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Introduction to Film Studies: A Gender Studies Perspective

 教授简介 Professor Introduction

Jérôme Game

 哥伦比亚大学电影研究专业教授
 莱茵高等艺术学院哲学系终身教授
 2010 巴黎美国大学最佳跨学科教师奖
 曾出版 7 本著作和发表 60 多篇专业文章
 French Studies 等专业期刊审稿人
 牛津大学博士生评审团的外部成员
 剑桥大学博士生研究生导师

 课程背景 Course background

从 19 世纪晚期到今天的数字时代,电影作为一种艺术、技术和社会实践在全球范围内得到飞速发展。为什么娃
学和社会科学中最重要的学术知识领域,而且在过去 40 年里,在整个社会中,性别研究也越来越成为文化实践、批
判性话语和政治机构的资源。通过对 20 世纪最具影响力的视觉媒介——电影的探索,来揭秘这些问题的神秘面纱。

From the late 19th century to the present digital age, film as an art, technology, and social practice has undergone rapid
development on a global scale. Why are dolls given to girls and cars to boys? Why do women earn less than men? How do
we explain their involvement in two-thirds of household chores? Is gender an identity or a constraint? Is power inherently
male? These are some of the many questions that gender studies aim to address. These questions not only make gender
studies one of the most significant fields of academic knowledge in the humanities and social sciences, but over the past 40
years, gender studies have also increasingly become a resource in cultural practices, critical discourse, and political
institutions throughout society. Explore the enigmatic aspects of these questions through an exploration of film, one of the
most influential visual media of the 20th century.

 课程目标 Course objective

重大突破。在很长一段时间里,男女之间根深蒂固的不平等,以及异性恋和 LGBTQI 之间的不平等,被视为是自然

As the visual grammar of cinema gradually becomes central to today's global culture, the concept of gender introduces a
major breakthrough in essentialist views of body, discourse, and identity. For a long time, entrenched inequalities between
men and women, and between heterosexuals and LGBTQI, were seen as natural and therefore politically legitimate. As the
primary tool of cultural representation, cinema first resists and then gradually gives power to various deconstructions of
social roles and values previously assigned to biological and gender differences. It is this transformation that this course
provides a clear and comprehensive overview of.

 课程基本信息 Basic information

Course Title Introduction to Gender Studies Through Cinema
Prof. Jerome Game. Associate Professor of Film Studies, School of
Arts, Columbia University.
No specific prerequisites for this course. Students are encouraged to
Prerequisites familiarise themselves with basic notions of Film Studies prior to the
beginning of classes.

Required Text & Tools PDF Reading Pack in English provided by the Professor.

Exams: 50% (Midterm: 25%, Final: 25%)

Grading Criteria Homework: 40%
Class Participation: 10%
Key-Concepts of Gender Studies; Feminism; Queer Theory; Body
Politics; Deconstruction/De-essentialisation; Performative Identities;
Course Key Words Male Gaze; Female Gaze; Ecofeminism; Intersectionality; Key-
Concepts of Film Studies; Film Analysis; Visual Representations of

 课程安排 Schedule
No. Topics
‘On the Importance of Cinema for Gender Studies.’
Lecture 1 → Key-Terms of Gender Studies; Key-Terms of Film Studies; How To
Read A Film; Visual Culture and the Film Industry
‘Body-Politics: From Essentialism to Constructivism.’
Lecture 2 → Mind/Body Dualism; Idealism; Constructivism; Movie Stars;
Actresses and Actors.
‘De-Essentializing Women: Feminism.’
Lecture 3 → Denaturalizing the Feminine; Waves of Feminism; Male Gaze; Female
‘Undoing Gender(s): Gender Studies.’
Lecture 4 → Sex vs. Gender; Deconstructing the Masculine; Representing Genders
in Cinema.
‘Gender Undone: Queer Theory.’
Lecture 5 → Identity as Performance; Bodies in Drag; Gender Fluidity; Politics of
the In Between; Queer Gaze.
‘Ecofeminism and Cinema.’
Lecture 6
→ Ecofeminism; Filmic Representation of Nature and the Anthropocene.
‘Gender, Race Studies and Cinema.’
Lecture 7 → Intersectionality; Ethnic Studies and Filmic Representations of
‘Representing Genders: The Case of Chinese Cinema.’
Lecture 8 → Gender Studies in China; Chinese Cinema; Representation of Gender
in Chinese Visual Culture.
‘Gender, IT and Film Culture.’
Lecture 9 → Gender and Gaming Culture; #MeToo and the Film Industry; Social
Networks and Visual Culture.
‘Synthesis and Concluding Remarks: How to Read Films
Lecture 10
Through Gender, and Vice Versa’

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