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Impact College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Department of ECE
Computer Organization and ARM Microcontrollers
Assignment -1A Max marks: 10
Date issued : Date of submission:

1.) Explain the ARM core data flow model and mention the registers in the ARM processor.

2.) Differentiate between (i) RISC and CISC and (ii) Microcontroller and Microprocessor. Explain any 4 major
rules in RISC design.

3.) With the help of a basic layout diagram, explain the CPSR register.

4.) With the help of a block diagram, explain typical ARM based embedded system.

5.) What are the different operating modes of ARM?

6.) What is pipeline in ARM? Explain the ARM9 processor pipeline.

7.) Explain the core extensions of ARM processor.

8.) The ARM instruction set differs from the pure RISC definition in several ways. How?

9.) Explain the initialization (boot) code with a diagram.

10.) Write a brief note on memory in controllers.

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