

7. Descriptive : The language used while writing also is one of the essential characteristics
of good writing . It must be thoughtful, purposeful, and must fit to the image the author
is trying to create in the minds of the reader.

Q2. What is Email Writing? What are effective Email Writing guidelines?

In today’s world, email is the most common form of communication. Email writing involves composing,
sending, storing and receiving messages over an electronic communication system. An email stands for an
electronic mail.

Email writing is a form of expressing ideas or queries. It is helpful only if we write an email in clear and
unambiguous terms. Effective email writing has the property of clarity of statement, the needed solution
with clear, logical, and simple language. Email writing can be successful if we follow some rules. These
are the rules of

 Greeting

 Introduction

 Giving Context or information

 Call for action

Effective Email Writing

There are some ways in which one can improve the way of email writing. To write a good email we must
: Write a meaningful subject line

 Keep the message focused and understanding

 Identify yourself clearly

 Use official id for business-related or professional emails

 Use short sentences for clear convey of the message

 Organize the content of the mail in a logical and systematic manner

 Be kind

 Not lose our focus

 Use separate paragraphs for stating different points

 Use proper, simple, polite, and clear language

 Show respect and restraint

 Make sure the message is complete

 Proofread

 Find the difference between formal and informal situations

 Respond promptly

Q3. What are Advantages and disadvantages of Email Writing


In today’s world, email is the most common form of communication. Email writing involves composing,
sending, storing and receiving messages over an electronic communication system. An email stands for an
electronic mail.

Email writing is a form of expressing ideas or queries. It is helpful only if we write an email in clear and
unambiguous terms. Effective email writing has the property of clarity of statement, the needed solution
with clear, logical, and simple language.

Advantages of Email Writing

 It is a cheaper form of communication.

 Email helps to contact or send information to a large group of people.

 It provides a written record of the communication.

 Email writing is an instantaneous form of communication.

 It can be used anytime and anywhere.

Disadvantages of Email Writing

 We need to have the internet to receive or send emails

 Viruses are easily spread via email attachments

 One can get many junk emails

 There is no guarantee if the reader reads the email or not

 The details can be used for identity theft

Q4. What is business Writing? What are the steps of business writing?

Business writing is an essential skill in the workplace as it encompasses the ability to communicate
clearly and concisely through documents, such as emails and reports. Business writing is a form of
written professional communication. business writing is practical, which means the documents are
useful to the readers and they may perform an actionable step after reading it. Some examples of
business writing includes offer letters, business proposals, proposals for higher studies, Emails,
Memos, Notices and Circulars etc.

The following are the steps of Business Writing:

1.Pre Writing (Planning)

2.Free Writing

3. Re-Writing

Pre Writing :

Before beginning a business document, memo, or email, one should ponder two primary questions:

 Who is the reader?

 What do I want to convey to the reader through my writing?

Clarity of purpose gives a direction to the writing and develops its tone, structure, and flow.

Free Writing :

In this stage, first rough draft with an outline is prepared in which the information is written in logical
sequence. Once this is complete, writing can be done in an easy and convenient manner.

Re- Writing : This step involves review and revision of the first draft. While in this stage, we must be
sure of not using long and repetitive ideas, change passive voice sentences to active , correct
grammatical , spelling and punctuation errors etc.

Q5) what is paragraph writing and what are essentials of paragraph writing

A Paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea. In order for a paragraph to be
effective, it must begin with a topic sentence, have sentences that support the main idea of that
paragraph, and maintain a consistent flow.

An effective paragraph has the following qualities:

• presents a single idea

• begins with a topic sentence that makes this single idea evident

• contains support in form of sentences that convey this single idea

• is strategically organized to maintain flow

• maintains your essay’s objective

• informs and entertains your reader about your paper’s overall idea.

There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity,
coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development.

Unity: In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a
single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.

Coherence: It is more commonly referred to as the flow of your writing. When a paragraph flows, the
reader will be able to understand the main idea that you have presented. After presenting the main
idea in topic sentence, each sentence following must build upon each other in an organized manner.

Topic Sentence: The topic sentence is the most important part of the paragraph; it tells the reader
the general idea of paragraphs. The topic sentence helps to provide a “general summary” for

Sufficient development: Paragraph should not be too short or too long, but it should be an
appropriate length. A reader should not be left with questions after a sufficiently development
paragraph. In order to achieve this, we can provide examples, cite work, provide necessary
definitions, describe, analyze, and organize ideas.

Q6) What is writing? What are the steps of writing?

Writing is the art of expressing our views, ideas, and thoughts. The ability to write meaningful
sentences, lines, paragraphs which a reader can easily understand is effective writing skill

The importance of writing skills:

Good writing skills are required for the following purposes:

1. To present information accurately and in detail

2. To present information in a structured, coherent and organized format
3. To present concise, relevant information
4. To analyze and evaluate written information
5. To record, report the activities, projects etc. conducted or held in an institution
6. To present information with credibility
7. To enhance vocabulary

The following are the steps of Writing

1.Pre Writing (Planning)

2.Free Writing

3. Re-Writing

Pre Writing:
Before beginning a business document, memo, or email, one should ponder two primary questions:

 Who is the reader?

 What do I want to convey to the reader through my writing?

Clarity of purpose gives a direction to the writing and develops its tone, structure, and flow.

Free Writing:

In this stage, first rough draft with an outline is prepared in which the information is written in logical
sequence. Once this is complete, writing can be done in an easy and convenient manner.

Re- Writing: This step involves review and revision of the first draft. While in this stage, we must be
sure of not using long and repetitive ideas, change passive voice sentences to active, correct
grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, write short sentences , use I we, you , use headings,
lists, use positive words , use exact words, avoid jargons etc.

Notes on Digital Literacy

What is Digital Literacy? What is its role in professional life ?


Why and how is digital literacy important in the present globalized world?


Write a short notes on digital literacy and its global impact

Answer :

Digital Literacy is an individual’s ability to evaluate and compose information through writing and
other media on various digital platforms. It is one of the most essential skills to work in the present
21st century environment. Companies all over the world are providing employment opportunities to
people with good digital literacy. It is based on the concepts of visual literacy, computer literacy, and
information literacy.

In these days of globalization and IT, digital literacy plays an important role. Digital skills have become
a mandatory force in the employment especially in the digital marketing sphere. The UNO has
adopted digital literacy in its 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. UNESCO also is promoting the
need for digital literacy among the youth especially across the globe.

Digital literacy is very important as it a play a vital role in professional lives. The impact and
importance of digital literacy can be found in many areas of business and communication such as :

1. Development of modern communication devices: Due to IT many new communication

devices and techniques are emerging. Mobile phones, Laptops, ultra-modern desktops with
the most advanced features have emerged and are trending. These devices are very much
used in the completing our day to day professional works with good speed and accuracy.
therefore, it is very important that we should learn to use and handle them effectively.

2. Data representation: Data collection, Data analysis , data interpretation etc have become the
need for many business firms. Data need to be processed at extra speed, and this is possible
because of computer and latest technological advancements. Hence one should be aware of
working with such devices and hence digital literacy is needed in such situations. This
knowledge can enhance our professional aspects.

3. Enhances efficiency : With digital skills training and knowledge one can perform their day to
day works at a greater speed and with accuracy. Hence it enhances efficiency of the

4. Greater Networking : Through digital devices, new and more connections across the global
can be maintained. It helps in interacting and collaborating with them through internet
based social media platforms. It opens new doors to embrace new cultures, new connections
and promotes better understanding in the workplace.

5. Encourages curiosity: Digital skills will help an employee to engage himself with new and
innovative ideas that can help building connections, deal with rich information in any field
and there by provide opportunities for professional development.

6. Global village: Due to advancements in technology, the world has become a global village.
Many companies have branches across the world not just in their home country. The
employers are maintaining connections with their employees through various types of
meting that are conducted in the form of video conferencing, zoom meetings etc etc . So this
aspect has also deeply impacted the professional lives of the people. Internet based
applications , social media devices are widely used and hence digital literacy is important.

7. Digital economies : Many countries have transformed into digital economies due to IT
revolution and technological advancements. Electronic payments, digital payments
transactions have increased. E commerce has transformed to M commerce. Hence digital
literacy need has increased. One who is well trained and equipped with digital knowledge
has the scope for better and faster growth. Due t digital economies, digital literacy has
become imperative for professional growth too.

8. A new way of business : These days digital marketing is playing a vital role for success of a
company/product or service . Any new product design, launch, marketing, promotion etc is
done on social media and digital platforms with faster reach, better sales and customer
satisfaction. This has impacted the way business is run. Employees who master these digital
skills can have better and happy professional life in such highly successful business

Hence it can be rightly concluded that digital literacy and skills are considered important life and
professional skills in the present global scenario. A well-educated person cannot be considered
educated if he/she is not digitally educated. Therefore, to gain competitive edge, digital literacy is
very important.

Q 2 Write short notes on MS Paint, MS Excel and Power point

Answer :

Microsoft Paint is also known as MS Paint. It is a basic graphics drawing program that has been an
indispensable part of all versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. The program opens,
modifies and saves image files in Windows bitmap (BMP), JPEG, GIF, PNG, and single-
page TIFF formats. For its simplicity and wide availability, it rapidly became one of the most used
Windows applications

MSP provides easy ways for creating different types of graphics with different tools. The tools include
brushes, shape generators, pens, and erasers. Many users of Windows might also be unaware of its
presence, considering the popularity of web-based graphics creation tools.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet editor developed

by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and iPadOS. It
features calculation or computation capabilities, graphing tools, pivot tables, and
a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Excel forms part of
Microsoft 365 suite.
Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in
numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic
operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial
needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited
three-dimensional graphical display. It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various
factors for different perspectives

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program. PowerPoint became a component of

the Microsoft Office suite, first offered in 1989 for Macintosh[12] and in 1990 for Windows which
bundled several Microsoft apps. PowerPoint was originally designed to provide visuals for group
presentations within business organizations, but has come to be very widely used in many other
communication situations, both in business and beyond. PowerPoint is e used in many
communication situations, well beyond its original business presentation uses, to include teaching in
schools and in universities, lecturing in scientific meetings and preparing their related poster
sessions, worshipping in churches, making legal arguments in courtrooms displaying supertitles in
theaters, driving helmet-mounted displays in spacesuits for NASA astronauts,] giving military
briefings, issuing governmental reports undertaking diplomatic negotiations, writing novels, giving
architectural demonstrations prototyping website designs creating animated video games editing
images,[126] creating art projects and even as a substitute for writing engineering technical reports,
and as an organizing tool for writing general business documents. PowerPoint is being used
Notes on Social Media

1. What is social media and what are its features

Social Media is a form of electronic communication (such as websites for

social networking and microblogging) through which users create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other
content (such as videos). The ‘social’ part comes from people interacting
with each other and the ‘media’ part comes from the platforms that make
these interactions possible.

Some key features of social media sites:

1. Provide free web space: Members of these sites don’t need to own or share web
servers. They can publish their content on the free space provided by these
2. Provide free web address: Members are allotted a unique web address that
becomes the web identity of an individual or a business. It can be used to
identify, connect and share content.
3. Ask members to build profiles: These sites require members to build their profiles.
Information entered in the profiles is used to connect friends and contacts,
and build networks that connect people with similar likes and interests
across the world.
4. Encourage members to upload content: These sites allow members to upload text
messages, photographs, audio and video files. All posts are published in in
descending order with the last post coming first. Most important, all content
is published in real time, and can be read, viewed or shared instantly.
5. Allow members to build conversations: Members can browse content and comment
upon it. By doing so, social media sites allow members to engage in
conversations that increase engagement.
6. Allow live chats: Several social media sites have chat clients that enable
members to chat with each other in real time.
7. Direct Messaging facility: Several social media sites provide direct messaging
facility to their members. This allows members to send private messages,
which can be read or viewed only by those for whom the message is intended.
8. Provide tagging alerts: Most social media sites alert members through e-mail or
in site notifications whenever they are tagged in a message or in a
9. Enable members to create unique pages: On some social media sites, members can
create theme-based pages. The pages can then be used to post articles or
photographs related to a theme. The pages can also be used to promote
Q2. What are the differences between social media and traditional media

Media is a broad industry that involves communicating ideas to a large group of people. Social media
and traditional media are two sectors within the media field.
Social media is a mass communication system that allows businesses and customers to interact
online. These interactions take place on social media platforms. This can involve websites, messaging
systems and applications. Companies may use social media to advertise their products, respond to
customers and broadcast a brand or idea.

Traditional media is a form of mass communication that involves sharing ideas with a specific
audience. This can include newspapers, television programs, magazines and radio shows. It can also
involve digital versions of these tools, such as an online magazine or a blog.


1.Traditional Media can help businesses have broader and wide range of audiences while Social
media audiences can be smaller in number

2. Traditional media communication often has a one – way communication where as Social Media
involves two – way communication

3. Cost wise, social media incurs less costs than traditional media

4. Traditional Media is time consuming, has schedules while social media has flexible timelines, takes
less time to reach audiences.

5. Content posted in social media can be edited , re posted as per the requirements but the content
on traditional media remains fixed.

Q3 . What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media?

Social Media is a form of electronic communication (such as websites for

social networking and microblogging) through which users create online
communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other
content (such as videos). The ‘social’ part comes from people interacting
with each other and the ‘media’ part comes from the platforms that make
these interactions possible.

ocial media has revolutionized our communication. People communicate on Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram today. Social media has altered our communication. Nowadays, people
communicate on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
These platforms allow users to build connections by sharing content, commenting on posts, and
voting on polls. This allows people to engage in a variety of discussions and share opinions.
Some popular social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Advantages of social media

1. Useful for educational purposes:
Social media allows you to reach a large audience and build your brand. You can share relevant
information or content with this audience, which is helpful if you want people to follow you on
social media. This can help promote your business or product, which will help you increase sales.
2. Build your brand:
Social media helps you build your brand by interacting with others and sharing interesting facts
about yourself. Sharing content on social media can help you gain followers who will then be
interested in what you have to say. It also helps build trust between the viewer and the content
creator because they already know them because of their interactions on social media platforms
such as Twitter or Facebook.

3. Reach a large audience:

Social media allows users to easily connect and share information with their friends or followers.
Millions of people use social media every day, making it easier for businesses like yours to find
potential customers online. Due to its ability to communicate directly with customers, social
media has become an essential tool for businesses worldwide. It allows them to engage with
customers without being physically present, such as in stores. When someone sees something
interesting posted by someone else, they might want.

4. Target audiences based on their interests.

When choosing who should receive marketing messages via social media, it’s essential not just to
reach out indiscriminately but also to target those who would be most likely interested in what
you have to offer—this will increase their likelihood of responding. For example, suppose you’re
a photographer and want to target businesses that could use your services. In that case, you might
send them a message about the different types of photography available and what they can do for
each business type (e.g., commercial photography for companies or portraits for individuals).

5. Stay up to date.
You can stay in touch with what’s happening in your industry or world by following people on
social media who are doing things you want to be doing. You can spend time following brands
and companies that interest you and find out about new products and services they’re offering so
that you can learn from them.

6. Get connected to new people.

When you use social media, you connect to people who share your interests and values. This can
help build relationships, which may lead to business opportunities later on down the road.

7. Create your audiences.

If you’re not using social media for business purposes, it may still be worth it for other reasons,
like building an audience of people who like what you offer! Having a significant online
following means there’s a good chance that someone will see what you post and contact you
about it later, which could lead to more opportunities for both sides.

8. Free to use.
Social media is free! No fees or subscriptions are involved as long as you have an established
account with some provider (like Facebook). If not, some costs might be associated with getting
started or maintaining it (like paying a monthly fee). Still, these are usually very low and
affordable if you’re willing to do some research.
9. Builds relationships.
In addition to meeting new people through social media, you can also reconnect with old friends.
It’s also a great way to keep in touch with people who may not live close by anymore but still
want to stay connected somehow.

10. Get new visitors to website:

Through social media, we may increase visitors to our website and gain a lot of conversions,
which results in sales if there is high engagement and a large audience

Disadvantages of Social Media

some disadvantages of social media:

1. Spending a lot of time on social media.

Social media is addictive and can consume your time if you don’t have any other interests. It
would help if you kept up with your studies and hobbies to stay productive.

2. Decrease in Communication skills.

Social media makes us more self-centered and less empathetic towards others. It also makes us
more narcissistic than ever because we can show off our achievements and post photos from
parties without facing any consequences.

3. Fake news.
Fake news stories have been making headlines lately due to their viral nature; these stories often
spread like wildfire among young people who lack critical thinking skills or experience with
reading between the lines regarding online content.

4. Social media can cause sleeplessness

Studies show that when people spend too much time on social media, they have trouble getting to
sleep, leading to insomnia and other sleep disorders.

5. Content on social media is not appropriate for children.

While some parents monitor their kids’ social media accounts, most don’t have access to them.
And if they do, they’re not going to be keeping an eye on every single post and saying, “that’s
inappropriate.” This can lead to some pretty dangerous situations!

6. Cyber attacks are becoming more prevalent in today’s

It will help if you protect yourself from these threats by using passwords that are difficult to
guess (like capital letters or numbers), changing passwords regularly, and staying away from
public Wi-Fi hotspots wherever possible.

7. Lack of Confidence.
People who are not confident in their skills may feel inferior when they post something on social
media, which can lead to low self-esteem and depression.
8. Fear of missing out (FOMO).
People constantly checking their phones for new messages or updates may become anxious if
they do not see anything promptly. This can lead to stress and anxiety if people use social media

9. No privacy:
There is no privacy on social media as it is public by nature. Anyone can access the content
posted on social media without prior notice or permission from the user who originally posted it.

10. Getting close to Depression

Getting close to depression is another potential side effect of spending too much time on social
media sites like Facebook or Instagram (see point above). Getting too caught up in one’s own life
can lead many people into depression! One way to prevent this is by opening up channels with
others who are also using social media sites. Sharing your experiences with others going through
similar struggles is possible by joining a Facebook or Instagram group.


Short Questions

Q1. What is Non Verbal Communication?

Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the transmission of messages or signals through a
nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, use of objects
and body language. It includes the use of social cues, kinesics, distance (proxemics) and
physical environments/appearance, of voice (paralanguage) and of touch (haptics).
Q2 . What is Kinesics
Kinesics is the interpretation of body communication such as facial
expressions and gestures, nonverbal behavior related to movement of any part of the body
or the body as a whole.

Q3. What is Proxemics?

Proxemics is the branch of knowledge that deals with the amount of space that people feel
it necessary to set between themselves and others.

Q4. What is Paralanguage?

Paralanguage is the non-lexical component of communication by speech, for
example intonation, pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gesture, and facial

Long Questions:

Q1. What is Non verbal communication? Discuss various types of non-verbal



Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the transmission of messages or signals through a

nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, use of objects
and body language. It includes the use of social cues, kinesics, distance (proxemics) and
physical environments/appearance, of voice (paralanguage) and of touch (haptics).
Nonverbal communication skills are important because they can help us understand what
others are saying and communicate our own thoughts and feelings more effectively. Non-
verbal communication skills can be useful in both personal and professional situations, and
they are especially useful in difficult or challenging situations.

The Different Types of Nonverbal Communication are:

1. Facial Expressions:

One of the most important forms of nonverbal communication are facial expressions. They
can convey information about a person’s emotional state and can have a significant
influence in social interactions.

Facial expressions can convey a wide range of emotions, including happiness, joy, sadness,
and anger. They can also communicate emotions like fear, surprise, or disgust Facial
expressions are important not only for conveying our own emotions, but also for interpreting
the emotions of others.

2. Eye contact
Nonverbal communication relies heavily on eye contact. It can be used to express curiosity,
convey confidence, and build rapport. Making eye contact with someone establishes a
connection with that person. If you avoid making eye contact, you may appear uninterested
or untrustworthy. Maintaining good eye contact will make you appear more confident and

3. Gestures

They are physical movements of the body parts that convey certain moods and feelings. For
example, we could use hands to emphasize a point while speaking.

4.Body movements and posture

Our movements and how we carry ourselves send important messages to others. Our body
language, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact are all powerful nonverbal
communication tools that can influence the messages we send and receive. Body language
can have a significant impact on how others perceive us. It can also have an impact on how
we feel about ourselves. Postures are the ways we hold ourselves. Our gait and stance can
indicate confidence, fear, anxiety, over confidence etc.

5. Proxemics

it is the study of how people perceive space. It can be classified as intimate, personal, social
and public.

6. Paralanguage

It is the study of voice quality, volume, speech rate and it concentrates on how we speak
rather than what we speak

7. Haptics (touch)

It has the ability to express a wide range of emotions, from comfort and warmth to anger and
violence. When we touch someone, we send a message that transcends the physical
sensation. The way we touch people expresses our feelings for them. A pat on the back can
be used to express approval or congratulations, whereas a slap on the back can be used to
express aggression.

8. Chronemics

Chronemics is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. Time perceptions
include punctuality, willingness to wait, and interactions. The use of time can affect lifestyles,
daily agendas, speed of speech, movements, and how long people are willing to listen.

9 Artifactics
It means communicating through clothes, appearance, objects such as pens, handbags,
footwear etc.

Nonverbal communication skills are critical for success in any profession. Nonverbal
communication is a critical part of any interaction. It can be used to communicate emotions,
establish rapport, and create an overall impression. Many aspects of life require nonverbal
communication skills. They assist us in better understanding and interpreting the world
around us, as well as in strengthening our relationships and improving our overall
communication ability.

Q2. What are the differences between Verbal and Non Verbal Communication?
Verbal and non-verbal communication are two important forms of human interaction which
are playing key roles in expressing messages, emotions, and thoughts.
Verbal communication is the spoken or written words to express the information.
-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and visuals
to communicate without using words.
Both are fundamental ways of communication among human individuals for interaction
used to express ideas.

The following are the differences between Verbal and Non Verbal Communication Skills:

Non-verbal communication
Aspect Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication

Body language, facial expressions,

Medium Spoken or written words
gestures, etc.

Channel Auditory and visual Primarily visual

Language Language proficiency can More universal, transcending

Barriers affect understanding language barriers.

Speed of Faster in conveying Slower, allowing for more subtle

Delivery information nuances

Conscious Often requires conscious Often unconscious and

Control effort and articulation spontaneous.

Can be more precise and Can be ambiguous and open to

explicit interpretation.

Emotional Tone of voice conveys Facial expressions and body

Expression emotions language convey emotions.

Memory Non-verbal cues can be

Easier to remember and recall
Retention challenging to recall accurately.

Cultural Language may have cultural Non-verbal cues can vary

Differences nuances significantly across cultures.

Covers a broad range of More effective for expressing

topics feelings and attitudes.

Q3. What is Non Verbal Communication? Why it is needed and important ? How do we
improve Non verbal communication skills
Answer :
Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the transmission of messages or signals through a
nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, use of objects
and body language. It includes the use of social cues, kinesics, distance (proxemics) and
physical environments/appearance, of voice (paralanguage) and of touch (haptics).
Characteristics of Non-verbal Communication
1. Involves gestures, body language, facial expressions, and visual cues.
2. Provides emotional depth and context to messages.
3. Feedback is often subtle, indirect, or delayed.
4. Can have cultural universality in some expressions.
5. Crucial in conveying emotions and attitudes, especially in emotional situations.
6. Overcomes language barriers.
7. Supplements, reinforces, or contradicts verbal messages.
8. Emotions are often displayed non-verbally.
9. Non-verbal cues can be interpreted quickly.


Nonverbal communication serves an important role in conveying meaning and
effective communication. Some benefit nonverbal communication skills provide include:
 Strengthening relationships: Nonverbal communication helps create closeness
and intimacy in interpersonal relationships.
 Substituting for spoken words: Signaling information that a person might not be
able to say aloud.
 Reinforcing meaning: Matching nonverbal messages to spoken words can help
add clarity and reinforce important points.
 Regulating conversation: Nonverbal signals can also help regulate the flow of
conversation and indicate both the start and end of a conversation, message or


1. Pay close attention to what the person says. Really listening to what the person is
telling you is crucial to being a helpful listener. When you reply, it can be helpful to
repeat some of what they told you, using the same language. This attention to detail
demonstrates that you care.
2. Maintain comfortable eye contact. Don’t avoid eye contact, but do avoid staring. It’s
important to meet someone’s gaze. It shows you are interested and that your focus is on
them – quite literally!
3. Maintain an open body position. Avoid crossing your arms over your body – it may
appear defensive. When your body position is open, it conveys that you are open to
4. Sit down, even if the person is standing. Being on the same level as someone appears
less threatening and can make them feel more comfortable, while avoiding feelings of
tension or nervousness when having personal conversations.
5. Sit alongside and angled toward the person rather than directly opposite them. This
allows the conversation to feel friendly and nonconfrontational. No one wants to feel like
they’re being interviewed.
6. Avoid fidgeting. During a sensitive conversation, it may be tempting to fidget, but it can
be distracting to the person who is talking. It could also make it appear that you are
uncomfortable, nervous or bored.

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