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What would it be like to go on holiday to places like these ?

Where would you rather go? Why?

Picture A

Picture B

These two situations show both similarities and differences. The main similarity is that they show families
spending their holidays in different destinations. Plus, both families are doing activities outdoors and they seem
to be enjoying themselves very much.
The two parents and their two daughters in the first situation are enjoying their holidays on the beach. All of
them are wearing light clothes and their swim suits probably because they will swim later on. One of the girls is
also making a sand castle.
On the other hand, the family in the second picture are skiing and having an awesome time. Contrary to what
happens in situation number 1, the people in the second situation are wearing warmer clothes as they need them
to go skiing.
Going to the mountains is probably more expensive than going to the beach as you need special clothes and
equipment to do the activities. Moreover, people who go there may wish to do extreme sports or activities. On
the hand, people who decide to go to the beach do not need to spend so much money as swimming is free for
instance. In addition, these people choose this place as they want to relax and enjoy spending time together in
peaceful place.

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