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Grade : 7 Learning Support

Topic: Online Abuse

Expected answers.
Cyberbullying: Excluding someone from online groups, sharing embarrassing photos without
permission, or constantly tagging someone in negative posts. Mean comments on social media,
spreading rumors through texts, or making hurtful memes about someone.

Stalking: Liking and commenting on every post to an uncomfortable extent, repeatedly asking for personal
information, or showing up at places mentioned online without invitation. Continuously checking someone's
online profiles, tracking their every move, and sending them persistent messages even after they express

Grooming: Sending gifts to a minor with the intention of fostering a relationship, gradually
pushing them to share private information, or manipulating them into meeting offline against their
better judgment. An adult pretending to be a friend to gain a child's trust, gradually steering
conversations towards inappropriate topics or requests.
Expected answer.
To protect yourself from cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and grooming:

Be cautious online: Avoid sharing personal information, such as your address or phone number, with
strangers online.

Use strong passwords: Create unique and strong passwords for your accounts to prevent unauthorized

Think before you post: Be mindful of what you share online and consider the potential impact on your

Block and report: If you experience cyberbullying or stalking, use privacy settings to block and report the
person involved.

Limit social media contacts: Only connect with people you know and trust online to reduce the risk of
unwanted interactions.

Educate yourself: Learn about online safety and privacy, so you can recognize and avoid potential threats.

Talk to a trusted adult: If you feel uncomfortable or threatened online, discuss your concerns with a parent,
teacher, or another trusted adult who can provide guidance and support.

Q. As a Social Media Safety Officer what role will you play in developing and implementing crisis
response plans for situations involving widespread online abuse or coordinated attacks?

Ans. As a Social Media Safety Officer, my role in developing and implementing crisis response plans for
situations involving widespread online abuse or coordinated attacks would include:

Monitoring Platforms: Keep a vigilant eye on social media platforms to identify potential issues and patterns
of abuse.

Collaborating with Platforms: Work closely with social media platforms to report and address instances of
online abuse, ensuring a prompt response.

Educating Users: Implement educational programs to raise awareness among users about online safety,
responsible use, and reporting mechanisms.
Establishing Protocols: Develop clear protocols and guidelines for responding to online abuse, outlining
steps for reporting, investigation, and resolution.

Coordinating with Law Enforcement: Collaborate with law enforcement agencies when necessary to
address severe cases of online abuse or threats.

Engaging with the Community: Foster a sense of community by encouraging positive online behavior and
discouraging abuse through outreach programs and campaigns.

Providing Support: Offer support services for individuals affected by online abuse, including counseling and
resources to help them cope.

Regular Training: Conduct regular training sessions for social media platform moderators and content
reviewers to enhance their ability to identify and address online abuse effectively.

Topic: Introduction to Central Asia

Governments in Central Asia can be fair and moral about resources by being
transparent, involving locals in decisions, and using fair distribution methods to
avoid past conflicts.

Topic: Culture of Central Asia

Cultural appreciation strengthens a country or region's culture by blending diverse elements, fostering
resilience, and creating a unique identity that reflects the richness of its heritage and the influences
from various places.


Q. What do you know about Central Asia?

Central Asia is a region in the heart of Asia, including countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Known for diverse landscapes, historical significance on the Silk Road, and a
mix of cultures, it gained independence after the Soviet Union's dissolution in 1991. Economic sectors
include agriculture and energy. The region faces challenges in governance, development, and water

Q. What is the population of central Asia?

Total 77 million

19 million in Kazakhstan

7 Million in Kyrgyzstan

10 million in Tajikistan

6 million in Turkmenistan

35 million in Uzbekistan.

Q. Share an example of a cultural exchange or collaboration between Central Asian

countries and other regions? How does this exchange contribute to cultural
One example of cultural exchange is the Silk Road, connecting Central Asia with East and West. This ancient
trade route facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures, contributing to the rich cultural diversity
of Central Asia. It brought together influences from China, Persia, the Mediterranean, and other regions,
shaping the unique cultural identity of Central Asia.

Q. In what ways do cultural exchanges between different countries promote global

understanding, and how can individuals contribute to positive cross-cultural
Cultural exchanges foster global understanding by promoting mutual respect, breaking down stereotypes, and
creating shared experiences. Individuals can contribute by being open-minded, respecting cultural
differences, and actively engaging in cross-cultural dialogue, promoting empathy and appreciation for
diverse perspectives.

Q. As a diplomat representing your country in Central Asia, what cultural practices

or customs would you want to learn about and respect to build positive relations?
As a diplomat representing my country in Central Asia, it is crucial to foster positive relations by respecting
and understanding local cultural practices. Embracing traditional hospitality customs, like partaking in tea
ceremonies, demonstrates a genuine interest in the community. Recognizing and adhering to hierarchical
social structures, with a particular emphasis on showing deference to elders, helps build trust and rapport.
Acquiring knowledge about local customs during religious celebrations and festivals allows for respectful
engagement. Being mindful of traditional forms of greeting and expressing appreciation further contributes
to building positive connections. Lastly, demonstrating cultural sensitivity by adhering to local dress codes
and modesty norms reflects a commitment to mutual understanding and cooperation.

Q. What is the impact of multicultural society on individuals?

A multicultural society can positively impact individuals by promoting diversity, fostering open-mindedness,
and enriching their perspectives through exposure to different cultures. This can lead to increased tolerance,
empathy, and a broader understanding of the world.

Topic: Pakistan---1947-1971 and Beyond

1. What was Establishment One Unit means? When was it created?

The Establishment of One Unit in Pakistan occurred in 1955. It involved the merger of the four provinces of West
Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh, North-West Frontier Province, and Baluchistan) into a single administrative unit to enhance
efficiency and reduce ethnic and regional tensions.

2. Imagine you are a resident of East Pakistan during the language riots. Develop a persuasive argument for or
against the demand for Bengali as the official language, considering the social, cultural, and political aspects.

Recognizing Bengali as the official language in East Pakistan is crucial for cultural identity and inclusivity. It ensures
equal representation, fostering unity and harmony in a diverse nation. This move acknowledges the significance of
language in preserving our rich heritage.

3. Examine the reasons behind the establishment of the One Unit policy in West Pakistan. What were the
intended goals, and how did the provinces react to this consolidation of power?

The One Unit policy in West Pakistan, started in 1955, aimed to consolidate power and improve governance efficiency.
However, provinces, particularly East Pakistan, resisted, viewing it as centralization. This policy heightened tensions and
played a role in the eventual formation of Bangladesh in 1971.

4. As a best adviser, if you were to advise future leaders of Pakistan based on the events from 1947 to 1971,
what key lessons and principles should they consider to avoid repeating historical challenges and build a
more stable nation?

Future leaders of Pakistan should focus on unity, fairness, and economic progress. Learn from the past to include
everyone, address inequalities, and make transparent decisions. Balance relationships globally and prioritize the well-
being of the nation for stability and growth.

5. What role did language play in the conflict between the two wings, and how did it contribute to the
demands for autonomy in East Pakistan?

Language was a big issue between East and West Pakistan. When Urdu was imposed, it made Bengali speakers in East
Pakistan feel left out. This led to demands for more recognition and autonomy, especially after the Language
Movement in 1952. It played a key role in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971.

6. What lessons can be learned from the events and leadership decisions during the period 1949 to 1971, and
how might they inform the future development of Pakistan?

The years 1949 to 1971 teach us that Pakistan's future success depends on stable politics, fair governance, and smart
economic planning. Learning from the 1971 split, it's crucial to address regional differences and focus on national unity.
Balancing foreign relations is key too. In the future, Pakistan should aim for unity, economic diversity, and smart
diplomacy for lasting progress.

7. Why was “The System of Basic Democracies” established?

The System of Basic Democracies" was established in Pakistan in the 1960s to decentralize power and promote
grassroots democracy by creating local representative bodies called Basic Democracies.

8. If you were an advisor to Quaid Azam during his illness, what advice would you have given regarding his
leadership role and the challenges Pakistan was facing during the partition?

I would suggest Quaid-e-Azam, who was the 1st Governor General of Pakistan, to focus on bringing people together,
strengthening institutions, and making sure everyone feels included. Clear communication and cooperation among
different communities would be key to facing the challenges of partition.

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