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UNIT 1 “Life Story”

1. Escribe una redacción en inglés de 10 o 15 líneas aproximadamente

usando 10 verbos en pasado simple (regulares e irregulares, en
afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa) y 10 palabras o expresiones
referidas a la Unit 1, tienes que subrayarlas.(20 puntos)
Ejemplo:”I got a job five years ago”.
2. Escribe un diálogo en inglés con 10 verbos en pasado simple
(regulares e irregulares, en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa) y 10
palabras o expresiones referidas a la Unit 1, tienes que subrayarlas
(20 puntos).Ejemplo: ”Did you go to school last week?”.

1. Hi! I´m Domingo and I´m 36 years ago. I live in Zaragoza, I live in Zaragoza, I
grew up here. I did not travel much in the world, but for example I was
working in a company that opened a new factory in Mexico, I lived there six
months, it wasn't much funny, well, worked twelve hours at day, was it my
only trip? Not, in the army, I travelled on a humanitarian mission and I was 6
months in Kosovo, it was very hard for me to be out of Spain. I began to feel
important for what I did. After finishing my time in the army, I left and I
returned in Zaragoza. I always wonder, what would have happened if I
continued in the army? Now, never mind.
Now, I haven´t had a job for two years ago, for this, I´m studying a lot to have
the title of E.S.O. and too the title to electricity.

2. Domingo: Hello, Rose, were you eating pizza las night?

Rose: Yes, I was. It wasn’t bad…
Domingo: Did you eat a lot that night?
Rose: Yes, I did! I saw TV while I was eating food.
Domingo: And what did you do the next morning?
Rose: I got dressed for got my grandmother´s house.
Domingo: That´s nice. Did you talk to her?
Rose: No, I wasn´t. She was playing with her cat.
Domingo: I think that she wasn´t playing with her cat, she was cooking cakes
because she likes cooking it.
Rose: I didn´t know it!

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