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How about going to

the cinema?

LESSON: Speak D - Unit 2 (1) - How about going to the cinema?

Time: 25 minutes
- Lecture slide: Speak D - Unit 2 (1) - How about going to the cinema?
- Toys and crafts: Puppet, rewarding system (Kani image, carrot images etc or flexible)
- Flashcards
- Whiteboard and pen
Setting up the class:
- The teacher should log into the system via the link shared by Operations Executive 5
minutes before starting time.
- The Operation team should:
+ Upload PDF file of lecture slide: Speak D - Unit 2 (1) - How about going to
the cinema?
+ Open a whiteboard and upload Kani image, carrot images in order to reward
Kani. Teachers can save and upload directly from your computer
After class activities
Complete Movers - Speaking Practice 23
General notes:
- Speed: For this level, speaking speed is really important. Teachers should speak
slower than usual. Speed will be decided based on the student's age, the younger the
slower. Speed will also depend on the students’ level.
- TPR: Using TPR is really important to motivate the student and using puppets,
flashcards, as required, will help motivate the student.
- Pronunciation: For ESL students, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
- The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
- If the student cannot answer, the teacher can mouth then say out loud to help.
- If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR or puppets.
!!! For Kyna Speak, students are NOT expected to write. Please make sure that the
student tool mode is off during class. It should be granted for students at some
activities mentioned in the LP. Instead, all answers should be given orally in full
sentences. Please pay attention to their use of English and pronunciation and fix their
errors during class.

Evaluate student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to fill
in the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is
compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for
each class within 24 hours.

After class activities: Complete Movers - Speaking Practice 23


(0.5 mins)
1. Teacher : Hello, my name is ..................... . What's your name?
T (helps the student to reply): My name is .............................. .
- T: How are you?
T (shows their thumb up/down) I'm well/ happy/ sad?
2. Teacher introduces the rewards system
- T (switches to the whiteboard with the Kani image) This is our friend, Kani . When you do
a great job (point to the student and thumb up), Kani gets a carrot.
Please remember that one carrot should be given at the end of each activity and the number
of carrots should be summarized at the end of the lesson.
Look and find

Where can you ...?

(2 mins)
T says: Let's play a game called "Look and find". Look at the picture and listen to my questions
and find the places.

This warm-up activity helps determine at which level the student is: Beginner,
Intermediate or Advanced.
- If the student doesn't understand the question from the first time and needs a lot of
guidance during the activity, he/she is at the BEGINNER level. Please follow the
teaching instructions for the BEGINNER level.
- If the student needs little guidance during the activity and doesn't answer in full
sentences, he/she is at the INTERMEDIATE level. Please follow the teaching
instructions for the INTERMEDIATE level.
- If the student answer correctly, confidently and fluently in full sentences, he/she is at
the ADVANCED level. Please follow the teaching instructions for the ADVANCED level.


T makes an example first by asking:

T: Where can you read books?

T signals S to answer:
S: I can read books at the library.
T: Good job! Let's find the library in the picture and circle it.

T signals S to circle the library.

Do the same with the rest
S is expected to answer in full sentences.

Questions to ask and answer key:

1/ Where can you see a film?

- I can see a film at the cinema.
2/ Where can you catch a bus?
- I can catch a bus at the bus station.
3/ Where can you buy yo-yos, dolls and robots?
- I can buy them at the toy store.
4/ Where can you learn many subjects (Maths, English, P.E, Science...) every day?
- I can learn many subjects at school every day.
5/ Where can you buy food?
- I can buy food at the supermarket.


T makes an example first by asking:

T: Where can you read books?

T signals S to answer:
S: I can read books at the library.
T: Good job! Let's find the library in the picture and circle it.

T signals S to circle the library and ask some extended questions:

T: Is there a library at your school?
S: Yes, there's a library in my school./ No, there aren't.
T: What books do you usually read at the library?
S: I usually read <kind of books> (Comics/Sciences/ English books, ect...)

Do the same with the rest

S is expected to answer in full sentences. T can prompt the answers if S needs help.

At this level, T chooses 3 places to ask extended questions: Bus station, Toy shop and School.
Follow the suggested questions and answers below:

Suggested questions and answers:

1/ Cinema:
- Where can you see a film?
I can see a film at the cinema.

2/ Bus station
- Where can you catch a bus?
I can catch a bus at the bus station.
- Do you go to school by bus?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
If S says 'Yes', T asks: Are there any bus stations near your house? - Yes, there (is) are
<number> (a lot of) bus station(s) near my house./ No, there aren't.
If S says 'No', T asks: How do you go to school? - I go to school by bike (car)./ I walk to

3/ Toy store
- Where can you buy yo-yos, dolls and robots?
I can buy them at the toy store.
- What is your favorite toys?
I like <S's favorite toy>
- What colour is it?
It's <colour>.

4/ School
- Where can you learn many subjects (Maths, English, P.E, Sicence...) every day?
I can learn many subjects at school every day.
- When have you got English?
I've got English on <day>.

5/ Supermarket
- Where can you buy food?
I can buy food at the supermarket.


T makes an example first by asking:

T: Where can you read books?

T signals S to answer:
S: I can read books in the library.
T: Good job! Let's find the library in the picture and circle it.

T signals S to circle the library and ask some extended questions:

T: Is there a library at your school?
S: Yes, there's a library at my school./ No, there aren't.
T: What books do you usually read at the library?
S: I usually read <kind of books> (Comics/Sciences/ English books, ect...)

Do the same with the rest

S is expected to answer in full sentences. T can prompt the answers if S needs help.

At this level, T asks extended questions for all places. Follow the suggested questions and
answers below:

1/ Cinema:
- Where can you see a film?
I can see a film at the cinema.
- Do you often go to the cinema at the weekends?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
- What was the last film did you watch at the cinema?
I watched <the film's name>
2/ Bus station
- Where can you catch a bus?
I can catch a bus at the bus station.
- Do you go to school by bus?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
If S says 'Yes', T asks: Are there any bus stations near your house? - Yes, there (is) are
<number> (a lot of) bus station(s) near my house./ No, there aren't.
If S says 'No', T asks: How do you go to school? - I go to school by bike (car)./ I walk to

3/ Toy store
- Where can you buy yo-yos, dolls and robots?
I can buy them at the toy store.
- What is your favorite toys?
I like <S's favorite toy>
- What colour is it?
It's <colour>.

4/ School
- Where can you learn many subjects (Maths, English, P.E, Science...) every day?
I can learn many subjects at school every day.
- When have you got English?
I've got English on <day>.

5/ Supermarket
- Where can you buy food?
I can buy food at the supermarket.
- Can you name some supermarkets in your hometown?
They are <supermarkets' name>
- Are they near your house?
Yes, they are./ No, they aren't.
- What do you usually buy at the supermarket?
I usually buy <things> (food, fruits, meat, drinks, milk, etc.)

4 5 3





1 C I N E M A

(2 mins)
- T: Let's learn review and learn some names of places. Now, you'll look at the picture. Then
complete the crossword using the given words. You should explain your answer.

- T: Look at the first one. I will make an example. Here Tom is in a place where many people
buy tickets to sit and watch movies. So I write the word 'cinema'.
(Ask the S to repeat the sentence and explain the word again)

- T: Now, it's your turn. Let's move to the next picture.

(T underlines each word and signals the S to give the answers. T asks the student why they
choose that word then gives feedback. T asks the student to repeat the words with the full
sentences and the correct definitions.)

- Similar to other words.

BEGINNER: The S needs a lot of guidance during this activity. T should help the S understand
the meaning of the given words before choosing the answers.

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: The S can fill in the blank with little guidance because they
understand the word and can explain it in phrases. T should pay attention to the use of
English, fix their errors, then ask the S to repeat.

- At these levels, T asks S to describe more about the people in the picture using the structure
they learned (What are they doing in these places? What are they wearing? How do they look
like?) after explaining the words.
E.g: Tom is watching 'Spider man" movie in the cinema. There are a lot of people there.
Answer key:
2. Supermarket 3. Farm 4. Countryside 5. Park

Explanation and Description:

2. Supermarket = This is a very big shop where people buy foods, drinks and other
things which they use at home
- The man is buying some food in the supermarket. He's wearing blue shirt, brown
trousers and glasses.
3. Farm = This is a place where farmers use land to grow crops (rice, vegetables) and
raise animals (cows, pigs, goats, horses, etc.)
- There are 3 farmers on the farm. They are feeding the cows.
4. Park = This place is large with grass and trees where children can play with the
swings, slides or play sports together
- The children are playing with the swing and the slide.
5. Countryside = There are a lot of farms but a few houses here.
- There are only 3 houses in the countryside.
Look and fill in the blanks using the given words

next to They are to...

in front of the elephants.

between Excuse me, where are the monkeys?

(2 mins)
T says: Let's learn and review the prepositions of place. Look at the pictures of the zoo, read
the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the given words


T says: Look at the first dialogue. The girl is looking for the monkeys, so let look at the picture
and find them
T signals S to find and circle the monkeys
Then T asks: Are they next to the elephants? and signals S to answer.
T asks S to repeat the words 'next to' twice and emphasize the preposition of the monkeys
and the elephants in the picture to help S understand the word

Do the same with the other words


Do the same with beginner level but let the S look at the picture and remember where the
animals are and ask later.
Then T asks S: Do you usually go to the zoo? If yes, where are the elephants/ tigers/
monkeys/ lions/ bears...? If not, Tasks S to tell the famous zoo that he/she knows

T conducts other dialogues using the prepositions above

Answer key
2. between 3. opposite 4. behind 5. in front of
Look and fill in the blanks using the given words

They are ____ the

next to cáfe and the shop.

in front of
Excuse me,
where are the toilets?

T says: Let's learn and review the prepositions of place. Look at the pictures of the zoo, read
the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the given words


T says: Look at the first dialogue. The girl is looking for the monkeys, so let look at the picture
and find them
T signals S to find and circle the monkeys
Then T asks: Are they next to the elephants? and signals S to answer.
T asks S to repeat the words 'next to' twice and emphasize the preposition of the monkeys
and the elephants in the picture to help S understand the word

Do the same with the other words


Do the same with beginner level but let the S look at the picture and remember where the
animals are and ask later.
Then T asks S: Do you usually go to the zoo? If yes, where are the elephants/ tigers/
monkeys/ lions/ bears...? If not, T asks S to tell the famous zoo that he/she knows

T conducts other dialogues using the prepositions above

Answer key
2. between 3. opposite 4. behind 5. in front of
Look and fill in the blanks using the given words

They are ____ the

next to frogs, Aghh !!!

in front of Excuse me,

opposite where are the tigers?
behind s

T says: Let's learn and review the prepositions of place. Look at the pictures of the zoo, read
the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the given words


T says: Look at the first dialogue. The girl is looking for the monkeys, so let look at the picture
and find them
T signals S to find and circle the monkeys
Then T asks: Are they next to the elephants? and signals S to answer.
T asks S to repeat the words 'next to' twice and emphasize the preposition of the monkeys
and the elephants in the picture to help S understand the word

Do the same with the other words


Do the same with beginner level but let the S look at the picture and remember where the
animals are and ask later.
Then T asks S: Do you usually go to the zoo? If yes, where are the elephants/ tigers/
monkeys/ lions/ bears...? If not, T asks S to tell the famous zoo that he/she knows

T conducts other dialogues using the prepositions above

Answer key
2. between 3. opposite 4. behind 5. in front of
Look and fill in the blanks using the given words

Excuse me, where

are the lions? They are ____
next to elephants.
in front of
opposite Lio


T says: Let's learn and review the prepositions of place. Look at the pictures of the zoo, read
the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the given words


T says: Look at the first dialogue. The girl is looking for the monkeys, so let look at the picture
and find them
T signals S to find and circle the monkeys
Then T asks: Are they next to the elephants? and signals S to answer.
T asks S to repeat the words 'next to' twice and emphasize the preposition of the monkeys
and the elephants in the picture to help S understand the word

Do the same with the other words


Do the same with beginner level but let the S look at the picture and remember where the
animals are and ask later.
Then T asks S: Do you usually go to the zoo? If yes, where are the elephants/ tigers/
monkeys/ lions/ bears...? If not, T asks S to tell the famous zoo that he/she knows

T conducts other dialogues using the prepositions above

Answer key
2. between 3. opposite 4. behind 5. in front of
Look and fill in the blanks using the given words

next to
in front of
Where's Sue? She's _____
the shop.

T says: Let's learn and review the prepositions of place. Look at the pictures of the zoo, read
the dialogue and fill in the blanks using the given words


T says: Look at the first dialogue. The girl is looking for the monkeys, so let look at the picture
and find them
T signals S to find and circle the monkeys
Then T asks: Are they next to the elephants? and signals S to answer.
T asks S to repeat the words 'next to' twice and emphasize the preposition of the monkeys
and the elephants in the picture to help S understand the word

Do the same with the other words


Do the same with beginner level but let the S look at the picture and remember where the
animals are and ask later.
Then T asks S: Do you usually go to the zoo? If yes, where are the elephants/ tigers/
monkeys/ lions/ bears...? If not, T asks S to tell the famous zoo that he/she knows

T conducts other dialogues using the prepositions above

Answer key
2. between 3. opposite 4. behind 5. in front of
Making suggestion: How about + V-ing ...?

How about going

to the swimming
It's very hot today.

(2 mins)
T: Now, let's learn how to make suggestion using the structure 'How about + Ving'. Look at
the example. Here the boy feels hot, so I make a suggestion: 'How about going to the
swimming pool?'
(Emphasize 'How about + Ving' and say the key sentence slowly. Underline the words when
saying. Then T asks the S to repeat the sentences. T should pay attention to the student's
pronunciation and mistakes.)

T: Now listen to me and make suggestions for each picture.

Making suggestion: How about + V-ing ...?
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

For Beginners take the bus play some sports go to the cinema buy some chicken

I'm hungry! How about ___?

It’s broken!
How about ____ at the

(3 mins)
T says: Let's practice making suggestion!
Look at the first picture. Here the girl is saying: 'I'm hungry!'. Let's make a suggestion for her
using the given words
T signals S to look at the picture and say: 'How about going to the supermarket?'

Keep going with the other suggestions

Answer key:
2/ How about buying some chicken at the supermarket?
3/ How about taking the bus?
4/ How about going to the cinema?
5/ How about playing sports at the sports centre?
Making suggestion: How about + V-ing ...?
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

For Beginners take the bus play some sports go to the cinema buy some chicken

It's so boring!

I’m too
fat now!
How about ____ at
the sports centre?
How about ____?

T says: Let's practice making suggestion!
Look at the first picture. Here the girl is saying: 'I'm hungry!'. Let's make a suggestion for her
using the given words
T signals S to look at the picture and say: 'How about going to the supermarket?'

Keep going with the other suggestions

Answer key:
2/ How about buying some chicken at the supermarket?
3/ How about taking the bus?
4/ How about going to the cinema?
5/ How about playing sports at the sports centre?
Making suggestion: How about + V-ing ...?
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

For Intermediate & play some sports go to the cinema buy some chicken
take the bus


T: Now listen to me and make suggestions for each picture.

T and S take turns to change the role in each picture
T can follow the script below

T: I'm hungry.
S: How about buying some food (chicken) at the supermarket?/ How about going to the
supermarket to buy some food?
T: That's great! Where is the supermarket?
S: It's opposite the park./ It's between the bus station and the cinema.
S: Oh no! The car is broken.
T: How about taking the bus?
S: That's a good idea! Where is the bus station?
T: It's next to the supermarket./ It's in front of the sports centre.
T: It's so boring! I don't know what to do.
S: How about going to the cinema (and watching Frozen 2)?
T: OK. Let's go! But where is the cinema?
S: It's next to the supermarket.
T: I'm too fat now!
S: How about playing sports at the sports centre?
T: Oh yes. I will. Do you know where is the sports centre?
S: It's behind the bus station.a
Making suggestion: How about + V-ing ...?
Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

For Intermediate &

take the bus play some sports go to the cinema buy some chicken


T: Now listen to me and make suggestions for each picture.

T and S take turns to change the role in each picture
T can follow the script below

T: I'm hungry.
S: How about buying some food (chicken) at the supermarket?/ How about going to the
supermarket to buy some food?
T: That's great! Where is the supermarket?
S: It's opposite the park./ It's between the bus station and the cinema.
S: Oh no! The car is broken.
T: How about taking the bus?
S: That's a good idea! Where is the bus station?
T: It's next to the supermarket./ It's in front of the sports centre.
T: It's so boring! I don't know what to do.
S: How about going to the cinema (and watching Frozen 2)?
T: OK. Let's go! But where is the cinema?
S: It's next to the supermarket.
T: I'm too fat now!
S: How about playing sports at the sports centre?
T: Oh yes. I will. Do you know where is the sports centre?
S: It's behind the bus station.a

Anna is sad.

(4 mins)

- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

- (Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story )

- T: Look at the first picture. This girl is Anna. Look at her face! How does she feel?. (Asks the
student to repeat the sentence.) Now, let's move to the next picture. It's your turn to tell the
(T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the use of
English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)


- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

(Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start
to speak. T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the
use of English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)

- T asks some expanding questions for the student to answer, e.g Guess why is Anna sad?
What is your suggestion for Anna? What should she buy? What are you going to do for your
Mom's birthday?)


- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

(Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start
to speak. T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the
use of English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)
- T asks some expanding questions for the student to answer, e.g Guess why is Anna sad?
What is your suggestion for Anna? What should she buy? What are you going to do for your
Mom's birthday?)

- T: What present did you buy for your Mom's birthday? Where did you buy it? How was it?
Was your Mom surprised? How did she feel about your present?)
(S is expected to tell their story in the past tense. T should pay attention to the student's use of
English and pronunciation.)

Suggested answer:
1. Anna is sad because she doesn't know what to give for her Mom's birthday.
2. Dad says: "How about going to the shopping centre?. It's between the cinema and
the supermarket on the Wall Street".
3. Dad and Anna are at the shopping centre now. Dad says: "How about buying clothes
for your Mom". So Anna and Dad come to the clothes shop.
4. Anna chooses the red dress for her Mom and thinks: My mom is very happy.

2. Dad is coming to Anna and saying: "How about

1. Anna is sad. She doesn’t know what going to the shopping centre?. It's between the
to buy for her Mom's birthday. cinema and the supermarket"

3. Dad and Anna are in front of a 4. Anna is holding a red dress. She is happy now.
clothes shop in the shopping centre. She thinks this is a great present for her mum.


- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

- (Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story )

- T: Look at the first picture. This girl is Anna. Look at her face! How does she feel?. (Asks the
student to repeat the sentence.) Now, let's move to the next picture. It's your turn to tell the
(T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the use of
English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)


- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

(Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start
to speak. T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the
use of English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)

- T asks some expanding questions for the student to answer, e.g Guess why is Anna sad?
What is your suggestion for Anna? What should she buy? What are you going to do for your
Mom's birthday?)


- T: Look at the pictures first. Then tell a story.

(Advise the S to look at each picture in turn to get a general idea of the story before they start
to speak. T will prompt by asking a question if the S needs help. T should pay attention to the
use of English and pronunciation and gives feedback.)

- T: Now, let's see what the story is about.

(Move to the next slide, signals the student to read the sentences. T should pay attention to
the student's pronunciation.)
- T asks some expanding questions for the student to answer, e.g Guess why is Anna sad?
What is your suggestion for Anna? What should she buy? What are you going to do for your
Mom's birthday?)

- T: What present did you buy for your Mom's birthday? Where did you buy it? How was it?
Was your Mom surprised? How did she feel about your present?)
(S is expected to tell their story in the past tense. T should pay attention to the student's use of
English and pronunciation.)

Suggested answer:
1. Anna is sad because she doesn't know what to give for her Mom's birthday.
2. Dad says: "How about going to the shopping centre?. It's between the cinema and
the supermarket on the Wall Street".
3. Dad and Anna are at the shopping centre now. Dad says: "How about buying clothes
for your Mom". So Anna and Dad come to the clothes shop.
4. Anna chooses the red dress for her Mom and thinks: My mom is very happy.
Information exchange

Jim Hanna

1. Where does he live? countryside 1. Where/live city

2. Are there any bus

No 2. any/bus stations Yes
stations there?
3. How does he go to
Walk to school 3. How/go to school bus
4. Where can he buy
food in his countryside? 4. Where/buy food Supermarket

5. Where is the market? Next to the farm opposite the sports

5. Where/supermarket

(4 mins)

-T: Now, let's practice asking and answering question. Look at Jim's information. I will ask and
you answer the questions.
(T reads each question aloud and asks the student to answer. S is expected to answer in a full
sentence. T should pay attention to the student's use of English.)

- (T asks the student to read the questions for Hanna's information and the T will answer
based on the information below the picture.)


-T: Now, let's practice asking and answering question. Look at Jim's information. I will ask and
you answer the questions.
(T reads each question aloud and asks the student to answer. S is expected to answer in a full
sentence. T should pay attention to the student's use of English.)

- (T asks the student to read the questions for Hanna's information and the T will answer
based on the information below the picture.)

- (T asks the S similar questions about the place where S is living.)


-T: Now, let's practice asking and answering question. Look at Jim's information. I will ask and
you answer the questions.
(T reads each question aloud and asks the student to answer. S is expected to answer in a full
sentence. T should pay attention to the student's use of English.)

- (T asks the student to read the questions for Hanna's information and the T will answer
based on the information below the picture.)

- (T asks the S similar questions about the place where S is living and talk about other places
in details. E.g: Where are they? What do people usually do there? How often does S go there?
Who does S go with?)

Suggested answers:

1. He lives in the countryside.
2. No, there aren't.
3. He walks to school.
4. He can buy food at the market.
5. It's next to the farm.

1. Where does she live? - She lives in the city.
2. Are there any bus stations there? - Yes, there are 4 bus stations.
3. How does she go to school? - She goes to school by bus.
4. Where can she she can buy food? - She can buy food at the supermarket.
5. Where is the supermarket? - It's opposite the sports centre.
Free talk

1. What's the name of your town/city?

2. Is it small or big?
3. Do you like watching movies?
4. Are there any cinemas there? If Yes, where is it? Who
do you often go to the cinema with?
5. What's your favorite place in your town/city?

Extended questions:
6. How many people live in your town/city?
7. Where is the most famous place in your town/city?
8. Do many tourists visit your town/city? Where?
9. What are 3 fun things to do in your town/city?
10. Do you like living in a countryside or city? Why? Why not?

(3 mins)
- T: Let’s now talk about places. Answer the following questions.
(Read the question and signals the student to answer. T should pay attention to the student's
use of English)
Please be noted that S is expected to answer in full sentences. Teacher can prompt the
answer if the student provide one-word answers.

BEGINNER: T asks question 1-> 5 for the student to answer.

INTERMEDIATE: T asks question 1-> 8 for the student to answer.

ADVANCED: T asks 10 questions for the student to answer.

Let's collaborate!

Your dream town

Hill Street Lake Street Main Street Maple Street

(3 mins)

- T : Now, let's go to the last part of our lesson today, 'Let's collaborate!' Today, You will design
your dream town. (Point to the map) Do you know what it is? White paper? Yes, but on this
piece of paper, we are going to draw the map of our dream town!

- T: OK, Let's think about your future town. We are going to design our dream town. You and I
will take turns to describe the town and draw
- S can draw it by himself/herself or draw the lines between the place and the location on the
- T will say 2 sentences and S will say 2 sentences. Then draw together.
There is a library next to the park.
There is a swimming pool behind the park.


- T: OK, Let's think about your future town. We are going to design our dream town. You and I
will take turns to describe the town and draw
- S can draw it by himself/herself or draw the lines between the place and the location on the
- T will say 3 sentences and S will say 3 sentences. Then draw together.
There is a library next to the park.
There is a swimming pool behind the park.
There is a school in front of the library.


- T: OK, Let's think about your future town. We are going to design our dream town. You and I
will take turns to describe the town and draw
- S can draw it by himself/herself or draw the lines between the place and the location on the
- T will say 4 sentences and S will say 4 sentences. Then draw together
- T asks S to add the name of the street. Then T asks S to talk about the activities that
people usually do in these places while drawing.
There is a library next to the park. They're on the Hill Street. People can read books in
the library. They can go for a walk in the park
(0.5 mins)
T summarizes no of carrots being achieved today, appraises the student and says goodbye.

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