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1.How long have you stayed in abroad? It's been almost 3 years.

2.what are the purposes for you stay there?my purposes to stay here are,first to support my family
financially,2nd,to experience different cultures,foods and places and lastly to fullfill all my dreams.

3.what were you most unforgettable experiences there? My unforgettable experiences here when i was
almost die of having a car accident with trailer driving in a snowy weather which i fell in a ditch and that
was like 3 am and no ones around and didn't even know to whom should i call for and ask for help,i
think that's the most unforgettable moments in my life that i could not,would not ever ever forget.

4.How will you describe them,good or bad?for me,its a good one coz for me its just like once in a
lifetime experience that you could be proud of.

5.How will you compare the Philippines with other countries? We all know that Philippines is one of the
most beautiful countries around the world but in terms of economy,governance and justice system i
may prefer to choose to other country especially in New Zealand which i use to work and live now.

6.Do you want to go back or to go to other countries in the future?why or why not?

I may prefer to live and work to the country which i live now(New Zealand),why?coz of the benefits that
i get here but it depends,why not?things may change if my homeland changes in terms of good
governance,justice system as well as the economy,id love to spend the rest of my life together with my
family to my homeland.

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