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Impact College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Department of ECE
Computer Organization and ARM Microcontrollers
Assignment -1B Max marks: 10
Date issued : Date of submission:

1.) Explain the different data processing instructions in ARM

2.) Briefly explain with examples (i) CLZ (ii) SWP (iii) SMLALxy (iv) conditional execution

3.) Explain co-processor instructions in ARM

4.) Explain different branch instruction in ARM processor

5.) Explain the working of stack.

6.) Explain the operation of inline barrel-shifter

7.) Write a program to find 2’s compliment of a number.

8.) Find if the number stored in R0 is even or odd , if yes, move FFFFH to R0 else move 0000 to R0

9.) Find the number of 1’s and 0’s stored at location 10003200h

10.) Write a program to exchange block of 10 data from 10000000h to 20000000h

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