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ENG173 Onomatopoeia - Words that are used to represent

particular sounds. ex. Bang, crash, boom and zip

Po·et·ry Imagery - Representation of the five senses: sight, taste,
• The language of imagination expressed in verse. touch, sound, and smell.
(Webster’s Dictionary) Visual imagery: visual descriptions so vivid they seem to
• It can be defined as ‘literature in metrical form’ or a come to life in the reader's mind when they read.
‘composition forming rhythmic lines’. Auditory imagery: descriptions of sound so vivid the
• A poem follows a particular flow of rhythm and meter. reader seems almost to hear them while reading the poem.
• Compared to prose, where there is no such restriction, Images of smell (olfactory imagery): descriptions of
and the content of a piece flows according to story, a poem smells so vivid they seem almost to stimulate the reader's
may or may not have a story, but definitely has a structured own sense of smell while reading
method of writing. Tactile or "physical" imagery: descriptions conveying a
strong, vivid sense of touch or physical sensation that the
ELEMENTS OF POETRY reader can almost feel himself or herself while reading
Elements of poetry
• Elements of poetry can be defined as a set of FIGURES OF SPEECH
instruments used to create a poem. Many of these were • Figures of speech are a special kind of imagery.
created thousands of years ago and have been linked to • They create pictures by making comparisons.
ancient story tellings. They help bring imagery and emotion
to poetry, stories, and dramas. Simile
Stanza- A Stanza consists of two or more • A comparison using like or as.
lines of poetry that together form Metaphor
one of the divisions of a poem. • Describes one thing as if it were another.
Some different types of stanzas are as follows: Personification
Couplets- stanzas of only two lines which usually rhyme. • Gives human characteristics to something non-human.
Tercets - stanzas of three lines. The three lines may or may
not have the same end rhyme. If all three lines rhyme, this Tone or Mood- refers to the writer's attitude towards the
type of tercet is called a triplet. subject of a literary work as indicated in the work itself.
Quatrain- stanzas of four lines which can be written in any Refrain • The repetition of one or more phrases or lines at
rhyme scheme. certain intervals, usually at the end of each stanza.
Types of Quatrains The word 'Refrain' derives from the Old French word
Alternating Quatrain- a four line stanza rhyming "abab." ‘refraindre’ meaning to repeat.
From W.H. Auden's "Leap Before You Look“ Repetition • A word or phrase repeated within a line or
Envelope Stanza- a quatrain with the rhyme scheme stanza.
"abba", such that lines 2 and 3 are enclosed between the Theme • The theme of the poem talks about the central
rhymes of lines 1 and 4. Two of these stanzas make up the idea, the thought behind what the poet wants to convey
Italian Octave used in the Italian sonnet. This is from Symbolism • A poem often conveys feelings, thoughts and
Auden's "Look Before You Leap" ideas using symbols, this technique is known as symbolism
Sleep is often related to death.
Rhyme Scheme • Dreams are linked to the future or fate.
•The pattern in which end rhyme occurs. • Seasons often represent ages: spring--youth, summer--
• Rhymes are types of poems which have the repetition of prime of life, autumn--middle age, winter--old age or death.
the same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words • Water is sometimes linked to the idea of birth or
most often at the ends of lines. purification.
• This technique makes the poem easy to remember and is • Colors are often linked to emotions: red--anger, blue--
therefore often used in Nursery Rhymes. happiness, green--jealousy. They are also used to
Rhythm- The pattern of beats or stresses in a poem. represent states of being: black--death or evil, white--purity
• Poets use patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables to or innocence, green--growth.
create a regular rhythm. • Forests are often places of testing or challenge.
Rhyme • Light--as the sun, the moon, stars, candles--often
• The repetition of the same or similar sounds,usually in symbolizes
stressed syllables at the ends of lines, but sometimes within good, hope, freedom.
a line. • Darkness is associated with evil, magic or the unknown.
Alliteration • The moon has several associations. It is sometimes a
• The repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of feminine symbol, sometimes associated with madness,
words. sometimes with resurrection.
TYPES OF POETRY • It presents some line or speech of single character in a
Lyrical Narrative Dramatic Special particular but complicated situation and sometimes in a
I I I types dilemma
Sonnet Epic Dramatic I Soliloquy • The speaker of the poem or the character in a
I I Monologue Haiku play delivers a passage.
Elegy Ballad I I • The thoughts and emotions are heard by the author and
I I Character Cinquain the audience as well.
Ode Social sketch I Oration • This Is a formal address elevated in tone and
I Limeck usually delivered on some notable occasion.
Soliloquy I Character Sketch • This is a poem in which the writer is
I Name poem concerned less with the elements of the story.
Lyrical Poetry Haiku • Special type of poetry which originated from Japan.
• Expresses personal thoughts and emotions. It consists of three lines that generally do not rhyme. The
• is a short poem which has the characteristics of a song lines should have five, seven, and five syllables in them.
Sonnet Cinquain • This is a five-line poem which also originated in
• The Name sonnet derives from the Italian word ‘sonetto’ Japan.There are many different variations of cinquain
which means little song. including American Cinquains, didactic cinquains, reverse
• is a relatively short poem consisting of merely fourteen cinquains, butterfly cinquains and crown cinquains.
lines. It is known to follow a strict pattern of rhyme. Free Verse • A loosest type of poem.
Elegy • This is a lyric poem which expresses lament and • It can consist of as many lines as the writer wants and
mourning of the dead, feeling of grief and melancholy. either rhyme or not and has no fixed metrical pattern.
Ode • This is a poem of nobeling feeling, expressed with • This type of poem is openly called as “Poem with no
dignity and praise for some persons, objects, events or rules.”
ideas. Name poem • A special type of poetry belongs to
descriptive poetry that uses an adjective to describe a
NARRATIVE POETRY person that begins with each letter of that person's name.
Narrative Poetry
• Types of poet that narrates a story through the use of WEEK 2
poetic diction either real or imaginary. Classification of Short Story
Epic Story of characters - It focuses on the character as an
• This is a long and narrative poem that normally tells a element of a narrative.
story about a hero or an adventure. Story of setting - aka local color. It focuses on the setting
Epics can be oral stories or can be poems in written as an element of a narrative.
form. Story of theme - It focuses on the theme as an element of
1. Popular or ancient poetry is usually without a definite a narrative.
author and slow in the development. Story of plot - It focuses on the theme as an element of a
2. Modern epic poetry has a definite author. narrative.
Drabble - An extremely short work of fiction which has
Ballad • It also tells a story, like epic poems. however, exactly 100 words in length.
ballad poetry is often based on a legend or a folk tale. Flash fiction - It is characterized by its extreme brevity.
• Most ballads are written in four- six stanzas and has a Flash prose - A very short work of fiction which has
regular rhythms and rhyme schemes. between 500 and 1,500 words.
Social poem • This is either purely comic or tragic and Tale
pictures the life of today. 1. Cautionary tale 5. Frame tale
• It may aim to bring changes in social conditions. 2. Fairy tale 6. Urban legend
3. Folk tale 7. Old wives
DRAMATIC POETRY 4. Fable 8. Tall tale
Dramatic Poetry another type of tale
• Has elements related closely to the drama Legend - It narrates the origin of a thing.
• It uses a dramatic technique and may unfold a story. Myth - It narrates about gods and goddesses.
• It emphasizes the character rather than the narrative. Fable - A short story whose characters are animals or
Dramatic monologue plants or both.
• This is a combination of drama and poetry. Parable - It teaches a virtue through the use of biblical
characters or events.
Classification of Novels Types of Character
Picaresque Novel - adventure fiction. focuses on character Protagonist - The character around whom the story
who travel to places. revolves; main character.
Romantic/ Romance Novel - about love, romance, or Antagonist - The character who is opposed to the
heterosexual relationship as its theme. protagonist.
Novel of the soil - relates the life of a farmer or deals with Confidant - The character upon whom the protagonist
agricultural problems. relies; support.
Novel of the Sea - relates the life of a fisherman or deals Foil - The character who serves as a contrast with the
with marine problems. protagonist but does not necessarily oppose the latter.
Novel of the Adventure - relates the adventure of the Background Character - The character who provides
protagonist. reality in the story by their presence.
Detective Novel - focuses on solving a crime. (often times
a murder mystery, spy, crime stories.) CHARACTER - it is anything that possesses life in the
Historical Novel - is set in a genuinely depicted historical story.
context that predates the lif of the author. Types of Character
Regional Novel - the setting has a significant impact on the Round Character - A character who shows varied and
characters and plot structure. contradictory traits.
Social Novel - the plot centers on the social environment Flat Character - A character who shows only one
and incorporates persuasive language as it calls for social personality.
reform. Stereotype - A flat character of a familiar or often repeated
Religious/Christian Novel -deals with man’s relationship type
with the divine or god or christianity. Unseen/Absent Character - The character who is
Symbolic Novel - it employs symbolism. mentioned in the story but doesnt have any involvement.
Realistic Novel - depicts the reality of the times. Dynamic Character - A character who changes their
Stream of Consciousness Novel - focuses on personality as the story progress
introspection and inner consciousness.
Bildungsroman - tackles the protagonist journey from PLOT - the series of event or actions that comprise the
childhood to adult in essence of personal growth. (german story; (exposition, rising action, complication, climax,
term for New Information) resolution, falling action, and conclusion.)
Vignette - It depicts impressionistic scenes that focus on Types of Plot
one moment or give a trenchant impression about a Linear - Shows events in their proper order from exposition
character, a place, or an idea. to conclusion.
Feghoot - it is humorous and ends in an atrocious pun. In medias res - It starts in the middle of the story and
Molbo story - A short tale about Molboers or the provides flashbacks to promote reader's understanding of
inhabitants of Molboland. the story.
Short prose - a short work of fiction of about less than Circular - It is structured in a way that it ends where it has
1,000 words, which may or may not be narrative. started as in a cycle.
Sketch story - contains little or no plot; it is descriptive of Exposition - Shows the initial part in which the settings and
impressions of people or place. character is introduced.
Horror Novel - incites fear on the part of the reader by PLOT - the series of event or actions that comprise the
means of scary experiences of the characters. story; (exposition, rising action, complication, climax,
Fantasy Novel - deals with fantastic beings and events. resolution, falling action, and conclusion.)
Scientific Novel - Also called science fiction, it focuses on Types of Plot
subjects that pertain to the sciences. Rising Incident/s - Shows the event that leads to
Philosophical Novel - Also called a novel of ideas, it is a complication.
novel which focuses on a philosophical ideology. Complication - It is where the conflict develops.
ELEMENTS OF A NARRATIVE Crisis - The problem of the story.
SETTING - the time and place in which the event takes Climax - The highest point of the story in which the reader's
place. Setting is not only the physical environment but also know how to resolve the conflict.
the ideas, customs, values, and beliefs of a particular time Resolution - Shows the conflict is resolved.
and place. Falling Incident - The event or incident that leads to
Types of Setting conclusion.
Locale - the place where story takes place; Conclusion - Last part of the plot that gives the story
Time - The time when story takes place; finality.

CHARACTER - it is anything that possess life in the story.

CONFLICT - It is the driving force that involves both Language Colloquial English Standard English
characters and readers in the narrative. Very Literary Scientific/technical and
Types of Conflict impersonal

Social (man vs man) - exist between the protagonist and Diction Literary terms Scientific or technical
antagonist. jargon
Physical (man vs nature) - exist between the protagonist
Style Personal Impersonal
and any of the natural forces.
Metaphysical (man vs supernatural beings) - exist Objectivity Subjective Objective
between the protagonist and supernatural beings/forces.
Point of View First person Third person,
Internal/Personal/Psychological (man vs himself) - exist sometimes second
between the protagonist and his own self. person

Readership General public Select groups of

POINT OF VIEW - the angle of narration: refers to“who is persons professionals
the narrator” and “how is the narration done”
Types of POV Authorship Anybody or Experts or specialists
any writer in their fields
Autobiographical (first-person POV) - The narrator is the
central character or one of the major/minor characters.
Omniscient (third-person POV) - The narrator is an CLASSIFICATION OF ESSAYS
objective observer who reports only the speech (what he Basis of Classifying
hears) and the action (what he sees) of the characters. 1. Form of Discourse
Selective third-person POV - The narrator is both 2. Subject Matter
omniscient and an objective observer. FORM OF DISCOURSE
Expository Essay - It deals with a definition, a comparison,
THEME - idea or concept of the author expressed in a a contrast, a causation, and the like.
concise statement: message of the story. Descriptive Essay - It serves to describe or give the
Types of Theme characteristics of a person, place, object, idea, or event.
Tone - Refers to the attitude of the writer towards his Narrative Essay - It serves to tell a story.
subject; (love, hatred, disgust, and so on.) Argumentative/Persuasive Essay - It serves to convince
Mood - It refers to the feeling that an author creates in the or actuate (let the reader to take an action).
story. (quality of a setting.)
Moral - a practical lesson about right and wrong conduct SUBJECT MATTER
contained in the narrative. Editorial Essay - It states the opinion of the editor or
Symbol - a person, a place, a thing, or an experience that publisher regarding a controversial issue or subject matter.
represents something else. Didactic Essay - It serves to preach or teach its readers a
Values - classified into aesthetic, social, psychological, and moral.
things that make literary pieces important to its reader or Nature Essay - It describes things of nature.
users. Naturalistic Essay - It focuses on naturalism as a school of
Theme - The main idea, moral, or a message, of an essay Scientific Essay - It serves to inform its readers about
(almost always timelines, universal, and implied) which may science items and issues.
be about life, society or nature. Philosophical Essay - It serves to expound on an ideology
Style - The manner in which the writer presents his ideas in or a philosophical issue.
composition, such an essay. Religious Essay - It deals with God, the divine, the
Organization - The combination or arrangement of the supernatural, or with man’s relationship with God.
distinct artistic parts (ideas) to form a unified essay. Reflective Essay - It involves the writer’s views and
Point of view - The perspective used by the writer or of the feelings about his chosen subject.
narrative voice, the pronoun used in narration. Critical Essay - An argumentative essay which offers an
Diction - The used in the selection. analysis, interpretation, and/or evaluation of a literary work
Informal Essay VS. Formal Essay or a work of art.
Point of contrast Informal essay Formal essay Biographical Essay - A narrative essay which tells about
the life of an individual.
Length short Generally longer tAutobiographical Essay - A narrative essay which tells
than an informal
essay about the life of the writer himself.

Subject Any topic under Usually scientific

the sun topics, serious subject

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