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Enforcing Public Space Etiquette:

The importance and Effects No Urinating Signs


One problem in a community that is noticeable is the unpleasant odor in public and
private places left by the urinating of people in any place in the community. Even school,
barangay, park or church does not choose if they urinate. According to Tribal News
Network (2023), the smell left by the urine affects the environment and gives off a bad
atmosphere. In addition to this, it also has a large negative impact on the public health,
economy, and tourism of a particular area. This problem leads to the proposal of the
project “Enforcing Public Space Etiquette: The importance and Effects No Urinating
Signs”, which will be beneficial in providing a solution to the problem of urinating in any


The purpose of “No Urinating Sign” is to discipline people who urinate anywhere to use the
correct comfort room, this signage will also contribute for a clean and hygienic environment.
This signage is not only to remind people that they should not urinate somewhere. To get rid
of the unpleasant smell caused by human urination in any place, people need self-discipline.
Urinating on improper urination is harmful

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