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Country: Phillipines
School: Escalante National High School
Delegate: Taparan, Faith Hannah Marie R. & Omay, Rizza Mae L.
Title: Is There a Negative Impact of Cellphone and Social Media on Family Closeness

In the era of technological advancement, the omnipresence of cellphones and the pervasive influence of
social media have transformed the way we communicate and connect with others. While these
technologies have undoubtedly enhanced our lives in various ways, there is growing concern that the
excessive use of cellphones and social media may adversely affect family closeness. Amidst these changes,
concerns have arisen regarding the potential negative impact on the fundamental fabric of society - the
family. This position paper aims to explore and present evidence supporting the assertion that regular and
excessive cellphone and social media usage can have a negative impact on the level of closeness within
families and the thesis of this paper asserts that while technology can enhance communication, it
simultaneously poses challenges to the depth and quality of family relationships.

The increased reliance on cellphones and social media platforms has a detrimental effect on family
closeness, manifested in reduced face-to-face interaction, diminished quality time spent together, and a
disconnect from the present moment within family dynamics.

One central aspect impacted by cellphone and social media usage is the diminishing level of face-to-face
interaction within families. As individuals become increasingly immersed in their digital lives, traditional
conversations and interactions take a backseat. Family members spend less time engaging in meaningful
face-to-face conversations, hindering their ability to connect on a deep emotional level. Moreover, the
constant distractions caused by notifications and virtual interactions undermine the development of
authentic relationships among family members. A study conducted by the University of California, Irvine
revealed that the mere presence of a cellphone during face-to-face conversations led to reduced quality of
interaction and lower levels of empathy. Research published in the Journal of Social and Personal
Relationships found that excessive cellphone use within families resulted in decreased emotional
closeness and increased conflicts.

Social media platforms, while designed to connect people, can also influence family dynamics in
unexpected ways. The curated nature of content on social media may lead individuals to compare their
family lives with idealized representations presented online. Research by the University of Copenhagen
found a correlation between heavy social media use and increased feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.
This constant comparison can create unrealistic expectations within families, potentially leading to
dissatisfaction and strained relationships.
Cellphone and social media use often detract from the time families spend together and negatively
impact the quality of that time. Instead of engaging in shared activities or meaningful conversations,
family members may find themselves absorbed in their screens, mindlessly scrolling through social media
feeds or engaging in virtual interactions. This shift in focus weakens the bond between family members
and inhibits the creation of lasting memories. A survey conducted by Common Sense Media revealed that
52% of teenagers and 32% of parents regarded cellphones and social media as among the top distractions
during family time. Research published in the journal Pediatrics demonstrated that increased time spent
on social media was associated with greater perceived conflict within families and lower levels of family

One of the primary concerns associated with cellphone and social media usage is the distraction they
introduce into family life. Constant notifications and the allure of digital connectivity can divert attention
away from meaningful, in-person interactions. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2020
found that 43% of respondents believed that their cellphone use often interfered with their ability to pay
attention to people they were with. This phenomenon can erode the quality of time spent together as
family members become physically present but mentally distant. The continuous connectivity facilitated by
cellphones may inadvertently contribute to a decline in the depth of familial bonds.
The pervasive use of cellphones and social media can blur the lines between personal and familial
spaces. With family members constantly connected, the concept of personal privacy within the family unit
may be compromised. The sharing of personal experiences on social media can extend beyond individual
control, potentially infringing on the privacy of family members. The erosion of these boundaries may
contribute to a sense of discomfort and hinder the open communication necessary for strong familial ties.

In conclusion, the excessive use of cellphones and social media platforms has a negative impact on
family closeness. Reduced face-to-face interaction, diminished quality time spent together, and a
disconnection from the present moment all contribute to a decline in family closeness. The distraction
introduced by technology, the impact of social media on family dynamics, and the potential compromise
of privacy and boundaries all contribute to a nuanced understanding of the relationship between
technology and family closeness. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits of technology and
safeguarding the sanctity of familial bonds is imperative in navigating the challenges posed by the digital
age. It is imperative for families to establish healthy boundaries regarding technology use and prioritize
meaningful, uninterrupted interactions to foster stronger bonds. By doing so, families can reclaim their
closeness and strengthen their relationships in the digital age. As we continue to integrate technology into
our lives, it is crucial to remain mindful of its potential impact on the cohesion and intimacy that define
the essence of family.

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