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Biuret test

Body cell - Diploid cell

Gametes - Haploid (one from each homo pair)

Meiosis :
Produces gametes that are genetically different.
ONLY half as many chromosomes as the ORI cell.

2 chromatids

one homologous pair

What Fertilisation do?
- restore the diploid chromosome number
- each time fertilised, it brings different combination
of genes.
What Mitosis do?

- form zygote
- involve in development
- differentiate the specialized cells

**CHECK figures in HB doc.

spinal cord

birth route

Ureter - connect kidneys to bladder

Urethra - connects the bladder to the body's exterior, allowing urine to exit the body
zygote --> embryo --> develop an organ --> placenta. --> Fetus(complex lr yin call tr)

Placenta Functions

1. allow exchanging substances(diffusion) with

mother's blood - Antibodies
2. maintains the embryo's position in uterus
3. Maintain pregnancy by secreting PROGESTRONE

Umbilical cord

1. has two arteries in villi

2. back to fetus through the umbilical vein

Mother Blood - High C of O2

Fetus Blood - High C of CO2, waste products - urea

1. healthy body growth

2. contains antibodies - protect against infectious disease
3. form emotional bonds
FSH : Follicle Stimulating Hormone

FSH --> Estrogen --> LH --> OVULATION --> Progesterone

(made by corpus luteum)


FSH : mature the egg

1. initially thicken uterus
2. Release the egg

P : complete the uterus lining development (egg sink)

: Thicken the mucus in the cervis
* If no fertilization, Corpus stops Progesterone
where egg grows
protein -- 2 myo shi

Phynotype - physical
genotype ko lite pee Phyno ka lite pyg

ALTERNATIVE FORM of gene - Allele

DNA twy ka akone identical ma phik

Homo = Same

A and a = Hair color (same reprentation)

(Organism mhr par nae genetic)
ta khu ka nay 2 lone khwal hwr loh, embryo 2 khu phik.

girl,boy twin ka kya dok sperm 2 khu win

d synthesis ka nay yaung ya yin po myar
wat thet, gyike tho
thway wen thwar
a place where the bacteria can reproduce.

control variable
thus, it is not living organism.

Thus, we
can wash
our cells
thus, thet ya khet

How a Virus Reproduce?

- incubation period is started from the time

infected by pathogenic microorganism until a
person notices the symptoms of the disease.
bio weapon

A nu

Lu ner ka pyw -- Symptoms

Doctors - Signs

ner kyat


virus : HIV
Syndrome : AIDS
not disease

Function of T-helper :
HIV RNA --> DNA --> incorporate DNA of T-helper cell ---> {3}
HIV DNA is "activated"
--> instructs lymphocytes to make HIV proteins and more {4} {5}
RNA. --> those are assembled into new particles

* some HIV proteins end up as antigens on the surface of the {6}

short term

Symptoms :
2.muscle pain
4.sore throat

8.damage liver, kidney
9.internal/external bleeding

- low WBC, platelets

* Direct contact with body fluids
* Bedding

Treatment: No proven drug, no vaccine

treatment :
(caused by BACTERIA)

Cause : bacterium Vibrio Cholerae

Transmission : person to person
- contaminated drinking water
- infected person handle food without washing hands
- by eating undercooked seafood, polluted with sewage
Treatment : ORT, Sewage treatment, purified water with chlorine, washing hands

steps how bacteria enter

after reached out

impacts on people

HOW treated with ORT :

(caused by BACTERIA)

au yg ngan phyar
bath, tissue, thet sin tr akone

(caused by BACTERIA)
Cause : bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Transmission : person to person during sexual intercourse.
Symptoms :
1. Half of people, esp woman - no symptoms
- some WM discharge or bleeding between menstrual
2. men - discharge of pus from penis and pain when

Untreated ?? - spread to uterus, oviducts, ovaries, become

infertile.(can't reproduce)

Treatments :
2. Avoid sexual intercourse/ use condoms
Microorganism VS Lymphocytes

1. Produces Antibodies (when L is activated)

2. Have slightly different Receptor-protein

Lymphocytes : recognize the different

microorganisms, to make individual

How L can be Activated? => ** there is an antigen on the surface of the microorganism. + receptor protein on the surface of lymphocytes
Antibodies : produced from lymphocyte
Antigen : pathogen's/microorganism specific

This binds on the

surface of a

su thet

another function of Antibodies

they plan for a long period of

time. Become memory cells

Immune (adj)

* Secondary response - Memory cells reproduce antibodies.

bloodstream htal tann htae =
may khine tote kway

put hepatitis B into harmless bacteria, then put that

into us

lone wa pyout

Vaccine --> white blood cells work --> release


Second --> Memory cells work

kill bacteria

pout htwat

stop growth

kill bacteria

Say Yin Par Chin

the one escape from the antibiotics become resistant and keep reproduction

effective a phik sone

bacteria is resistant

hesitate say anyoon yay payy

Pay mae Say ko resistant phik yin

thay nai, immune ka ma nai loh yaw
gar phik lar.
zar ga ner

Given nutrients (No Antibiotic)

- medium to reproduce


Cycle of "Carbon"

Decomposers : Fungi, Bacteria

Human, animals, decomposers --> respire --> CO2

CO2 <-- plants (photosynthesis)
convert sugar to energy

Decomposers recycle "Nitrogen."

In dead body,
Protein --> Ammonia --> Nitrates

- Nitrates (essential mineral ions) is need for

plants to make protein again.


Why we need Sewage Treatment?

1. Remove Solid
2. Suspended organic matter
3. pathogenic microorganisms

apout gyr mhr anel kyan khae.

drop water

to store sewage first

yin lone
eain thar

1 (c) Bacteria are one type of microorganism that causes

diseases so that they can be called as pathogenic
microorganisms. Thus, all bacteria are pathogens.

2 (b) Virus is not a living organism, it does not do any functions

and have any characteristics of a living organisms except
reproduction and it can only be done parasitically.

2 (c) Viruses are all parasites since they all can only live in or on
the surface of other living organisms.
chromosome, cell wall, cell membrane

To swim
3 (a)
1) sexually - gonorrhea
2) contaminated water - cholera
3) direct contact - Ebola
4) contaminated food - typhoid

4 (a) Viruses enter its host cell and take over

the genetic machinery of the host cell to

(b) Blood Contact and unprotected Sexual

(c) If a person is infected by HIV virus, the
antibodies for HIV virus are produced by
B-lymphocytes. It means antibodies for HIV
virus is in the patients' body and it is called HIV
is positive.

5. (a)
Cause : bacterium Vibrio Cholerae
Transmission : person to person
- contaminated drinking water
- infected person handle food without washing hands
- by eating undercooked seafood, polluted with sewage
(b) ORT immediately corrects the balance of water and ions in the blood
and tissue fluids.

acute stage

immune kya

infected by sexual intercourse

increase number of cases

men are common
WW2, unprotected sexual intercourse, lack awareness
d) increased awareness of contraceptions

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