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Facilitating Learning

Module 11

Neo Behaviorism: Tolman and Bandura

Passed by:

Cjay Villanueva

Passed to:


1. How did you solve maze a? What strategy did you use?

2. Was it easier to solve the maze B? Why?


1. Examine the maze before proceeding with my answer so it is 100% correct

2. Yes, because I have the schema on the maze a , the maze a and b was somehow

the same

Analysis – Bandura’s social learning theory

1. What do authorities say might be the reason why Sergio hanged himself? What facts

made them give this reason?

2. Comment on the opinion of the clinical psychologist.

3. What do you think is then effect of television on the behavior of your people?


1. He was experimenting, he take Saddam as model… the tv show he watched about the

death of Saddam

2. It was very mfactual and clear, that tv shows has a very big impact on the childs


3. It serves as their standard of norms, what they see they do, because they think that all

things they see is right, and that is the main reason why parents and older persons should

guide children when watching t.v.

Synapse Strengtheners

1. how are tolman's purposive behaviorism and bandura's social learning theory able

to bridge behaviorism and cognitive theory

answer: Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one

another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The theory has often been

called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it

encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

Social learning theory has sometimes been called a bridge between behaviorist

and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and

motivation. The theory is related to Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory and

Lave’s Situated Learning, which also emphasize the importance of social



Key concept of Tolman’s Theory on purposive Personal message


1. learning is always purposive I must set clear objective and directions

and goal – oriented for better result

I must set my goals and direction first

for my student to understand mwell

2. cognitive maps helps students I will use concept maps when I am

perform well. Organisms select teaching for my student to have a better

shortest way or easiest path to learning experiences

achieve a goal

I will use some strategy to prolong the

3. latest learning stays with the
knowledge to my students so they can
individual until needed
retrieve it whenever they need to

I will equalized the reward and

4. learning is influenced by
punishment system in my room form
expectations, perception,
my student to be more disciplined and
representation, needs and other
motivated to have higher grades
internal variables like hunger


Choose 3 key concept of Bandura’s social learning theory then state how you apply the concept

when you were teaching.

3 key concept of Albert Bandura How I apply it in my teaching

1. cognitive maps helps students perform I will use concept maps for my students to

well. Organisms select shortest way or learn more easily

easiest path to achieve a goal

2. latest learning stays with the individual I will give quiz to my student right after the

until needed discussion for them to have high grades

because the learned topic is still fresh in mind

3. learning is influenced by expectations, I make sure that my students are not bored in

perception, representation, needs and my class by cracking some joke at specific

other internal variables like hunger time that the joke is really needed

5 minute non –stop writing

I have learned that students are very dependent in terms of learning, they must guided

well by the teacher for the learner to learn very well .its the teacher’s duty to make sure that the

students learn and as these key principles stand as the guide for teacher, to be a good teacher who

teaches the students for what they really need to learn.

Being teacher is a very difficult job but then God give us guide in handling lives for the

near future these lives we mold will became successful.

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