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Dave B.

Deblois lll-C

Module 3

Describe what parents and teachers should do to help children develop into the persons that they are
meant to be from the point of view of:

1. Freud

 A parents should be supportive in their child's growth and development and what better way to
do so then by having knowledge surrounding their child's behavior from birth to
adolescences.Parents encourage their children's natural tendencies to focus on the above body
parts and functions without allowing the children to overindulge.Obviously that can be easier
said than done.Most parents naturally try to guide their children toward moderation in all things
but of course if you believe Freud's theories it seems logical that parents will certainly be limited
by their own fixations left over from childhood making it especially difficult for them to learn
more knowledge.

2. Erikson

 Parent was take an active part in the child education by attending parents-teachers
conferences, assist in obtaining the appropriate tutoring for the child when necessary and
helping with school project. Teachers incouraging a child to be punctual in school and also help
build or her ethics thus preparing him/her for the future.

3 . Piaget

 Parents and Teachers must emphasize the critical role that experiences of child surrounding
environment. Teacher have to help child to learn more knowledge teach them self
confedence,self esteem and initiative make a child different and significants.

4. Kolhberg

 Everybody hopes their children will grow up to be people with integrity and high moral
standards. Teach children moral behavior such as being kind and putting needs of others, first
encourage role-playing of pretend so children can learn to think from other people's point of

5 . Vygotsky
 Parents and Teachers can guide and prompt what the child already knows;helping the child to
learn more about the world around himself/herself and also help their child repeating the
language they hear in everyday life from parents and teachers.

6. Bronfenbrenner

 Through the various ecological systems, Bronfenbrenner's theory demonstrates the diversity of
interrelated influences on child development. Awareness of the contexts that children are in can
sensitize us to variations in the way children may act in different settings.

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