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Research Instrument

A research instrument could be designed to assess the effects of anxiety on the focus
and productivity of students in Grade 7-Newsvine. A survey asking students about their levels of
anxiety, attentiveness, and production might be a part of the research. Students in Grade 7-
Newsvine received a questionnaire. The questionnaire asked the students about their academic
achievement, attentiveness, and productivity as well as the degree of body-shaming they were
now feeling. It is important to specify the study's boundaries and scope. Academic body-
shaming has been found to have a detrimental impact on students' performance in earlier
research. The study's findings demonstrated a link between worry and a loss of concentration
and productivity.

The purpose of the survey “The Effects of Body Shaming to the Confidence and
Academic Performance of the Students in Grade 7-Newsvine” is to gather data from the
students in Grade 7 to investigate the effects of body-shaming on their confidence and
academic performance. The purpose of the survey is to determine the reasons why students
engage in body shaming and how this impacts their academic performance. The survey will
offer insightful information on the experiences of Grade 7-Newsvine students, which can be
utilized to create practical coping mechanisms to lessen body shaming and enhance academic
success. In order to boost students' well-being and academic achievement, the survey also
seeks to increase awareness of the problem of body shaming among students and the
significance of resolving it.

The interview for "The Effects of Body Shaming to the Confidence and Academic
Performance of the Students in Grade 7-Newsvine" aims to collect detailed and qualitative
information from seventh-grade students. The purpose of the interview is to learn more about
the causes, coping strategies, and effects of body shaming on students' academic and personal
lives. The interview is a crucial component of the study since it gives researchers a better grasp
of the thoughts and feelings of the students about body shaming. The interview gives the
students a chance to talk about their experiences and offer insightful comments that might not
have been included in the survey.

Survey Question:

1. Have you ever experienced body shaming, either directed towards you or someone else?

-This question serves as a starting point for understanding the prevalence of body shaming
experiences among respondents.

Yes No

2. Have you ever witnessed body shaming in your workplace/school/social group?

-This question can help identify specific settings where body shaming occurs, which can inform
targeted prevention efforts.

Yes No

3. Do you think social media contributes to body shaming?

- This question can help identify the role of social media in perpetuating body shaming
behaviors, which can inform prevention efforts and media literacy programs.

Yes No

4. Have you ever talked to someone who was body-shamed or witnessed someone being body
-This question can help identify the extent to which people are willing to intervene or support
those who have been body shamed, which can inform prevention efforts and support programs.

Yes No

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