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‫رحلة من التعلم والتأمل‬

‫والرقي الروحي‬
‫تعزيز التفاعل مع القرآن الكريم‬
‫وتحقيق فهم عميق وتأمل في آياته‬
‫خالل فترة العطلة‪.‬‬

‫‪Duration: 4 weeks‬‬
:‫ برنامج تفسير القرآن‬.1

Tafsir al-Quran
A comprehensive program focused on the
exegesis of the Quran, exploring the meanings
and interpretations of selected verses and

:‫ ورشة علم التجويد‬.2

WarshaIlm at-Tajweed
A workshop dedicated to the
art and science of Tajweed,
emphasizing proper
pronunciation and recitation
of the Quranic text.
:‫ دورة القراءات العشر‬.3

Dawrat al-Qiraat al-Ashr

A course covering the ten
different canonical
recitations of the
Quran, exploring the
variations in pronunciation
and melody.

:‫ برنامج الدراسات القرآنية المتقدمة‬.4

Barnamej al-Dirasat al-

Quraniyah al-Mutaqaddimah
An advanced program in
Quranic studies, delving into
historical, and theological
aspects of the Quran.
:‫ ورشة اللغة العربية والقرآن‬.5

A workshop focusing on
Arabic language immersion
to enhance
understanding of the Quran
in its original language.

:‫ برنامج التأهيل القرآني المهني‬.6

A professional development
program integrating Quranic
into personal and
professional aspects of life.
:‫ ورشة البحث القرآني‬.7

A workshop dedicated to
Quranic research,
encouraging participants
to explore specific topics
and present their findings.

:‫ برنامج القرآن والتقنية‬.8

A program integrating
technology for virtual
Quranic tours, online
resources, and collaborative
research projects.

:‫ دورة العلوم القرآنية‬.9

A course exploring the
various sciences related to
the Quran,
including Uloom al-Quran
and manuscript studies.
:‫ برنامج التأمل والتفكر‬.10

A program emphasizing
spiritual reflection and
meditation on
selected Quranic verses.

:‫ورشة إتقان القراءة‬.11

A workshop specifically
designed for mastering the
art of
Quranic recitation, focusing
on perfection in
pronunciation, intonation,
rhythm. Participants will
receive personalized
guidance to enhance their
recitation skills.
Materials required
 Personal Quran copies or
online Quranic apps.
 Tajweed resources and
instructional materials.
 Tafsir books or online
 Writing materials for
journaling and creative
 Virtual meeting platforms
for discussions and event

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