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28 March 2022

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

Re: Assessment Tasks and COVID-19

Due to the increase in students testing positive to COVID-19 or having to isolate as close
contacts, the College’s Illness/Misadventure processes are in place to support students in these
circumstances or at any time they cannot complete assessment.

The Illness/Misadventure process is that when a student is absent from the College on the day
an assessment task is due, students must submit an Illness/Misadventure Form. Students must
submit/undertake the task when they return to the College.

Once the illness/misadventure application has been approved, the mark for the task will be
awarded, at the end of the course, following a review process. The College’s policy does not
allow for the granting of extensions.

Students will continue to be provided course resources through COMPASS and Google
Classroom. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to make contact
through the College office.

Yours sincerely

Mr Justin Hodges Mrs Antonina Arcidiacono

Leader of Learning & Curriculum Leader of Administration

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