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Health food and junk food

Health food and junk food are two things

that are extremely different in the food world.
Health food is defined as food that has a
positive effect on people's health, and it's
considered as a good diet for the people, and it
protects people from diseases and it provides the
nutrients needed for the human organs.
In the other hand, the junk food or the fast
food is completely opposite of the health food , it
have negative effect on people’s health and it
cause a lot of diseases like overweight and heart
illnesses and maybe cancer if the person eats fast
food a lot.
We can't deny that we can't give up fast food
because it's fast, and people eat it in the work or
while studying at the universities or because they
don't know how to make healthy food.
Examples of healthy food are fruits and
vegetables and home food, and examples of fast
food are burgers and fries and desserts.
In the end, we need to maintain our health
by eating good food and try to reduce eating fast

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