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ENG 101 – Week 11 Activity – “Thinking about AI”

Activity 1:
Respond in your journal to Prompt #11 - Do you think artificial intelligence tools
are overall good for humanity or bad for humanity? Choose one side and make an
argument for or against AI tools. Write for 5-8 minutes.

Activity 2:
Read Sample Op-Ed 2 from the ENG 101 Appendix: “Now is the time to take
control of AI before it takes control of us” – by Ranvir S. Nayar (July 22, 2023)

Respond to the following questions with thoughtful answers:

 An Op-Ed contains an opinion. What is Nayar arguing about AI? What is

his main point?

 How is this Op-Ed organized? Look specifically at how he transitions

between ‘sections’ of the Op-Ed (beginning, middle, end).

 What is most successful about how the author makes his argument?

 Does Nayar include evidence (proof) of his points? If so, list some

 According to Nayar, what are some benefits of AI?

 According to Nayar, what are some risks with AI?

 What strategy would I want to imitate in my op-ed?

 What is one thing that could be improved?

 Are you convinced by Nayar’s main point? Explain your response.

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