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Grade 7

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

A. Differentiate Active voice from Passive voice.

B. Change/Transform active voice sentence to its passive voice
sentences (Vice versa)
C. Express one’s thought by writing active and passive voice

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Grammar

Lesson: Use the Passive and Active voice meaningfully in varied contexts.

III. Materials

Presentation/Visual Aids: Online Pictures, and Online References, PPT Presentation,

laptop, paper, marker, etc.

Reference: English Curriculum Guide (EN7G-III-c-2)

 *English Arts I. 2000. pp 218.English for You and Me 6 (Reading). 2011. pp 103
 English – Grade 7
 Support Material for Independent Learning Engagement Quarter 1 – Module 1 –
W eek 3: Active and Passive Voices First Edition, 2020
IV. Learning Procedure
A. Activities
 Daily routine
 The teacher will greet the class and will ask a volunteer to lead for a prayer.
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Rules
 Introducing the objectives and content of the lesson
 Review
 Motivation
 Title of the activity: A Picture Talk

Making the students to become alert and enthusiastic that this game
activity, they become physically and mentally alert leading as you lead
them to the lesson.

 Material: Online Pictures

a. Instructions: Show the pictures presented in the board using the Power point
presentation (PPT). And ask the students to describe or give insights about the
picture shown in the board.
b. After describing the picture, ask the students if they are one of the kids in the
picture, what would they think they’re doing.
c. Last, discuss and analyze the sentences that the students provided base on the
pictures shown in the board, and asked what is the subject, and Predicate in the
B. Abstraction/Analysis
 Unlocking of difficulties
 Identify whether the sentence is an active or passive voice. Write AV if the
statement is Active voice, and PV if the statement is Passive voice.

1. The Japanese soldiers attacked AV

the Philippines.

2. The Filipinos were attacked by the PV


3. Shienna sent the mail. AV

4. The flat tire was changed by Ron. PV

5. The news about the attack was PV

published by The Herald

 Discussion
 The teacher will start the lesson by giving a short introduction about the “Subject,
verb, and object of a sentence, followed by the discussing the Active voice and
Passive voice, and its Voices of verbs.
 The teacher will also flash the lesson using Power Point presentation for showing
the students the meaning of Active voice and Passive voice followed by the
example of each voice of verbs.
 The teacher will be using the picture of Sentence of Active voice and Passive
voice as an example that will help the students to identify the differences
between the two. And if the example of Active voice and Passive voice that is
presented has the same construction of sentence. This will help the students to
fully identify and learn the basic transformation of Active voice and Passive voice
and vice versa.
 The teacher will also discuss/flash the changes and rules to follow in constructing
the sentences of Active voice and Passive voice specially the structures of
Passive voice. This will also help the students to learn and identify the
Comparison between the two verbs they need to use in constructing the Active
voice and Passive voice and vice versa.
 Generalization
 What are the two voices of verbs
 What is the difference between Active voice and Passive voice.
C. Application
 The students will answer the activity prepared entitled “Transforming Sentences”
and to be played in Power point Presentation.
 Transforming Sentences

Direction: The learners will Transform the following sentences from Direct speech to
Reported speech and vice versa.


1. The Criminal was spotted by The police spotted the criminal


2. Honey answered the phone. The phone was answered by Honey

3. My Mother watered the plant. The Plant was watered by my mother

4. Nadine painted the entire house. The entire house was painted by

5. Famous painting was stolen by The thieves stolen the Famous painting
D. Assessment/Evaluation
 Short Formative test
 The teacher will give the following activity and the students prepare a pen/pencil
and paper to answer the questions. It will help the students to test their learning
in regards to the lesson that teacher discussed.

Direction: Using your Pen and Paper, the students will be able to compose five (5)
sentences using Active voice to be transformed into Passive Voice.

 Checking, analyzing the test result

V. Assignment
 Read the following parts and rules in Active and Passive voice in transforming
 Prepare your notebook and write your example about the voices you learned.

Prepared By:

Felizarta, Nica Marie


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