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Hello everyone today I am going to speak about a journey that I went recently because

all of us can get stressed due to workload or other reasons. I was also under stress due
to my workload so we organized a short trip together with mt friends to relieve it. Thus,
taking a short trip is great way to reduce stress and forget worries by changing our
I recently went a long trip with my friends on this week. First we started our journey
from Kalmunai bus station at 11:00 pm on Thursday and reached Batticaloa railway
station at 12:00am . After that we started our journey from there by 1.30am train we
reached Colombo fort railway station at 9.30 am exactly. After staying in Colombo for a
day and finishing the work there, we continued our journey by taking a train from
Colombo to Badulla at 5am on Saturday morning. We reached Badulla at around 5pm in
that train with perfect crowding. Then we stayed for four days after seeing the sights
and returned to the capital. After that we spent our last day in our capital of country.
We ended our journey and reached their home.
every journey we take teaches us many lessons. although I love new experiences. I am
pretty sure that I don’t want to repeat this experience ever again these ticketless
passengers are spoiling our beautiful journey and railway authorities should not turn
blind eye on them . now, me and my diary are waiting for our trip.

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