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Examiner: Ms P. Van Rooyen
Assessor: Ms P. van Rooyen, Mr V. Baumann, Mrs D. Tyu
Moderator Mr V. Baumann

Due: 29 February 2024 Total: 40 Marks

Please read the following instructions carefully:

1. There needs to be evidence of substance although this is not necessarily only

factual research.

2. The register should be formal and school appropriate.

3. The strategies of delivering a speech should be in evidence.

4. Your speech should be 3 to 4 minutes in length.

5. You may make use of PowerPoint presentation, music, videos or any other
visual aid.

6. May use of the ‘Prepared Speech’ rubric in folder.

7 Speech recordings must be submitted through MS Teams.


/10 /10 /10 /10 /40


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Make use of the well-known quotes below as a theme for the topic you have chosen.
Your speech may be based on any of the following quotes from famous cartoon or
children’s stories:

1. Black Panther 2. Dr Seuss

3. The Lion King 4. Princess and the Frog

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Remember that a good speech includes the following:

1. Evidence of research
At least 50% of your speech must be made up of research and your response
to the research. Remember to credit your sources correctly.

2. Something personal
Your audience must be left with a better idea of who you are once you have
completed your speech, so remember to include personal insights and
commentary in your speech.

3. Something humorous
Only if appropriate for the topic, and only if it suits you!

Things to remember:
• Your cue cards should be uniform in size. Remember that they are there for
a reason: you must use them to assist you while you are speaking!
• Your cue cards may only contain key words or phrases. You DO NOT
write your entire speech out on your cue cards.
• You are required to submit a written/typed copy of your speech together
with your cue cards on the day that you say your speech.
• Submit written speech on 23 February 2024.
• Speeches will be submitted through MS Teams on 29 February 2024.

• Be creative! (You will not be penalised for editing skills).
• You must be dressed in your formal school uniform.
• Your face must be visible throughout the recording.
• Make sure you are in a quiet space when recording. You may book your
teacher’s classroom if you need it.
• Loadshedding is not an excuse – do not procrastinate.

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