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BSN 2022-2026


1. Paragraph, Writing 01
2. Logical Order 05
3. Form of Verbs 06
4. Comprehend meanings of words in a paragraph 07
5. Basics of Writing an Essay 08
6. Curriculum Vitae 10
7. Application for Applying to a Job 12
8. Skimming and Scanning 15
9. Comprehension 16
10. Speed Reading 17
11. Summary 19
12. Precise Writing 20
13. Intensive and Extensive 22
14. Main Ideas 24
15. Basics of Writing a Letter 26
16. Memo Writing 28
17. Minutes of Meetings 29
18. Elements and Purpose of a Good Presentation 32
19. Progress Report 35

The updated edition of ENGLISH 2.0 incorporates presentation slides

from KMU INS 2023, along with supplementary slides from three
additional colleges.

Paragraphs & Topic Sentences your paragraphs, however, should have a topic
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are
organized and coherent, and are all related to a PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE
single topic. Almost every piece of writing you do Most paragraphs in an essay have a three-part
that is longer than a few sentences should be structure—introduction, body, and conclusion.
organized into paragraphs. This is because You can see this structure in paragraphs whether
paragraphs show a reader where the subdivisions they are narrating, describing, comparing,
of an essay begin and end, and thus help the contrasting, or analyzing information. Each part of
reader see the organization of the essay and grasp the paragraph plays an important role in
its main points. communicating your meaning to your reader.
Paragraphs can contain many different kinds Introduction: the first section of a paragraph;
of information. A paragraph could contain a series should include the topic sentence and any other
of brief examples or a single long illustration of a sentences at the beginning of the paragraph that
general point. It might describe a place, character, give background information or provide a
or process; narrate a series of events; compare or transition.
contrast two or more things; classify items into Body: follows the introduction; discusses the
categories; or describe causes and effects. controlling idea, using facts, arguments, analysis,
Regardless of the kind of information they contain, examples, and other information.
all paragraphs share certain characteristics. One of Conclusion: the final section; summarizes the
the most important of these is a topic sentence. connections between the information discussed
in the body of the paragraph and the paragraph’s
controlling idea.
A well-organized paragraph supports or develops a
The following paragraph illustrates this
single controlling idea, which is expressed in a
pattern of organization. In this paragraph the topic
sentence called the topic sentence. A topic
sentence and concluding sentence (CAPITALIZED)
sentence has several important functions: it
both help the reader keep the paragraph’s main
substantiates or supports an essay’s thesis
point in mind.
statement; it unifies the content of a paragraph
and directs the order of the sentences; and it
advises the reader of the subject to be discussed
the tiny pupil of the eye they put, on Mount
and how the paragraph will discuss it. Readers
Palomar, a great monocle 200 inches in diameter,
generally look to the first few sentences in a
and with it see 2000 times farther into the depths
paragraph to determine the subject and
of space. Or they look through a small pair of
perspective of the paragraph. That’s why it’s
lenses arranged as a microscope into a drop of
often best to put the topic sentence at the very
water or blood, and magnify by as much as 2000
beginning of the paragraph. In some cases,
diameters the living creatures there, many of
however, it’s more effective to place another
which are among man’s most dangerous
sentence before the topic sentence—for example,
enemies. Or, if we want to see distant happenings
a sentence linking the current paragraph to the
on earth, they use some of the previously wasted
previous one, or one providing background
electromagnetic waves to carry television images
which they re-create as light by whipping tiny
Although most paragraphs should have a topic
crystals on a screen with electrons in a vacuum. Or
sentence, there are a few situations when a
they can bring happenings of long ago and far
paragraph might not need a topic sentence. For
away as colored motion pictures, by arranging
example, you might be able to omit a topic
silver atoms and color-absorbing molecules to
sentence in a paragraph that narrates a series of
force light waves into the patterns of original
events, if a paragraph continues developing an
reality. Or if we want to see into the center of a
idea that you introduced (with a topic sentence) in
steel casting or the chest of an injured child, they
the previous paragraph, or if all the sentences and
send the information on a beam of penetrating
details in a paragraph clearly refer—perhaps
short-wave X rays, and then convert it back into
indirectly—to a main point. The vast majority of
images we can see on a screen or photograph.

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RADIATION YET DISCOVERED HAS BEEN USED TO personal "you" to the impersonal “one,” from past
EXTEND OUR SENSE OF SIGHT IN SOME WAY. to present tense, or from “a man” to “they,” for
George Harrison, “Faith and the Scientist” example, you make your paragraph less coherent.
COHERENCE Such inconsistencies can also confuse your reader
In a coherent paragraph, each sentence relates and make your argument more difficult to follow.
clearly to the topic sentence or controlling idea, Use transition words or phrases between
but there is more to coherence than this. If a sentences and between paragraphs. Transitional
paragraph is coherent, each sentence flows expressions emphasize the relationships between
smoothly into the next without obvious shifts or ideas, so they help readers follow your train of
jumps. A coherent paragraph also highlights the thought or see connections that they might
ties between old information and new information otherwise miss or misunderstand. The following
to make the structure of ideas or arguments clear paragraph shows how carefully chosen transitions
to the reader. (CAPITALIZED) lead the reader smoothly from the
Along with the smooth flow of sentences, a introduction to the conclusion of the paragraph.
paragraph’s coherence may also be related to its I don’t wish to deny that the flattened, minuscule
length. If you have written a very long paragraph, head of the large-bodied "stegosaurus" houses
one that fills a double-spaced typed page, for little brain from our subjective, top-heavy
example, you should check it carefully to see if it perspective, BUT I do wish to assert that we should
should start a new paragraph where the original not expect more of the beast. FIRST OF ALL, large
paragraph wanders from its controlling idea. On animals have relatively smaller brains than related,
the other hand, if a paragraph is very short (only small animals. The correlation of brain size with
one or two sentences, perhaps), you may need to body size among kindred animals (all reptiles, all
develop its controlling idea more thoroughly, or mammals, FOR EXAMPLE) is remarkably regular. AS
combine it with another paragraph. we move from small to large animals, from mice to
A number of other techniques that you can use elephants or small lizards to Komodo dragons,
to establish coherence in paragraphs are described brain size increases, BUT not so fast as body size.
below. IN OTHER WORDS, bodies grow faster than brains,
Repeat key words or phrases. Particularly in AND large animals have low ratios of brain weight
paragraphs in which you define or identify an to body weight. IN FACT, brains grow only about
important idea or theory, be consistent in how two-thirds as fast as bodies. SINCE we have no
you refer to it. This consistency and repetition will reason to believe that large animals are
bind the paragraph together and help your reader consistently stupider than their smaller relatives,
understand your definition or description. we must conclude that large animals require
Create parallel structures. Parallel structures relatively less brain to do as well as smaller animals.
are created by constructing two or more phrases IF we do not recognize this relationship, we are
or sentences that have the same grammatical likely to underestimate the mental power of very
structure and use the same parts of speech. By large animals, dinosaurs in particular.
creating parallel structures you make your Stephen Jay Gould, “Were Dinosaurs Dumb?”
sentences clearer and easier to read. In addition, SOME USEFUL TRANSITIONS
repeating a pattern in a series of consecutive (modified from Diana Hacker, A Writer’s Reference)
sentences helps your reader see the connections To show addition:
between ideas. In the paragraph above about again, and, also, besides, equally important, first
scientists and the sense of sight, several sentences (second, etc.), further, furthermore, in addition, in
in the body of the paragraph have been the first place, moreover, next, too
constructed in a parallel way. The parallel To give examples:
structures (which have been emphasized) help the for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that
reader see that the paragraph is organized as a set is, to illustrate
of examples of a general statement. To compare:
Be consistent in point of view, verb tense, also, in the same manner, likewise, similarly
and number. Consistency in point of view, verb To contrast:
tense, and number is a subtle but important although, and yet, at the same time, but, despite,
aspect of coherence. If you shift from the more even though, however, in contrast, in spite of,

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nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, the sea-change of faces and voices and color under
still, though, yet the constantly changing light.
To summarize or conclude: This excerpt is taken from The Great Gatsby
all in all, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this paragraph you can
summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to sum hear, see, and feel the setting in which the story
up takes place.
To show time: Narrative paragraph
after, afterward, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, The narrative paragraph tells a story. There’s a
before, during, earlier, finally, formerly, sequence of action or there’s a clear beginning,
immediately, later, meanwhile, next, since, shortly, middle, and end to the paragraph.
subsequently, then, thereafter, until, when, while An example of a narrative paragraph:
To show place or direction: It’s been almost ten years since I first ran for
above, below, beyond, close, elsewhere, farther on, political office. I was thirty-five at the time, four
here, nearby, opposite, to the left (north, etc.) years out of law school, recently married, and
To indicate logical relationship: generally impatient with life. A seat in the Illinois
accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for legislature had opened up, and several friends
this reason, hence, if, otherwise, since, so, then, suggested that I run, thinking that my work as a
therefore, thus civil rights lawyer, and contacts
from my days as a community organizer, would
Types/categories of a Paragraph make me a viable candidate.
Paragraph The persuasive paragraph
A subdivision of a written composition that This type of paragraph tries to get the reader to
consists of at least 3 to 5 sentences, deals with one accept a particular point of view or understand the
point. writer’s position. This is the type of paragraph that
Types of paragraphs many teachers focus on because it’s useful when
The four different types of paragraphs are building an argument. It often requires the
descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive. collection of facts and research.
These four types allow you to write about An example of a persuasive paragraph:
absolutely anything that you want! By Immigration contributes to the overall health of
understanding these different types of paragraphs the American economy. Despite recent concerns
and what they are used for, the English world is related to the costs created by illegal and some
your oyster. legal immigration to the United States, this country
The descriptive paragraph has largely benefited from the skills, talents, and
The descriptive paragraph describes something ambition that immigrants bring with them.
and shows the reader what a thing or a person is American businesses gain from a good source of
like. The words chosen in the description often affordable labor, while town and cities are
appeal to the five senses of touch, smell, sight, revitalized by immigrant families who strengthen
sound, and taste. Descriptive paragraphs can be communities through civic participation the
artistic and may deviate from grammatical norms. generation of new economic activity.
An example of a descriptive paragraph: This is the paragraph that appeared on the
The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away page describing what a paragraph is. Your teacher
from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing wrote it. I have an opinion about a particular topic,
yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices and in this paragraph I want the reader to accept
pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier minute by or consider my position.
minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a Expository paragraph
cheerful word. The groups change more swiftly, An expository paragraph informs the reader on a
swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the subject. It provides information. Expository
same breath; already there are wanderers, paragraphs are found in the books that you read
confident girls who weave here and for school or the instructions that you read when
there among the stouter and more stable, become trying to repair something on your house.
from a sharp, joyous moment the center of a group, There are many different kinds of paragraphs
and then, excited with triumph, glide on through that provide information. The three main types of

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expository paragraphs that we will explore here French and English as official languages that are
are… used in business and government. Many people
• informative are bilingual and easily go from French to English
• cause and effect and vice versa when speaking with tourists. The
• comparison / contrast farther west you go, the more English you’ll hear,
Example but it is common to meet people throughout the
English is the language spoken throughout most of country who are familiar with both languages.
Canada, but in Quebec, the most populated
province, and in areas near Quebec, French is the
first language. Because of this, Canadians recognize

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Logical Order/ Transitions HOW TO WRITE A Example My life in Canada is very different
PARAGRAPH from my mother’s life in our old country. The main
Logical order/ transitions difference is that, as a girl, I have access to
DEFINITION: it means to arrange evidence in an education in Canada. I am in high school now, and I
order or a sequence and include transitions if have studied a range of subjects: English, math,
needed. chemistry, biology, physical education, music, and
Logical division of ideas simply means that ideas lots more. My mother had very little formal
are grouped together, and each group is discussed education, and most of her learning was from
accordingly. They may be introduced in order of traditional books at home. Another difference is
importance, or in some other order that makes that I have more freedom than my mother had. I
sense to the reader. You would use transition can go out with my friends, see a movie, or play
words such as firstly, secondly, thirdly to introduce soccer. My friends are both girls and boys.
each group. Logical division of ideas simply means that ideas
“Organizing the sentences in your paragraph are grouped together, and each group is discussed
according to a logical order helps the reader to accordingly. Logical division of ideas is a pattern of
follow the development of your ideas”. The rubric organization in which you divide a topic into points
says sentences flow logically and are all clearly and discuss each point separately. for example:
connected to the topic sentence. REASON for owning a Samsung/Blackerry.
How would we know which order is logical and Order of importance, or in some other order that
which to follow so for this purpose there are makes sense to the reader. You would use
certain kinds of logical orders according to which transition words such as firstly, secondly, thirdly to
paragraphs can be written some of them are given introduce each group.
under. A cause and effect paragraph uses transition words
KINDS OF LOGICAL ORDER that express reasons and results, such as: the first
• Chronological order cause, the next reason, because of ... the first effect,
• Comparison/contrast as a result, therefore
• Logical division of ideas Transition words
• Order of importance Lastly, the effect poverty has on education needs
• Cause and effect to be examined. Many students below the poverty
Each kind of order uses particular words and line do not have access to transportation and other
phrases (transition words) to show the resources that allow them to take advantage of
relationships between ideas. school of choice.
Chronological Order we would use expressions of Additionally, the services available through
time such as : first, next, after that, finally, before programs within their area are lacking. It
the last war, after 2010, since then, follows logically that these students lack access to
Example The rehearsal dinner will be on Friday quality education and services students in middle
night. Afterward, we are hoping that many of the class homes have.
guests will help to clean the area for tomorrow's As you can see, poverty can have an impact on
wedding. In these sentences, the transition several aspects of an individual’s life. Not only does
"afterward" highlights a chronology of events (first it impact their work and home life, but their
the dinner, then the cleaning). Discuss in which education as well.
order of time the things happened Therefore, as a community, it’s pivotal to provide
Comparison/ Contrast advanced services and assistance to individuals in
In a paragraph describing differences (contrast), lower income areas.
you would use expressions like these: the most
significant difference, larger than, unlike, on the
other hand, in contrast, differ from
In a paragraph showing similarities
(comparison), you would use expressions such as:
similarity, similarly, as expensive as, just as, just
like, compare with, in comparison

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Form of verbs CORRECT FORM OF VERBS IN A that, etc. connect two clauses which have the
PARAGRAPH/SENTENCE verbs of the same tense.
Right Forms of Verbs Example:
The verbs are the most variable element of the We went to London when we were young. I got up,
sentences. The right form of verb encompasses and he left the room. As soon as I came here, he
most of the greeted me.
grammatical rules of English language. Every Rule 7: As conjunctions after and before are used
element of a sentence eventually relates to the to connect two clauses which use past perfect
verb. The verbs appear differently in a sentence on tense and past simple.
the basis of their subjects (subject-verb Example: Before I knew it, she had run out the
agreement), tenses, moods, voices, different door.
structures, modals, etc. Rule 8: Prepositions, articles are always followed
Rule 1: Subject-verb agreement: the verbs are by nouns or gerund form of the verbs.
habitually followed by the subjects, and they must Example:
agree with the subjects according to their number He is keen on moving to California. I am thinking
and person. about doing the job.
Example: He were going to school. (incorrect) Rule 9: The causative verbs always take the next
He was going to school.(Correct) verb in its base form. See causative verbs and their
Rule 2: when 2 subjects are connected together by usages. HAVE - MAKE – HELP – LET
‘with’ , ‘along with’ or ‘as well as’ the verb will Example: I had him wash the dishes. He makes me
follow the first subject. do all the work.
Example: The shop with its furniture were gutted. Rule 10: we always use singular verb after ‘many a’
The shop with its furniture was gutted. but we use plural verb after ‘many’.
Rule 3: when 2 subjects are joined together by Example: Many a student were present in the class.
‘either or’ neither nor’ ‘not only but also’ than the Many students were present in the class.
verb follows the 2nd subject. Modal Verbs
Example: Either he or his brothers has stolen my A modal verb, as defined by the Cambridge
watch. Either he or his brothers have stolen my Dictionary, is "a verb used with another rverb to
watch. (correct) express an idea such as possibility that is not
Rule 4: expressed by the main verb". Will, shall and would
The connector since has two usages. If since is used fit this description - they are all used with another
to indicate a cause, the verbs of the two clauses verb and cannot be used alone, and they express
will be of the same tense. some kind of meaning or attitude that modifies the
Example: main verb (broadly speaking, will and shall are
I didn’t go since you didn’t come. Since you were about willingness or beliefs about the future, and
busy, I didn’t disturb you. If since is used to would is about unreal and hypothetical actions).
indicate time, the verb of the second clause will be For example, I like coffee is different in meaning
different from the first. from I would like a coffee, and I don't agree is not
We haven’t seen(present perfect) each other since the same as I wouldn't agree (using "would" makes
he left(.simple past) It has been 20 years since he it a hypothetical disagreement, thus less direct and
played football. possibly more polite).
Rule 5: No sooner had, hardly had, scarcely had, We use modals to show if we believe
etc. are the adverbials that require a past perfect something is certain, possible or impossible, We
tense and a past indefinite tense for the sentence. also use them to do things like talk about ability,
Example: ask permission, and make requests and offers.
No sooner had I reached home than she left.
Hardly had I finished writing before the teacher
ordered to stop writing.
Rule 6: Coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, yet,
so) and although/though, as, because, till/until,
when, whenever, as soon as, while, which, what,

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Comprehend meanings of words in a paragraph of chainsmokers. The words between the

Comprehension commas-a colorless and oily drug in tobacco-define
Comprehension: means understanding. To nicotine .
comprehend words in context means to 2. Definition Clues
understand the meaning of a given word used in Definition clues join the unknown word with the
the context or passage. word(s) that rename it or tell its meaning. The
The meaning of unknown words which you clues precede or follow words that are or act like
come across in your reading sometimes can be linking verbs. A linking verb shows no action but
known by their surroundings, that is, their contexts. indicates being.
The context of the sentence can tell us the part of Examples of these verbs are: is, was, are,
speech of the unknown word. Using the context of means, i.e. (that is), involves, is called, that is, or
the paragraph to define unknown words can also resembles.
helpful.Often, using the context is the only way to For example: The mansion's piazza resembled a
figure out the meaning of the word as it is used in large uncovered patio. The word resembled joins
the sentence, passage, or chapter. piazza with its meaning so it is a clue that lets us
Example know that a piazza is a large uncovered patio.
Consider the word "bar". Bar is a common word. 3. Example Clues
But without surrounding words, you don't know if Example clues tell you an example of an unknown
it describes soap, a place that serves beer, a sand word follows. You derive the meaning of the
formation at the beach, a way to lock the door, unknown word by determining what the examples
or... have in common. Example clues are usually
Readers often have trouble because they introduced by the following words and phrases:
identify the literal but incorrect meaning of a word such as, such, other, for example, and like.
when they should identify the way it was used in Example of "Example" Clue: Potentates-such as
the passage. kings, queens, and emperors-are very powerful
Hints and wealthy people. Since kings, queens, and
A. Using The Part of Speech of the unknown word emperors are the rulers of countries, potentates
as a help in reading. are rulers.
One consideration in using the context is to 4. Contrast/ Comparison Clues
determine the unknown word's part of speech. The Example of Contrast Clue: My sister is extremely
words around the unknown word give you clues. neat in appearance while she is slovenly in her
Once you know if the word is a noun or if it is an housekeeping. The word "while" indicates that
adjective, it often is enough for you to continue slovenly means the opposite of neat. Thus, slovenly
reading intelligently without having to stop to look means sloppy or messy.
up the meaning of the word. After coming across Examples of Comparison Clue: Miss Johnson is
the word a few more times, you will know its a prim, modest woman; likewise, many of her
meaning more firmly than if you had just looked it friends are very proper.Likewise is used to
up. compare prim to proper. Proper means
For instance, The dying man designated his son respectable. Thus, prim has a similar meaning.
to receive his property.
1. Punctuation Clues
Punctuation clues are given when the unknown
word is set off by commas, parentheses, brackets,
or dashes. The information contained within the
punctuation marks sometimes means the same or
nearly the same as the unknown words. Or, the
unknown word might be set off from its meaning
by punctuation marks. Information set off by
punctuation marks may clarify rather than define
the word. Finding these clues is not foolproof.
Example of Punctuation Clue: Nicotine, a
colorless and oily drug in tobacco, stains the teeth

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Essay of the argument have to presented in these essays.

Did you know the word ‘essay’ is derived from a But the ultimate aim is to persuade the readers that
Latin word ‘exagium’, which roughly translates to the writer’s argument carries more weight.
presenting one’s case? So essays are a short piece Format of an Essay
of writing representing one’s side of the argument Now there is no rigid format of an essay. It is a
or one’s experiences, stories, etc. Essays are very creative process so it should not be confined within
personalized. So let us learn about types of essays, boundaries. However, there is a basic structure that
format, and tips for essay-writing. is generally followed while writing essays. So let us
An essay is generally a short piece of writing take a look at the general structure of an essay.
outlining the writer’s perspective or story. It is Introduction
often considered synonymous with a story or a This is the first paragraph of your essay. This is
paper or an article. Essays can be formal as well as where the writer introduces his topic for the very
informal. Formal essays are generally academic in first time. You can give a very brief synopsis of your
nature and tackle serious topics. We will be essay in the introductory paragraph.
focusing on informal essays which are more Some paragraph writing skills can be a help here.
personal and often have humorous elements. Generally, it is not very long, about 4-6 lines.
Types of Essays There is plenty of scopes to get creative in the
The type of essay will depend on what the writer introduction of essays. This will ensure that you
wants to convey to his reader. There are broadly hook the reader, i.e. draw and keep his attention.
four types of essays. Let us see. So to do so you can start with a quote or a proverb.
1. Narrative Essays: This is when the writer is Sometimes you can even start with a definition.
narrating an incident or story through the essay. So Another interesting strategy to engage with your
these are in the first person. The aim when writing reader is to start with a question.
narrative essays is to involve the reader in them as Body
if they were right there when it was happening. So This is the main crux of your essays. The body is the
make them as vivid and real as possible. One way to meat of your essay sandwiched between the
make this possible is to follow the principle of introduction and the conclusion. So the most vital
‘show, don’t tell’. So you must involve the reader in and important content of the essay will be here.
the story. This
2. Descriptive Essays: Here the writer will describe need not be confined to one paragraph. It can
a place, an object, an event or maybe even a extend to two or more paragraphs according to the
memory. But it is not just plainly describing things. content.
The writer must paint a picture through his words. Usually, we have a lot of information to
One clever way to do that is to evoke the senses of provide in the body. And the mistakes writers
the reader. Do not only rely on sight but also generally make is to go about it in a haphazard
involve the other senses of smell, touch, sound etc. manner which leaves the reader confused. So it is
A descriptive essay when done well will make the important to organize your thoughts and content.
reader feel the emotions the writer was feeling at Write the information in a systematic flow so that
the moment. the reader can comprehend. So, for example, you
3. Expository Essays: In such an essay a writer were narrating an incident. The best manner to do
presents a balanced study of a topic. To write such this would be to go in a chronological order.
an essay, the writer must have real and extensive Conclusion
knowledge about the subject. There is no scope for This is the last paragraph of the essay. Sometimes a
the writer’s feelings or emotions in an expository conclusion will just mirror the introductory
essay. It is completely based on facts, statistics, paragraph but make sure the words and syntax are
examples etc. There are sub-types here like different. A conclusion is also a great place to sum
contrast essays, cause and effect essays etc. up a story or an argument. You can round up your
4. Persuasive Essays: Here the purpose of the essay by providing some moral or wrapping up a
essay is to get the reader to your side of the story. Make sure you complete your essays with the
argument. A persuasive essay is not just a conclusion, leave no hanging threads.
presentation of facts but an attempt to convince
the reader of the writer’s point of view. Both sides

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Tips for Essay Writing Solved Question for You

º Give your essays an interesting and appropriate Q: What is a thesis statement of essays?
title. It will help draw the attention of the reader Ans: The thesis statement is a clear, one-sentence
and pique their curiosity explanation of your position that leaves no doubt in
º Keep it between 300-500 words. This is the ideal the readers’ mind about which side you are on
length, you can take creative license to increase or from the beginning of your essay.
decrease it
º Keep your language simple and crisp. Unnecessary
complicated and difficult words break the flow of
the sentence.
º Do not make grammar mistakes, use
correct punctuation and spellings. If this is not
done it will distract the reader from the content
º Before beginning the essay organize your thought
and plot a rough draft. This way you can ensure the
story will flow and not be an unorganized mess.

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Curriculum Vitae : DISCUSS THE BASICS OF •Full-time and part-time employment

CV •Research projects
CV, which stands for curriculum vitae (a Latin •Lab work
phrase meaning 'course of life'), is a document •Volunteer work
used when applying for jobs. It allows you to •Field experience
summarize your education, skills and relevant work Include the title of your position, the name and
experience enabling you to successfully sell your location of your employer and employment dates.
abilities to potential employers. Below this, list two to three bullet points that
SIZE/LENGTH OF CV explain your job duties.
A standard CV in the UK should be no longer than 5. List your relevant skills and achievements
two sides of A4.That said one size doesn't fit all. List any abilities that apply to the potential job,
For example, a school leaver or recent graduate such as foreign languages or a type of software.
with minimal experience may only need to use one Try to include skills that relate to the job
side of A4. Although not used as often, a description to make yourself a more desirable
three-page CV might be needed for those in candidate.
high-level Also include any kind of achievements you have
roles or for people who have gained a lot of earned or competitions you have won.
experience or worked in multiple jobs over the last 6. Include additional sections
five CVs are usually longer than resumes so you can
to ten years. For example, some medical or detail all the achievements relevant to the
academic CVs may be longer depending on your potential role. Add sections as needed to list all of
experience. While it's important to keep your CV your accomplishments, including:
concise you should also avoid selling your •Publications
experience short. •Presentation and lectures
When writing a CV save space by only including the •Community service
main points of your education and experience. •Grants, fellowships or scholarships
Stick to relevant information and don't repeat. •Awards and honors
Steps to include in a CV •Professional memberships
Here are basic steps for writing a CV: •Consulting work
1. Create a header with contact information •Fieldwork
Your header should be at the top of the page and •Study abroad experience
include your name, phone number and email •Conferences
address so employers immediately know who you How do I format a CV?
are and how to reach you. The layout of your CV also has an effect on its
2. Write a professional summary success. Keep in mind the following tips when
Your professional summary is a short bio that crafting your CV:
introduces you to the reader. This section sums up • Avoid titling the document 'curriculum vitae' or
who you are what kind of person you are where do 'CV'. It's a waste of space. Instead let your
your skills and interests lie. name serve as the title.
3. Detail your education • Section headings are a good way to break up
Since a CV is mostly used for the academic job your CV. Ensure they stand out by making them
search process, it’s important to include a section larger (font size 14 or 16) and bold.
on • Avoid fonts such as Comic Sans. Choose
your educational history. List your education in something professional, clear and easy to read
reverse chronological order, with your most recent such
degree first. Include both degrees you’ve earned Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. Use a font size
and those you’re pursuing. between 10 and 12 to make sure that potential
4. Provide your work experience employers can read your CV. Ensure all fonts and
Detail all your practical work experience so your font sizes are consistent throughout.
prospective employer can see your career path, • List everything in reverse chronological order.
including: Then the recruiter sees your work history and most

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recent achievements first. Education

• Keep it concise by using bullet points. This type Master of Science in Integrative Biology | 3.9 GPA |
of CV layout allows potential employers to skim 2014
your CV and quickly pick out important information Michigan State University
first. Dissertation: “Variation in Piping Plover Survival
• Double check your margins - Having white space Across Different Environments”
around your CV will make it easier to read and Bachelor of Science in Zoology | 3.7 GPA | 2010
look less cluttered. Aim for 2.5 centimeter margins Michigan State University
all the way around. Don't be tempted to make Thesis: “Environmental Influences on the
these smaller to fit more in. Observable Evolution of Different Species”
• Use active verbs when possible. For example, Work Experience
include words like 'created', 'analyzed' and Conservation Scientist, Population Biology |
'devised' 2015–2019
to present yourself as a person who shows Chicago Zoological Society | Brookfield, ILWildlife
initiative. Biologist | 2010–2012
• A good CV doesn't have any spelling or grammar Skills and certifications
mistakes. Use a spell checker and enlist a The Wildlife Society, Certified Wildlife Biologist
second pair of eyes to check over the document. Extensive knowledge of database software
• Avoid generic, over-used phrases such as 'team including Team Desk, Knack and Table Plus
player', 'hardworking' and 'multitasker. Instead, Ability to use DNA sequencers, Bioanalyzers and
provide real-life examples that demonstrate all of fluorometers
these skills. Knowledge of state regulations regarding scientific
CV example research
This example is a detailed CV for a zoologist: Awards and Honors
Alice Johnson Outstanding Academic Achievement and Promise
685 Vine Grove Drive, Akron OH | 330-555-3563 | in Zoology Award, Michigan State University (2013)
Professional Summary Dan Bolin Undergraduate Student Award, Zoology
I am a passionate zoologist who is interested in (2003)
furthering conservation efforts through research Professional Memberships
that will help individuals better understand what Member of Zoological Association of America
various species need to survive, thrive and grow. Member of Society for Conservation Biology
I’m seeking a position that will utilize my Member of American Institute of Biological
experience studying wild animals to help protect Sciences
serve populations.

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JOB APPLICATION Make sure your letter does not have any
An application letter, also known as a "cover letter," grammatical or spelling errors to avoid a
is sent with your resume during the job application potentially negative first impression.
process. A letter adds more personality to your 4. Review the job listing keywords
application by providing more details about your Most job postings will include certain skills and
background and interest in the position, while a abilities that the hiring manager and supervisor
resume outlines your professional skills and experience want applicants to possess. Including these
more. keywords in your application letter helps to show
What is a job application letter? the person reviewing it you would be a good fit in
An application letter is a standalone document you that specific role.
submit to a potential employer to express your 5. Send a letter for every position to which you
interest in an open position. The job application apply
letter explains who you are as a professional and
an individual. The letter should highlight your Unless a job posting specifically states not to send
achievements and skills, helping to get the an application letter, it is smart to send one for
attention of the hiring manager or recruiter each job to which you apply. This letter offers the
responsible for reviewing applications. When opportunity for a potential employer to learn more
written well, this letter explains to the reader why about you and gives you the chance to set yourself
they should ask you in for an interview and apart from other applicants.
highlights the key qualifications that make you a fit How to format an application letter
for the role. When writing an application letter for a job, follow
A job application letter can impress a these steps to make sure you include information
potential employer and set you apart from other about yourself and your professional experience
applicants. In your letter, you may also want to that will appeal to a hiring manager:
show your familiarity with the company to which ɵ Use a professional format.
you’re applying. You can talk about how your ɵ Create the heading.
professional goals and aspirations align with the ɵ Address the letter to the hiring manager.
company’s goals. It’s important to use your job 1. Use a professional format
application letter to showcase aspects of your A job application letter should be more
personality. professional than a thank-you card or an email to
Job application letter tips a coworker or friend. The alignment of the
document should include single spacing, one-inch
When preparing a job application letter, follow margins and left alignment. It’s best to use a
these tips to make sure your letter includes the professional and traditional font, such as Times
information a hiring manager needs: New Roman, in a size from 10 to 12 points. Try to
1. Emphasize your skills and abilities keep your job application letter to one page.
An application letter is your opportunity to sell When a hiring manager reviews your job
yourself as an excellent candidate for the open application letter, they will get their first
position. Include specific examples of situations in impression of you as a potential employee, so take
which you applied your experience, abilities and time to format it professionally and keep it concise.
skills to benefit the organization. It is also helpful 2. Create the heading
to include data that supports your claims. Use a formal business heading for your job
2. Stay concise application letter. The heading should include
Although it may be tempting to include a lot of your name and contact information, the date and
detailed information about yourself, it is important the company name and address. If you send your
to be concise. If a hiring manager receives a letter job application letter via email, you can eliminate
that is multiple pages, they may not take the time your name and contact information from the
to read it. A brief letter is more manageable and header and put it at the bottom of the email after
appealing. the signature instead.
3. Proofread the letter
Since this letter is serving as your first impression,
you want to make sure It is as positive as possible.

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Example header: Briefly state the main experience or qualification

Your name you have that makes you a good fit. This is the
Your city and ZIP code section that will draw in the hiring manager as the
Your phone number reader of your application letter, so it is important
Your email address to appeal to that person quickly and succinctly.
Date Example: “I saw the posting for the marketing
Name of hiring manager or supervisor intern role on my university’s online job board, and
Title of hiring manager or supervisor I am very interested. I’m drawn to your company’s
Company name mission of innovation and putting the customer
Company physical address first. I am in my final year of earning my bachelor’s
By including a professional and detailed heading, degree in marketing with a minor in
you can make it easier for the hiring manager to communications, so I feel my educational
follow up with you regarding the position. experience has prepared me to work in a
fast-paced marketing department like the one
3. Address the letter to the hiring manager within your organization.”
In your research, try to find the name of the person Outline your experience and qualifications
reviewing applications for the job. Address your The next few paragraphs of your letter should
letter to this person with a common business highlight your experience, qualifications and skills,
greeting, such as “Dear Mr./Ms.” and their last positioned in a way that aligns with the company’s
name. If you’re unable to find their preferred goals and mission. For example, if you are applying
gender pronouns (she/her, them/they) of the for a job with a nonprofit organization that
individual reviewing your application, you can use provides educational opportunities to underserved
“Dear [first and last name]” or “Dear Hiring community members, you could talk about your
Manager.” experience with nonprofit organizations or
How to write an application letter educational offerings. Since a job application letter
ɵ Review information about the company and should stand on its own without a resume, it’s
position helpful to include details about your experience
ɵ Open the letter by describing your interest that relate to the position to which you’re
ɵ Outline your experience and qualifications applying.
ɵ Include aspects of your personality 4. Include aspects of your personality
ɵ Express appreciation As you’re writing your job application letter,
ɵ Close the letter consider how you can incorporate aspects of your
1. Review information about the company and personality while remaining professional. A friendly
position and engaging letter is likely to appeal to the reader,
It’s best to write a new application letter for each especially when they can get an idea of how well
position you’re applying for so you can include you might fit with the team.
pertinent details and show your interest in the For example, in the situation mentioned above,
particular open role. Spend some time reviewing explain in your letter you are good at connecting
the company information, which you can likely find with children or how you value community spirit.
on the website, as well as the position listing. 5. Express appreciation
Compare your qualifications and experience with Before you sign off on your letter, express your
the list of skills in that posting. You may also want appreciation to the hiring manager for reviewing
to think about specific experiences that have your letter and considering you for the position.
prepared you for the role, such as leading a team The hiring manager is taking time out of their day
or managing a major event. to read what you have written, so expressing your
gratitude for that time spent is a polite and
2. Open the letter by describing your interest professional way to close the document.
In the first paragraph of your letter, mention the Example: “I appreciate the time you have taken to
job title for which you’re applying and where you review my application letter. Since you likely
saw the position posting. Include your specific received a number of applications and letters for
interest in the role and company so the reader this open position, I am extremely grateful for the
knows this is not a generic application letter.

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time you have spent reading about me and what Job application letter template
would make me a good fit for this role.” Consider the following template when planning
6. Close the letter your job application letter:
Many people use “Sincerely” or “Best” to close the Your name
letter, although any professional sign-off is fine to Your address
include. The final line of the letter should be your Your email address
full name. If you submit a hard copy of the letter, Your phone number
include your signature above your typed name. Date
When submitting an application letter via email, Name of hiring manager or supervisor
you should include your contact information Title of hiring manager or supervisor
beneath your name, rather than including it in the Company name
header. Company address
Sending a job application letter Salutation [Dear Mr./Ms.],
The format of your job application letter will Outline where you saw the job posting and
depend on how you are sending it to the hiring express your interest in working in this role.
manager or supervisor. If you plan to email the Discuss some of your qualifications that would
application letter, the formatting will differ from a make you a good fit for the job.
printed, mailed letter. Your contact information
should be at the bottom of an email, beneath your Describe your past experience in a way that
typed full name. emphasizes your personality and skills, while also
When emailing a job application letter, it is also showcasing how you align with the goals of the
important to consider what subject line to use to company.
make sure the hiring manager opens the email Express your appreciation to the hiring manager
and reads your letter. When scanning their inbox, for reviewing your letter. Include any follow-up
the hiring manager will see the subject line you information, if applicable.
included first, along with your name and email Closing [Sincerely, Best]
address. The decision to read or delete an email Your signature
ultimately depends on what subject line you Your name (printed)
choose, which means it is your chance to make a
first impression.
The best subject lines are professional, polite,
relevant and concise. When sending a job
application email, it is important to include the
title of the job into which you are inquiring or for
which you are applying. Making your subject line
specific also helps the reader categorize the email
properly and respond accordingly. Review your
subject line to make sure it is free of any errors.

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Scanning & Skimming: on the newspaper and you do not have enough
If you know how to skim and scan when you are time to read more than one article, you will skim
reading, you won’t have to read everything through most of the article to decide exactly which
thoroughly and you will be able to take some article you want to read. Skimming will also save a
pressure off your brain. Moreover, these two great amount of your valuable time if you know
reading techniques will save a great amount of how to skim a text efficiently
your valuable time. . Purposes of Skimming
Scanning º To see what is in the news on a website or on a
Scanning is the act of searching a particular paper
information in a text with a particular approach. º To look through a text to decide whether you
For instance, if you want to know the meaning of want to read it or not
the word ‘virtuous’ from a dictionary, you will start º To look through the television guide/program
searching the letter V first, then I, and then R; by schedule to plan your evening
then you probably will have found the word. This º To see through a catalog to choose an offer
process of searching is called scanning. It is a º To go through the options after searching
technique of fast reading. something on Google
Purposes of Scanning º And many more
º To search for a word in a dictionary or index Skimming: Steps to Follow
º To find a phone number or an address in a º Read the title first. Generally, titles will give you
directory the most important idea of the text. If the title
º To check the time schedule of a program in an does not interest you, you will probably skip it at
agenda once.
º To check the price of a specific item in a catalog º Then read the sub-headings (if any) of the text.
º To know a particular information from a text It will give a basic idea about the text and what’s
Scanning: Steps to Follow in it.
º Before starting to scan a text for a particular º If there is no sub-heading, read the first line or
information, you know some basic things about first few lines of the text. It will give you the gist
that text. You will not be able to scan a text of the text.
efficiently if you do not have a basic idea about º If you want to skim it further, you may read the
that text. If the text is completely unknown to first lines of all the paragraphs and focus on the
you, you should skim it first to get some ideas emphasized (bolded & italicized) words in them
about that text. This will help you to guess the to get more ideas about the
section or part of the text where you might find
the information you need.
º Notice how the information is arranged. It
can be arranged either alphabetically or
numerically. However, some texts are not
arranged at all. In that case, you have to guess a
section and scan it through to get your
º Scanning a random unknown page of a text
is difficult. It may take more time than the usual.
However, it won’t take too much time if you
move your eyes vertically and diagonally
keeping in mind the exact letters or numbers
you are looking for.

Skimming is the other technique of fast reading.

Skimming is the act of glancing through a text for
gathering a basic idea about that text. For
instance, if you want to read an interesting article

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COMPREHENSION Ɵ Losing concentration.

whatiscomprehension? Ɵ Cramming: most students do this whenever
Comprehension is the ability to understand written examination is at the corner, this is a bad reading
text, spoken word, and visual images. habit whenever you cram what you read it is easier
Comprehension is also the ability to read a passage, for you to forget, instead read to understand.
understand the passages and answer questions in Ɵ Head movement: pin this, whenever you are
the passage. reading a passage do not move your head by
It can also be defined as the ability of reading the character one by one.
somebody or the power to understand something Ɵ Pointing at words: don’t point at words when
that was said in a language or a passage. you are reading, you will surely be distracted and
Comprehension is a crucial element of reading, it turn the reading into a joke.
entails a gradual process and it’s one of the skills of Ɵ Vocalization & sub-vocalization.
an excellent reader. Ɵ Regression.
Majorly, when you see someone who reads well, Ɵ Wrong eyes movement: fix your attention to the
he/she must have the skills. passage to avoid distraction while reading the
Skillsofanexcellentreader passage.
1. A good reading culture and pace. Ɵ Small recognition span.
2. The person will overcome bad reading habits Howtoanswercomprehensionquestions
including: Ɵ Below are the tips for writing a good
* Reading out loud comprehension:
* Losing concentration A. Read the question at the end of the passage to
* Cramming get some information about the passage.
* Head movement B. Read through the passage fairly rapidly to get a
* Pointing at words general or broad view of the passage.
* Vocalization C. Re-read the passage fairly and slower than the
* Regression first reading. While re-reading, try to get the
* Wrong eyes movement message of each paragraph or thought of the
3. Adequate concentration: when reading a passage. At this point, make some jotting as you
passage or sentence you should concentrate and read on.
focus on getting the points and the heart of the D. This is the third reading, be poised to search for
passage. answers to the questions on the passage while
4. Adequate vocabulary development: the more reading.
you read, the more your vocabulary skills develop E. Take note of punctuation marks, contextual
6. The person will have attitudinal questioning. meaning, heightened expression, figurative and
WhatareBadreadinghabits? technical use of language.
Ɵ Reading out loud: it is prohibited to read out F. While reading the passage, try to identify the
loud whenever you are reading. Whenever you try relationship between sentences and sentences
to do this while reading you will surely be structure
distracted by what is in your environment.

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What Is Speed Reading? track each line as you read it, keeping your eye
Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing above the tip of the pen. This will help to increase
and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all the pace at which you take in each line, and
at once, rather than identifying individual words. improve your focus on the words. Whether you
The amount of information that we process actually underline the words is your choice.
seems to be growing by the day, whether it's Try to spend no more than one second on each line
emails, reports and websites at work, or social and then increase your speed with each
media, books and magazines at home. We likely subsequent page. You will probably find that you
feel pressure to get through this information more retain very little information at first, but, as you
quickly, so that we can "stay in the loop" and train your brain and you become more
make informed decisions. comfortable with the technique, your
Most people read at an average rate of 250 words comprehension should improve.
per minute (wpm), though some are naturally 3. The Scanning (or Previewing) Method
quicker than others. But, the ability to speed read "Scanning" involves moving your eyes quickly
could mean that you double this rate. down the page – often down the center – and
We'll now explore some of the skills that you can identifying specific words and phrases as you go.
use to accelerate your reading. These can be key sentences (often the first
How to Speed Read sentence of each paragraph), names, numbers, or
All speed reading techniques have one thing in trigger words and ideas. Learning to expand your
common: you avoid pronouncing and "hearing" peripheral vision can help with this.
each word in your head as you read it, a process You won't read every word, but your eye will
known as as "sub-vocalization." Instead, you "skim" land on what is important to allow you to grasp the
lines or groups of words, as you can understand basic idea.
words more quickly than you can say them. When to Speed Read
One way to stop yourself from sub-vocalizing is These techniques can all help you to read more
to focus on blocks of words rather than on quickly, but are they appropriate for what you're
individual ones. Do this by relaxing your face and trying to achieve?
"softening" or expanding your gaze on the page, so Effective speed reading is a balance between
that you stop seeing words as single, distinct units. pace and comprehension. Studies have found that
As you practice this, your eyes will skip faster the faster you read, the less information you take
across the page. in, particularly when it comes to remembering
Then, when you approach the end of a line, detail.
allow your peripheral vision to take your eye to the So, speed reading is clearly not the answer if you're
final set of words. This will help to stop pauses in reading a complex legal or technical document,
your reading (often at full points), meaning that even if you are pushed for time. Similarly, it would
you scan across and down to the next line more be sensible to slow down if the material you're
quickly. reading is new or unfamiliar, or if you have to
Now let's look at three methods to boost your teach it to someone else.
reading speed: When you need to understand only the basic
1. The Pointer Method arguments or conclusions being presented, though,
Utah school teacher Evelyn Nielsen Wood was one using a speed reading technique can work.
of the pioneers of speed reading. In the 1950s, she This may especially be the case if you intend to go
claimed that she could read at up to 2,700 wpm if back and re-read something more slowly when
she swept a finger along the line as she read. you're less busy. In fact, one study has suggested
This became known as the Pointer method, that skimming a text can improve your
and is also sometimes called "hand pacing" or comprehension the second time around.
"meta guiding." Holding a card under each line and Generally speaking, if you want to memorize
drawing it down the page as you read works just as something, you'll need to read slowly, at less than
well. 100 wpm. A normal rate for learning is 100-200
2. The Tracker-and-Pacer Method wpm, and for comprehension it is 200-400 wpm.
This is a variant of the Pointer method where you Speed reading is normally done at a rate of around
hold a pen, with its cap still on, and underline or 400-700 wpm. Anything above 500-600 wpm

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means sacrificing comprehension, although this

varies from person to person.
How to Improve Your Speed Reading
Knowing the "how" and "when" of speed reading is
only the first step to success. Here are some more
tips to help you:
Ɵ Avoid distractions. Create an environment
where there are as few interruptions and
distractions as possible, to allow you to focus fully
on the words in front of you.
Ɵ Go easy. Read an uncomplicated novel or a
simple online article to get a feel for which
technique is going to work best for you. Gauge
how much you've remembered or understood, and
set a timer to see how much faster you are now
Ɵ Cover words that you've already read. This
helps you to stop your eyes flitting back to earlier
words and slowing down your reading.
Ɵ Know what you want from the text. This can be
useful if you are using the skimming method, as it
primes you to pay attention when you see relevant
words, sentences or phrases. You can then slow
down at these points, or circle them for emphasis,
but otherwise move across the page quickly.
Ɵ Benchmark your progress. This way you can tell
whether your practice is paying off. There are
many free speed reading assessments online, such
as at
Ɵ Practice, practice, practice. You have to practice
speed reading to get good at it. The more you train
yourself, the more natural it will feel.

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Summary The features of a summary:

How to Write a Summary 1. Start your summary with a clear identification
Meaning of the type of work, title, author, and main point in
using few words to give the most important the present tense.
information about something Example: In the feature article "Four Kinds of
A "stand-alone" summary is a summary Reading," the author, Donald Hall, explains his
produced to show a teacher that you have read opinion about different types of reading.
and understood something. It is common in many 2. Check with your outline and your original to
100 and 200 level classes to get assignments that make sure you have covered the important points.
ask you to read a certain number of articles and 3. Never put any of your own ideas, opinions, or
summarize them. This is also a very common type interpretations into the summary. This means you
of writing assignment in graduate school. have to be very careful of your word choice.
How to produce a summary: 4. Write using "summarizing language."
1.Read the article to be summarized and be sure Periodically remind your reader that this is a
you understand it. summary by using phrases such as the article
2.Outline the article. Note the major points. claims, the author suggests, etc.
3.Write a first draft of the summary without 5. Write a complete bibliographic citation at the
looking at the article. beginning of your summary. A complete
4.Always use paraphrase when writing a summary. bibliographic citation includes as a minimum, the
If you do copy a phrase from the original be sure it title of the work, the author, the source. Use APA
is a very important phrase that is necessary and format.
cannot be paraphrased. In this case put "quotation
marks" around the phrase.
5.Target your first draft for approximately 1/4 the
length of the original.

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Precis-writing Use an appropriate Title: The precis needs to have

A precis is a summary. Precis writing is an exercise a title. So, the candidates must ensure that the title
in compression. A precis is the gist of a passage is in sync with the comprehension.
expressed in as few words as possible. A precis Details in precis must match the details in the
should give all essential points so that anyone passage: No other information apart from the one
reading it will be able to understand the idea given in the passage must be included in the precis
expressed in the original passage. and all the important information mentioned in
Note that precis writing is different from the passage must certainly be included.
paraphrasing. In a paraphrase you should give all Dos for Precis Writing
the details: you should not leave out any details. A Ɵ Begin with the basic idea of the passage to make
paraphrase will be at least as long and sometimes the precis convenient to read.
longer than the original. A precis, on the other Ɵ Give a clear idea pertaining to what the reader is
hand, must always be shorter than the original. It about to read.
should express only the main theme that too as Ɵ While reading the passage, make a note of all
briefly as possible. the important points and include them in the
What is Precis Writing? precis.
Precis writing is summarizing a comprehension in Ɵ Follow the main idea of the passage with the
limited words, covering all the important aspects facts/points of improvement/ methods, etc. as
and details of the passage given. mentioned in the comprehension.
Rules of Precis Writing Ɵ Include all the important keywords and terms
To avoid making any errors in writing a precis, which are used in the passage.
follow a set of rules as mentioned below: Ɵ Keep a track of the tenses you use. Data related
1. Read the comprehension carefully to historical events of the past must be described
2. Note down the important points in the past tense only.
3. Make a rough draft of the precis Ɵ There must be a relation between the data you
4. Make use of simple and precise language, as are writing in the precis. It should have some
much as possible common links.
5. Draft the final precis once all the points have Don’ts for Precis Writing
been included Ɵ The length of the precis must be shorter than the
Important Features of a Good Precis length of the passage.
There are various components that make a good Ɵ Do not over complicate the precis and use easy
precis. For candidates who have just started their vocabulary.
preparation for the upcoming Government exams, Ɵ Do not make assumptions or add information in
knowing the features of a good precis is extremely the precis as per your own imagination.
vital. Ɵ Do not give your own opinion or criticism over
Discussed below are a few of the features the comprehension.
which shall help you write a good precis: Ɵ Avoid using abbreviations.
Length of the Precis: Do not write a lengthy precis. Ɵ Do not enter statements in the question format
In most cases, the number of words must be in the precis.
almost one-third of the word count of the passage Ɵ Don’t focus on any one point for very long. Keep
or comprehension. the information as precise as possible.
It should be convenient to read: Make sure that The above-mentioned dos and don'ts will help
the precis you write does not have too complex a candidates get a better idea of the concept and
vocabulary or is too complicated to understand. also learn the correct approach with which the
Cover all the essential points: While reading the precis needs to be written.
passage, make a note of the important points and How long should a precis be?
ensure that no point is skipped. There are no rigid rules regarding the length of a
Must be coherent: The important terms with precis. But as a general rule, it should not contain
respect to the passage must be included in the more than a third of the total number of words in
precis as well. the original passage.

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Uses of precis writing Comprehension Passage:

Most people read carelessly and fail to fully Everybody knows what a “good” man means and
comprehend the meaning of the passage. Precis how he should be. Our definition of a good man is
writing forces them to pay attention to what they the one who does not smoke, or drink or avoids
read because no one can write a summary of a the usage of bad language. A good man is ideally
passage unless they read it carefully. So expected to converse in front of men as he would
summarizing teaches one to read with in front of women. He is also expected to attend
concentration. the Church regularly and have correct opinions on
Precis writing also improves your overall all subjects. He has a wholesome horror of
writing skills. It teaches you how to express your wrong-doing and realizes that it is our painful duty
thoughts clearly, concisely and effectively. You to reprimand sin. He is not anticipated to have
learn to choose your words carefully and construct wrong thinking and has the authority to protect
your sentences in a logical and concise manner. the young. His duties are not just restricted to the
Frequently Asked Question – Precis Writing professional front but also needs to spend quality
Q.1. What do you mean by precis writing? time doing good deeds. He must be patriotic and a
Ans. Precis writing is a summary or a gist of a keen believer of military training, he should
comprehensive passage that is supposed to cover promote industry, must be sober and have virtue
all the details and important aspects of the passage among wage earners and their children. He must
and convey the summary with the use of minimal be a role model for all and it is expected that he
words. leads a way which the younger generation would
Q.2. How do you write a precis? willingly follow. Above all, of course, his “morals”
Ans. To write a good precis, read the passage given, in the narrow sense must be admirable.
note down the important points and main idea of Precis Writing:
the passage, use simple and clear words and draft Title: Attributes of a Good Man
a final precis in precise language. The characteristics of a good man are known and
Q.3. Does a Precis need a title? he is expected to be religiously profound, must not
Ans. Whether asked or not you are supposed to smoke, drink or use bad language. His behaviour
give a title to the precis. The title should convey must be the same for all genders and he is
the core idea of the passage. expected to be a role model for the young ones. He
Q.4. What should be avoided in precis writing? must know his duties and avoid taking up the path
Ans. To write a good precis do not do the of sin. He must be good not only in the
following things – do not use any abbreviations, do professional space but also help people in need. He
not give any question in your precis, do not express must be someone who can be admired and is
your own opinion, do not keep it long, and avoid praiseworthy.
using complex vocabulary. Candidates may note that all the information
Q 5. How long can a Precis Writing be? which was mentioned in the comprehension has
Ans. The length of a précis varies greatly. A precis been precisely covered in the precis in
can be 100 to 200 words or approximately understandable and easy to read language, along
one-fifth to one-sixth of the length of the original with an appropriate title.

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Comparison Chart


Meaning Extensive reading is an approach to Intensive Reading is a reading method

language learning in which long text wherein learners are supposed to read the
and a large amount of material are short text carefully and deeply so as to gain
read by the students for general maximum understanding.

Nature Supplementary Comprehensive

Purpose For acquiring information or for For understanding the literal meaning of the
pleasure. text.

Covers Reading of novels, magazines, Reading of textbooks.


Material Reading material is selected by the Reading material is decided and

Selection individual himself. recommended by the teachers.

Involves Reading of a number of books on a Reading of a book again and again to extract
similar concept or subject. its literal meaning.

Use of No Yes

Helpful in Developing reading fluency Developing reading skills, vocabulary and

grammatical knowledge.

Definition of Extensive Reading The individual can select the book or material
Extensive Reading can be defined as a casual of his choice, on the topic that matches their
reading performed for pleasure or gaining general interest. Further, there is no follow-up discussion
understanding on a topic when the students are to be held in the class for what the students have
engrossed in a book, magazine or newspaper. In learnt during their reading.
this approach students read long texts and refer to Extensive Reading is just to encourage the
various supporting study material, only to enjoy habit of reading in students for pleasure and
the reading and gaining a better understanding of make them a voracious reader. Hence, it does not
the concept. really matter as to whether the reader understands
That is why, for extensive reading, the readers each word written in the text or not, to get the
look for easy, interesting and amusing books, so as basic concept of the passage.
to improve their reading fluency and speed as
well. The text is comparatively simple, containing a In addition to this, the extensive reading method
few unfamiliar words. gives an opportunity to the students to read lots of
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material, which they select for themselves 3. Extensive reading is reading for fun,
according to their reading speed and capability. entertainment and pleasure, as well as to gain a
basic understanding of something. However, the
Definition of Intensive Reading primary focus of intensive reading is to understand
Intensive Reading can be understood as the the literal meaning of the text being read.
reading method which requires intimate study of a 4. Extensive reading involves a reading of novels,
text with the objective of getting its literary or journals, newspaper and magazines. As against,
linguistic meaning. The readers are supposed to intensive reading is all about textbook reading.
read the text with concentration and due care, in 5. As the topic is chosen by the teacher in case of
detail, as it has certain learning aims and tasks. intensive reading, it may not be appropriate as per
Basically, it is the in-depth reading of a the student’s interest. On the contrary, in
comparatively shorter piece of reading material, to extensive reading, the students are free to choose
gain complete knowledge from it. It aims at the material they want to read.
identifying the answers to the questions of reading 6. Extensive reading is concerned with reading
comprehension. Moreover, it can be used for the different books and other study material based on
purpose of skimming and scanning, and the a similar concept or idea. In contrast, intensive
concatenation of the sentences. reading involves reading the given material, again
It involves an analysis of the text by the and again, to understand it in full.
deconstruction of the sentences and looking over 7. In extensive reading, readers are not supposed
each word, phrase and collocation which is not to use a dictionary, as understanding each and
understandable with an aim of extracting the every word contained in the material is not vital.
essence and meaning of the text as much as As opposed, in intensive reading readers have to
possible and learn the grammar and syntax rules. use the dictionary, to understand the meaning of
Further, the goals of intensive reading include every single word which is unfamiliar to them.
understanding the gist and subject matter of the 8. While extensive reading is important for
text, improving grammar and vocabulary, and improving the reading speed and fluency of the
understanding the thought of the author behind reader, intensive reading develops critical thinking,
the text. The main focus of the learner is on the analytical skills in the reader, along with improving
language used, rather than the text. reading skills, vocabulary and grammatical
Key Differences Between Extensive and Intensive Conclusion
Reading In a nutshell, extensive reading is mainly used
The main points of difference between extensive when an overall or superficial knowledge is
and intensive reading are explained below: required on a subject, as no focus is made on the
1. In extensive reading the reader reads multiple detailed study. On the other hand, intensive
books, newspaper, magazines etc. to get a general reading is used where due attention is required, to
understanding of the topic of their interest. learn specific details about the topic or subject
Conversely, Intensive reading is concerned with under study.
classroom learning, wherein the student is
compelled to read some text as many times as
required to deeply understand the topic.
2. Extensive Reading is a supplementary reading
which is concerned with decoding of the written
material. On the other hand, intensive reading is
comprehensive in nature, as it involves
comprehension of the written text.

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Main idea & supporting Main idea of that passage

ideas HOW TO IDENTIFY THEM IN A TEXT Learning new information can strengthen your
Main idea brain.
• Its is the key information that the author wants What I did here was took something from
you to know after reading the text. Main idea is the each paragraph and saw the intent of the writer
central and most important idea in a passage. behind it. Don’t get so hung up on tiny details that
• It may be stated or implied. you will be unable to see the big idea.There are 4
• Main idea is bigger than summary as summary effective ways to identify the main idea of a
has all the key details that happened in the text, passage.
while main idea is what those details add up to. 1. Read the passage then try to identify the main
• When an author writes he has idea in mind which idea. What is the paragraph about?
he wants to convey. 2. Summarize the Passage
Example 3. After reading the passage summarize it in your
An article about the creek in the forest, how own words in one sentence.
everyone wants to drink from it, but the otters 4. Look for Repetition of Ideas Start looking for
want to swim in it but the bears want to fish in it, repeated words, phrases, or related ideas.
beavers want to build a damn in it to turn the Topic is what the passage is going to talk about.
whole thing in a pond. Now this paragraph is the Subject of the paragraph. Who or what the passage
summary of the article because we talk about the is about? The answer will give you the topic.
events that happened. Right! Example
The main idea here on the other hand is the Potato chip was an invention that accidentally
conflict/fight over who has access to the happened. George Crum was a chef
creek. Main idea is that different animals want to trying to please a customer who kept sending his
use the creek. French fries back to the kitchen
Your brain gets stronger when you exercise it, just with the complaint that he wanted them crispier
like muscles get stronger when you exercise them. and thinner crumb kept slicing potatoes and
Training your brain isn't always easy or cooking
comfortable. In fact, your brain uses up 20%of the them until they became the crispy potato chips we
oxygen and blood in your body because it works so know today.
hard. Here are some examples of how your brain Topic here is potato chip as it is the what the
grows when you learn new things. Learning math paragraph is about. Now the topic will eventually
strengthens the parts of the brain that are linked help
to memory, thought, and action. Imagine that! you in figuring out the main idea.
Remember when you first learned how to add Main idea is what the author wants me to learn
and subtract? You got faster and faster with more the most about the topic.
practice. That's because your neurons, those are Main idea is topic sentence. Topic sentence is
brain cells, your neurons were learning how to usually at the beginning of a paragraph but some
work with each other, and then your memory times
improved. Learning and practicing things helps it is found at the end as well acting as the
your brain work faster. Learning and practicing concluding sentence or in very rare cases in the
helps strengthen and change our brains. Your brain middle of a
is changing and creating new neural pathways. paragraph too.
Neural is similar to neuron. Main idea
Your brain is changing and creating new • The main idea is the central, or most important,
neural pathways when you struggle to learn idea in a paragraph or passage.
something new. • Another term for the main idea is ‘topic sentence’
So struggle is important. In other words, there's a while the topic is simply called ‘topic.’
lot happening in your brain when you're learning. • The main idea may be stated or it may be
All learning can build new information pathways, implied.
but learning things that are challenging for you can • When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is
supercharge your brain growth. In other words, the found in the topic sentence of the paragraph..
more you're challenged, the faster you learn.

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• The main idea may be stated in the first sentence Example sleep helps sharpen your thinking, it also
of a paragraph and then be repeated or restated at helps you to concentrate better and work faster.
the end of the paragraph Sleep heals your body and proper sleep helps your
• Stated main idea is mostly in the topic sentence organs to function fully. Main idea here is sleep is
while implied main idea is not in that case the topic good for health all the other details support that
sentence is only about the topic. idea.
Supporting details
Supporting details are general information that
clarifies, supports, or explains the main idea in
greater detail, proving the main idea’s credibility
with supporting details and examples from the text
in order to better understand the story and what
the main idea is. So, mainly these details are the
other information in the passage that explains the
main idea.

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LETTER WRITING your college to ask for leave, this would be a

Letter Writing formal letter
A letter is a written message that can be 2] Make sure you open and close the letter
handwritten or printed on paper. It is usually sent correctly
to the recipient via mail or post in an envelope, Opening a letter in the correct manner is of utmost
although this is not a requirement as such. Any importance. Formal letters open with a particular
such message that is transferred via post is a letter, structure and greeting that is formal in nature.
a written conversation between two parties. Informal letters can be addressed to the person’s
types of letters. name or any informal greeting as the writer
• Formal Letter: These letters follow a certain wishes.
pattern and formality. They are strictly kept 3] Establish the main intent of the letter
professional in nature, and directly address the Once you start writing, make sure to get to the
issues concerned. Any type of business letter or point as soon as possible. Especially in formal
letter to authorities falls within this given category. letters, it is important to immediately make clear
• Informal Letter: These are personal letters. They the purpose of the letter.
need not follow any set pattern or adhere to any 4] Be careful of the language
formalities. They contain personal information or A letter is always supposed to be polite and
are a written conversation. Informal letters are considerate. Even if it is a complaint letter, the
generally written to friends, acquaintances, point must be made in a careful and courteous
relatives etc. manner. So it is necessary to use polite expressions
Formal VS Informal and civil language in all types of letters.
The main difference between formal and informal 5] Length of the letter
letters is that formal letters professionally address And the other important factor to be considered is
someone, and informal letters address someone in the length of the letter you are writing. It should be
a personal way. Other differences include: kept in mind that formal letters are generally to
Formal letters follow a specific format, while the point, precise and short. Lengthy formal letters
informal letters can follow any format. The tone of tend to not have the desired effect on the reader.
a formal letter is professional and official, while the The length of an informal letter is determined by
tone of an informal letter is friendly. the message in the letter and the relation to the
People usually write formal letters in the first recipient.
or third person, while informal letters can be from Format
any point of view. Writing a Formal Letter – Parts of a Formal Letter
Formal letters are focused and concise and do When writing a formal letter, always be respectful
not include filler or fluff. and conscious of your language, no matter what
Formal letters are usually typed, while informal the subject of the letter might be. To write a
letters can also be handwritten. formal letter, there are some points to be
Formal letters include a date and contact remembered.
information at the top. 1. Always start with the sender’s address
Unlike informal letters, formal letters do not 2. This is followed by the date.
include grammatical trends like contractions (can't, 3. The receiver’s address comes next. The receiver
don't, I've), slang or idioms. can be the name of the firm or the one who
Most formal letters are no longer than one represents the firm.
page, while informal letters can be any length. 4. The subject of the letter is very important. It is a
Format of writing statement of the purpose of the letter. It should be
Identify the type of letter written in a single line.1. The salutation can be
This obviously is the first step of the letter writing Dear Sir/Ma’am. If it is a person you know well,
process. You must be able to identify the type of you can address them by their name, ‘Dear C.E.O’.
letter you are to be writing. This will be dictated by 5. The body of the letter can be written in 3
the person the letter is addressed to and the paragraphs.
information that will be conveyed through the A. The first paragraph should be aimed at
letter. Suppose you were writing to the principal of introducing yourself and stating the purpose of
your letter.

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B. The second paragraph should furnish all the Types of formal letters
information about the matter. There are different types of formal letters, as
C. The third paragraph can be a concluding discussed, and they can generally be labeled under
paragraph where you lay out your expectations the following terms:
regarding the matter. • Business Letters
6. To close the letter, you can use a complimentary • Letters of Application
closing like ‘Yours faithfully’, ‘Yours sincerely’ etc. • Letters to Newspapers
7. Unlike informal letters, the signature should
include your name (in block letters) and
designation below your signature.

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MEMO WRITING Example of a memo

Writing a business memorandum (memo)
Establish the purpose
In business, the purpose of a memo is to provide
or request information from people within your
organization. It is important to carefully consider
the key point of the memo and who should
receive it. A memo that is written clearly using a
friendly and professional tone avoids any
opportunity for misinterpretation.
Structure of a memo
Part 1: HEADER
TO: provide the names and titles of everyone
who will receive your memo
FROM: provide your complete name and title
DATE: provide the complete and accurate date –
don’t forget to include the year
SUBJECT: provide a brief, yet specific description
of what the memo is about
Introduction – explain the purpose
Body – addresses the information required
Conclusion – (Summary and possible
Each paragraph contains one main idea or point.
A paragraph can be one sentence long.
Arrange points in a logical sequence.

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Formal Meeting and Minutes At the beginning of a meeting, participants will

What is a Formal Meeting? agree to the accuracy of the minutes from the last
A formal meeting is a per-planned gathering of two meeting.
or more people who have assembled for the Attendees will give updates on any action items
purpose from the previous meeting.
of achieving a common goal through verbal The items on the agenda will then be discussed.
interaction. Minutes (official notes) will be taken throughout
Formal meetings are characterized by their the
predetermined topics, a set of objectives and meeting. There often has to be a certain number of
formal notices. people present for the members to be able to
Formal meetings are typically lead by a conduct
chairperson with the discussions and agreements valid business.
recorded in a How do formal meetings impact on organizational
written form known as minutes. goals?
What is formal meeting like? Formal meeting help attendees to understand the
A formal meeting is like conducting an orchestra organizational goals of the company whilst giving
with a conductor (chairperson) and musicians them
(meeting the chance to discuss and amend these
participants) coming together in a per-planned organizational goals.
place at a set time to play a musical piece (agenda) Decisions are often taken in formal meetings
that they which can affect the organizational goals of a
perform together (agreed outcomes). business.
Purpose of a Formal Meeting? What terms are used in managing formal
The purpose of a formal meeting is to discuss the meetings?
list of predetermined topics and address the set of Agenda – An agenda sets out the structure of the
objectives, and make decisions relating to them. meeting.
Formal meetings are a requirement of some Minutes – Minutes are a formal record of the
companies to events which occur during a meeting.
promote transparency and accountability. These Motion – A motion is a proposal or a suggestion
meeting allow proper discussions to be taken within a meeting.
about issues Chairperson – The chairperson is in charge of the
within the company. meeting and decides who can speak and when.
Different Types of Formal Meetings? Order – If more than one person is speaking at
Annual General Meeting – These are usually a once, or if the meeting is becoming an argument,
requirement of a company. Employees and rather
Shareholders than a discussion, the chair may call “order”.
will meet to discuss progress in the past year, and Quorum – This refers to the minimum number of
what to do in the next one. people required for the meeting to remain valid.
Planning Meetings – Groups will gather together 5 Steps on How to Run a Formal Meeting
to plan what to do and how to do it. Step 1: Set objectives:
Review Meetings – Participants will gather to A clear objective will encourage people to
discuss what has been done, how successful it was attend the meeting because they will understand
and its intent. It
whether it could have been done differently. also will set the foundation for a focused meeting.
What’s Involved with a Formal Meeting? Meetings usually have one of two objectives – to
Many formal meetings follow a set pattern. This inform or to decide.
helps to give the meeting an organized structure. Step 2: Assemble attendees:
This pattern is usually set out in an agenda, Create a list of who needs to attend this meeting.
which is circulated to participants in advance, Think carefully about whether or not someone
along with a needs
copy of the minutes from the last meeting. to be in the room for the duration of the meeting.

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Be definitive when you invite people to a Make sure to thank people for attending and
meeting. participating. They will be happy to know their
Step 3: Create an agenda: time was appreciated.
An agenda is a list of the key items to review in Minutes of Meetings:
order to meet your objective. It can be something Minutes of meetings can be defined as the
you written record of everything that's happened
use for yourself or hand out at the meeting. The during a meeting.
upside of handing out an agenda is that it provides They're used to inform people who didn't attend
a the meeting about what happened, or to keep
script for people to follow. The downside is that it track of
may distract your attendees; it could tempt them what was decided during the meeting so that you
to can revisit it and use it to inform future decisions.
jump to issues you’re not ready to cover. Purpose of Minutes of Meeting
Step 4: Maintain control: Meeting minutes provide a written record of what
Once the meeting has begun, it is your was discussed and agreed at a meeting, so you and
responsibility to keep it moving and keep it focused. your
Here are colleagues will have the same recollections from
some tips for accomplishing this: the meeting and the same ideas about what was
Start on time, even if people are late. If you wait agreed.
until the last person arrives, you train people to be With good meeting minutes, you make sure
late. everyone knows what was decided and what needs
Briefly state what the meeting is about. to be
If you have passed out an agenda, be sure achieved by what date.
everyone follows it so that you accomplish your Not taking meeting minutes can be costly in
objectives. terms of both time and money, for example when
If discussion drags on a topic and a decision is you and your colleagues have different
not being made, it is your job to interject and say recollections of what was agreed during a meeting.
something like, “For the sake of the timeline of the In the worst case, if meeting minutes are not
project, we need to make a decision.” written you may end up having to repeat the
If it is apparent that something cannot be meeting. So, getting into the habit of taking
resolved, determine what will be necessary to meeting minutes is good practice.
resolve it in the Steps to write meeting minutes
future and add it to the project timeline. Create an outline: Take notes under each meeting
Crowd control: You have to be firm if the group agenda item as the meeting progresses.
gets off track and suggest that the matter be Check-off attendees as they enter the room: Have
discussed at each person introduce themselves at the beginning
another time. of the meeting, especially if you don’t know them.
Schedule the next meeting at the end of the Record decisions or notes on action items: Record
current one. these decisions or action items as soon as they
If you called the meeting, you are responsible happen to transcribe accurately.
for taking notes or appointing someone to take Ask for clarification if necessary: Don’t be afraid to
notes. ask for clarification if something is unclear. It
Step 5: Follow up: avoids
Once the meeting has ended, you still have work having to come back to it later when things are not
to do. as fresh in our memories.
Put together and distribute an action list Don’t try to capture it all: Capturing it all would be
summarizing what was covered, what was resolved, impossible. Instead, listen attentively for major
and what decisions, action items, problems or solutions.
actions need to be taken for issues requiring Record it: With permission, consider recording the
further clarification. This should come straight meeting on your phone or a recording device if you
from the are worried about missing important content in
meeting notes. your meeting minutes.

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Sample: After detailed discussion the following points of

Agenda & the Meeting the agenda were agreed upon.
Agenda 1. The need for digital library at INS 1. The house agreed to establish a digital library to
Peshawar facilitate the research scholars.
2. Internet facility in the campus 2. Looking at the urgency of the issue, they decided
3. Cafeteria to improve the internet facility.
4. The need for Sick Room and Guest Room 3. The idea of cafeteria was postponed till the start
A meeting was held at INS KMU to discuss various of face to face classes.
problems faced by the students and the faculty. 4. The idea of Sick Room was unanimously
The following worthy members attended the endorsed; however, there were some reservations
meeting chaired by worthy Vice Chancellor KMU. from the
The Registrar KMU Treasurer about Guest Room because of the
The Treasurer KMU limited developmental funds.
The Coordinator and faculty members INS

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Presentation • Examples: Tutorials for using a software, device

What is Presentation? or machine, employee orientation presentations,
• A presentation is a means of communication that explanation of a course syllabus, etc.
can be adapted to various speaking situations, such Arousing
as • This type of presentation is meant to make the
talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing audience think about a certain topic. This can be to
a team. appeal to the intellect and emotions of the
• A presentation in the context of public speaking audience to point them towards a certain point of
can be described as an activity where a presenter view or to start a social debate.
presents his/her ideas, explains a process, provides • Example: Religious speech, presentation about a
information, or raises questions regarding a subject taboo, motivational presentation, etc.
for Decision Making
public debate. • Some presentations are conducted with the sole
Types of Presentations aim of providing facts and figures to help the
• Presentations can be presented for different audience
purposes. Before presenting a presentation, it is reach a decision. This might include a business
necessary presentation about say, market share, profits,
that you have a clear idea regarding the purpose of project
the presentation. revenue and market competition; so that the
• There are 5 most common types of board members might be able to decide a future
presentations: course of
• Informative action for the company.
• Persuasive • Examples: Business meetings, presentation about
• Instructional legislation and laws etc.
• Arousing Elements of a Presentation
• Decision Making • Making a presentation is a way of communicating
Informative your thoughts and ideas to an audience.
• You might need to create an informative • Following are the key components of a
presentation to explain important details tied to a presentation:
topic before an audience. This type of presentation – Context
might be brief, with essential information. Such a – Presenter
presentation is usually based on facts and avoids – Audience
too many complicated details and assumptions. – Message
• Examples: Class lectures, research findings, – Reaction
technical information, results from experiments, – Methods
etc. – Impediments
Persuasive Context
• A persuasive presentation is geared towards • Ask yourself the following questions to develop a
convincing the audience to believe a specific point full understanding of the context of the
of view. presentation.
Such a presentation might conclude with a call to –When and where will you deliver your
action. presentation? (Live or prerecorded)
• Examples: Product demos, presentations on – Will the presentation be to a small group or a
social issues, debates, etc large crowd? (live or web based)
Instructional – What is the audience expecting to learn from you
• Such a presentation might be to provide an and your presentation?
audience with instructions, such as regarding a • All these aspects will change the presentation.
process, or the use of a product. Such Presenter
presentations are usually longer, as they require • The role of the presenter is to communicate with
demonstrations and detailed the audience and control the presentation.
explanation of each aspect of the topic.

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• Remember, though, that if you want some kind you, as presenter, effectively communicated your
of interaction this may mean handing over the message, and whether it met their expectations.
control to • As a presenter, you don’t control the audience’s
your audience. expectations. What you can do is find out what
Audience they have been told about you by the conference
• Before preparing material for a presentation, it is organizers, and what they are expecting to hear.
worth considering your prospective audience. Only if you know that can you be confident of
• Tailoring your talk to the audience is important delivering something that will meet expectations
and the following points should be considered: Method
– The size of the group or audience expected. • How will the presentation be delivered?
– The age range - a talk aimed at retired people will • Presentations are usually delivered direct to an
be quite different from one aimed at teenagers. audience.
– Gender - will the audience be predominantly • However, there may be occasions where they are
male or female? delivered from a distance over the Internet, or
– Is it a captive audience or will they be there out recorded and posted on the internet, then people
of interest? may be able to access it for several years.
– Will you be speaking in their work or leisure • This will mean that your contemporaneous
time? references should be kept to a minimum
– Do they know something about your subject Impediments
already or will it be totally new to them? Is the • Many factors can influence the effectiveness of
subject part how your message is communicated to the
of their work? audience.
– Are you there to inform, teach, stimulate, or • For example background noise or other
provoke? distractions, an overly warm or cool room, or the
– Can you use humor and if so what would be time of day and
considered appropriate? state of audience alertness can all influence your
Message audience’s level of concentration.
• The message or messages are delivered by the • As presenter, you have to be prepared to cope
presenter to the audience. with any such problems and try to keep your
• The message is delivered not just by the spoken audience
word (verbal communication) but can be focused on your message.
augmented by Means to Present a Presentation
techniques such as voice projection, voice tone, 1. Oral Only
body language, gestures, eye contact, and attitude • This might simply include a presenter speaking
or directly to the audience, without any visual aid.
authentic passion displayed (non-verbal This type of presentation can be difficult, since it
communication), and visual aids, such as can be hard to grab audience attention without
PowerPoint slides. any visual aid. If you are looking to give an oral
• The message will also be affected by the presentation, you must have very good
audience’s expectations. For example, if you have presentation skills and a compelling story to tell
been billed as your audience. In fact, your audience is likely to be
speaking on one particular topic, and you choose more interested in your presentation if you can
to speak on another, the audience is unlikely to present your ideas, concepts and explanations like
take your a story.
message on board even if you present very well. • While it might seem unlikely that someone would
They will judge your presentation a failure, resort to an audio only presentation, however, this
because you too
have not met their expectations. can be quite an effective method for creating a
Reaction sense of mystery of making your audience pay
• The audience’s reaction and therefore the more
success of the presentation will largely depend
upon whether

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attention to the content of your presentation. Such • Other than presentation software, and the use of
a presentation might be presented in the form of a devices like projectors, monitors and TV screens,
story, read out or played via an audio device visual
2. Visual Only and oral presentations might also include
• This might include a set of images or a video photographs, whiteboards, and handouts
playing out before an audience. Tips for Effective Presentations
• Such a presentation might include slides or a • Show your Passion and Connect with your
video clip with text that the audience requires to Audience . ...
read to • Focus on your Audience's Needs. ...
understand the visuals, a silent animation with a • Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core
symbolic message, or a set of images played like a Message . ...
slideshow. • Relax, Breathe and Enjoy.
3. Visual & Oral • Smile and Make Eye Contact with your
• This is the most common method of presenting a Audience. ...
presentation. Whether it is a presenter directly or • Use your Voice Effectively.
remotely presenting a presentation, or a video • Start Strongly. ...
presentation playing out before an audience, the • Tell Stories. ...
use of both visual and an oral explanation is usually • Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows. ...
the most effective method for presenting a • Use your body too.
presentation. Such a presentation may also include
background music, and audio effects to make the
presentation more

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What Is a Progress Report? meaningful answers, instead of generic ones with

A progress report is a document that shows the unnecessary details. It's used by many people at Skype
progress that your team is making towards completing and Apple to get useful and relevant project facts.
a project. Progress - These include milestones, goals achieved,
Progress reports give an overview to either a finished tasks and validated items that contribute to
supervisor, a manager, a team leader, a colleague or a project completion.
client on: Plans - These include things to do, short- and long-term
Ɵ The status of the project objectives, and other plans that affect project
Ɵ The milestones achieved completion.
Ɵ Responsibilities of each employee or team member Problems - These are blockers and issues that affect
Ɵ The issues faced by various team members...and project completion.
other important factors that affect project completion Each Project should have answers with 3-5 items. If
This report is essentially a project management your team is having a hard time filling out the progress
mechanism to prevent issues before they happen, to reports because they're too frequent, you might want
ensure that the project will be finished on-time, and to to change the frequency they're submitted.
keep those involved informed of the project's progress. 3. Allow meaningful completion of the progress report
How often the progress report should be submitted (e.g. An often-neglected aspect of the progress reporting
daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) will heavily depend on the process is ensuring that the information acquired is at a
project's scope and complexity. high quality. Two things help achieve this: setting the
In general, you want your progress reports to right schedule and encouraging specific answers.
provide meaningful insights. Setting a daily reporting Setting appropriate deadlines is key. People doing
schedule for a long-term project may lead to progress long-term projects that last for a year or more may not
reports with surface-level answers. want to submit daily progress reports. A wrong
Therefore, you may want to set a reasonable schedule might lead to unsatisfactory answers. That
schedule and give a progress report template with said, make sure that you set actual dates for submission.
standardized questions on project progress and key Otherwise, people may always put them as a last
issues. priority task.
Giving these questions in advance will encourage Moreover, you should encourage formulating specific
your team members to think about their responses answers. For example, this can be emphasizing for
more thoroughly before handing in the report. answers to include relevant metrics, instead of vague
Why Is a Progress Report Important? descriptions. This helps you track progress more
The importance of progress reports lies beyond keeping meaningfully.
track and managing your different projects happening 4. Use section headings to make reading and writing
simultaneously. Progress reports also provide valuable simpler
insights on how your team can finish projects more Add section headings in your progress report format to
effectively. make the process of writing and reading the report a lot
Aside from giving an overview of the projects taking easier. When learning how to write a progress report,
place, a well-structured progress report template also section headings help you focus on providing valuable
allows the project manager to identify key issues information about the progress, in itself.
affecting the team's productivity and a project's The purpose of a progress report is to give clarity on
progress toward completion. the progress of a project, not to describe every single
These insights can then be fed into a knowledge aspect about what's currently happening in the project.
base, which contains best practices on how to manage Plus, the project manager reading the project will
and execute future projects. have an easier time reading and remembering key
Best Practices On How To Write a Progress Report elements in it.
1. Treat a progress report like a Q&A 5. Use simple and straightforward language
A simple way to start learning how to write a progress Learning how to write progress reports means using a
report is by treating the progress report format as a progress report format with a language that's clear and
question and answer sheet on the project's progress. straight to the point. Unless your project requires you
You need answers on the progress, the blockers and the to use jargon and technical language, keep your
next tasks to do that lead to project completion. sentences simple, straightforward and easy to
Nothing more. Nothing less. understand.
2. Include questions on progress, plans and problems Progress Report Format Template Example Using PPP
(PPP). (Progress report using PPP)
PPP is a management technique for status reporting Using PPP, a progress report format structure should
that focuses on project progress toward completion. have the following sections:
Questions related to PPP lead to specific and

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Introduction - This helps understand what project this Genius allows you to have an overview of the goals and
report is about. Simply ask what they're working on to blockers reported in the status reporting process to
start the progress report. derive important insights from.
PPP section - This is the main body of the progress Anything else to add? - This section may also provide
report, and it should give enough information on the more holistic comments on how this project is being
overall status of the project. As you will read in the next done.
section, Scrum

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