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Jessa B. Araojo III-C


Describe what parents and teachers should do to help children develop into the persons that
they are meant to be from the point of view of:

1. SIGMUND FREUD THEORY - A parent's role in their child's growth and development should
be supportive, and what better way to do so than to be aware of their child's behavior from
birth through adolescence. Without allowing their children to overindulge, parents should
promote their children's natural instincts to focus on the above bodily parts and functions.
Obviously, saying it is easier than doing it. Most parents naturally strive to teach their children
to be moderate in all aspects of their lives, but if you follow Freud's theories, it seems obvious
that parents will be constrained by their own childhood fixations, making it even more difficult
for them to gain additional information.

2.ERIKSON - Parents were encouraged to participate actively in their children's education by

attending parent-teacher conferences, assisting in the placement of appropriate tutoring for
their children as needed, and assisting with school projects. Teachers encouraging students to
be on time to school and helping them develop their ethics, therefore preparing them for the

3.PIAGET - Parents and teachers must emphasize the importance of a child's experiences in his
or her environment. Teachers must support children in improving the knowledge, as well as
teach them self-confidence, self-esteem, and initiative, which distinguishes and distinguishes a

4.KOHLBERG - Every parent wishes for their children to grow up to be morally upright
individuals. Teach moral behavior to children, such as being kind and putting others' needs first.
Encourage role-playing of pretend so that children can learn to think from other people's

5. VYGOTSKY - Parents and teachers can help their children learn more about the world around
them by guiding and encouraging what they already know. They can also help their children in
repeating the language they hear from their parents and teachers in everyday life.

6. BRONFENBRENNER - Promote positive relationship with the child, and educate the child on
the effects of the social environment around him/her.
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory states that an individual is affected by the environment
he/she grew up in. There are four systems in the environment:

1. Microsystem - composed of the people with whom the child directly interacts with, such as
parents, playmates, teachers

2. Mesosystem - composed of the relationships between and among people in the microsystem
such as parent-teacher relationship

3. Exosystem - composed of people who do not directly interact with the child but nevertheless
affects him/her, such as the people in the company where the child's parents work

4. Macrosystem - composed of cultural elements that affect the child and everyone around
them, such cultural values or an official religion

5. Chronosystem - the stage of life that the person is in regarding the situations they’re going
through, such as the death of a loved one during either young or old age

Considering that the teachers belong to the microsystem, the way the teachers interact with
children has a very strong impact. If the teacher promotes a good classroom environment while
successfully making the children learn, children would be pleased to go to school and they
would not treat the school as a place they hate going into. Whenever children perform well in
school, parents would also be pleased and the positivity experienced by children in school
would also be present at home. Also, when the teachers educate children about how things in
the environment affect them, these children would have a better sense of the world and they
would be inclined to do things that are worthwhile.

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