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What is Our Job Design:

The job design is make to see the workers performance. We assign the task and
duties to the workers in which the workers do it with the full of their best. In this case we
design it to see the ability of the employees what they want or what type of satisfaction they
need more. SO the HRM of our company design that the specific design in which they do the
maximum their performance and the workers stay motivated and engaged.
Our Job Design is based on
Job Rotation
In our factory we have the two potion of works one is that we make the soap in this we
manufacture the soap and the second one is we have the potion of packaging. So we rotate the
workers to one potion to another potion due to some needs of factory or other hand we do this
to increase the skills of workers to do this our workers have know the both potion of factory and
get more useful for our factory.
Job Simplification
We also use the job Simplification in this we divide the big task into small pieces and divide it
into employees as like when we manufactured the soap than the time of packaging we divide
the work to one person is pack the soap in packaging and other one is sealed it. So in this the
workers do the work efficiently and take no more pressure because they have the only one task
to do.
Job Enrichment
Job enrichment in define the vertical increase of the workers that we used on our factory. We
promote the workers as see the their experience and skills just be like when a person do work
very good or have the much experience to our factory than we promote it into Manager level
and few workers do their duties in the below of that person in this the employees of our factory
stay motive and do their best for or factory.
Job Enlargement
Job enlargement we used in our factory because our factory is not in large level of product we
have just few employees in our factory so in this case we hire the one person they can do work
in both side of they company then can manufacture the soap or have also have the experience
of packaging or the other hand the manager of the factory also looks or take care both side of
the company they must see the manufacturing side or also see the production side of the
factory so to do that we have the job enlargement in our factory.

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