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Oviya Omprakash

Mrs. McClendon

Prosper Career Independent Study

20 January 2023

Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear

This book focuses on the idea that making small changes, or atomic habits, can lead to

remarkable results over time. Reading this book for PCIS taught me how important it is to take

the first step to changing your habits. The key premise revolves around the idea of incremental

changes and how when added up together over time, leads to astounding results. It is very

evident in the book that personal growth lies in daily choices we make. Clear first introduces the

concept of - cue, craving, response, and reward - providing a framework for understanding and

manipulating behavior. This recognition of the power of incremental change challenges the

notion of overnight success, highlighting the significance of sustained effort in achieving lasting


Next, Clear talks about identity-based habits as they are not just actions but reflections of

our identity. Shifting the focus from what we want to achieve to who we want to become proves

to be a potent catalyst for habit formation. By aligning habits with a desired identity, individuals

forge a deeper connection with their goals. This shift in perspective not only enhances motivation

but also fosters a sense of contingency, as habits become an integral part of one’s self-image.

Clear underscores the role of the environment in shaping habits. Designing spaces that facilitate

positive behaviors and discourage negative ones creates an environment conducive to success.

Additionally, the book introduces the concept of the plateau of latent potential, reminding us that

often the most significant changes occur after a period of consistent effort, even when immediate
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results may seem modest. The 1% rule - rule small improvements daily - becomes a guiding

principle for continuous improvement. Illustration the compounding effect of consistent,

incremental progress.

“Atomic Habits” serves as a beacon for those seeking meaningful and sustainable change.

Through its exploration of the power of small habits, identity-based transformations, and the

influence of the environment, the book offers a roadmap to unleash untapped potential. By

embracing the philosophy of continuous improvement and recognizing the transformative power

of daily choices, readers are empowered to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Clear’s insights resonate as testament to the idea that, indeed, it is the small things done

consistently that lead to extraordinary outcomes in our lives. This book has taught me life lessons

that I would not have been able to learn anywhere else. I will be able to apply the facts in this

book to help me with my final project as well as throughout the rest of the PCIS class. By

learning from this book, I plan to use this not only in my school life but also in my personal life.
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Works Cited

Clear, James. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones:

Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. Cornerstone Press, 2022.

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