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Attending a university is a big honor for me.

But, the hard part is figuring out how to pay for my

college education. My plan is to find smart ways to make money by giving people what they
want. This way, I can earn enough money to cover my college costs.

The plan I have in mind is about finding chances to make money that also make people happy.
To do this, I will look into things that people really need or want. Then, I'll offer these things to
them in a way that's useful and valuable. This will help me make a steady income that I can use
to pay for my education.

I remembered when I was in high school there was a competition named BulPriSA and one of
the requirements to be verified to join the competition is to have a PSA or birth certificate. Back
then it was hard to get PSA because you needed to go to their office first in order to get one. My
auntie has a friend and her business is to process birth certificates so I talked to her and we
agreed to be business partners. I told the players in BULPriSA that I process PSA. I can help
them in exchange for money so that it will be easier for them to have a PSA. And I give it to my
auntie and she processes it. Give it to me and I give it to the players.

The idea of funding my college education by starting my own business makes me excited. It's
like mixing together my creativity, resourcefulness, and determination. This not only shows how
much I care about my education, but it also proves that I'm ready to face challenges and work
hard to reach my dreams.

I'm fully committed to finding clever ways to pay for my college education. By finding good
opportunities that make people happy, I hope to make enough money to support my studies.
This journey is all about my strong will to create a better future and my dedication to learning
and becoming a better person.

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