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Module 2 Activity EVALUATE (Google Classroom)


Course, Year & Section: BTLED IA II

1. Describe what you can do to advocate the use of the 14 Learning-Centered

Psychological Principles. 
Several modules have been discussed and this topic is one of my favorites. I have
realized that learner-centered education aids students in the development of skills that
will better prepare them for their future careers. Teachers can be trained in this
technique so that they can use the ideas and give a better learning experience for
students. Understanding these principles, its intentions are the things needed to be able
to advocate these principles into practice given that I have applied it first to my way of
understanding, the way I learn and the use of these principles as a guide to improve my
learning process. If given a chance to be an educator in the future, I will use this
knowledge in Assist students in developing, implementing, and evaluating strategic
learning skills. Creative and critical thinking are aided by higher-order techniques for
selecting and monitoring mental operations. Successful learners are able to reflect on
how they think and learn, as well as set realistic learning and performance objectives.

2. Advocate the use of the 14 learning principles by means of any of the following:

Please refer to attached file in the email. (PowerPoint and Video)

The PowerPoint and the 3 minute speech was sent in the email. Video cant be attached.

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