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July 5, 2022

Hon. Mayor Jose Marie L. Diaz

City Mayor

City Government of Ilagan

Dear Mayor,

Greetings of peace and love.

I am HAZEL B. ALBURO, and I would like to apply for renewal as casual

employee assigned at City Health Office II, Marana 1st, City of Ilagan, Isabela
and be part of your good team.

I am a graduate of Midwifery at Saint Ferdinand College last March 2010.

I have been working at CHO II since September 2014 up to present as casual
employee. I believe that my educational attainment is suitable for the position I
am applying for. I am a success driven person, very willing to learn new task
and very willing to serve our fellow Ilagueños.

I hope for a favorable response on my application.

Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,


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