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NAMA : Erico Desto Adhiva

NIM : 2330306010266

1. Testifying : Testifying means returning or retelling a statement

about what happened

2. Retire : is the income received every month by a former employee who is no longer
able to work, to finance his future life so that he is not left behind if he is no longer
able to find another income. Based on Law No. 11 of 1969, pensions are given as
old age security and as appreciation for the services of civil servants during their
years of service in government service. Based on Law No. 43 of 1999 Article 10,
Pension is old age security and as compensation for civil servants who have
devoted themselves to the State for many years. In essence, it is everyone's
obligation to try to ensure their old age, and for this, every Civil Servant is obliged
to become a participant in a social insurance agency formed by the government.\

3. Delibarale : is something that someone does on purpose. This can be a physical

action, such as moving an arm, or saying something out loud.

4. Verdict: is a statement by a judge as a state official that is pronounced before a

court session with the aim of ending or resolving a case or dispute between
interested parties.

5. Convict : imposing punishment on people for offenses they have committed

6. Sentence : A sentence is a unit of language, in the form of a word or a series of

words, which can stand alone and express its meaning completely. According to
the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a sentence is a unit of speech that can
express a concept of thoughts and feelings, or words.

7. Fine : is an assessment of the actions, words, attitudes and ways that humans show
in their daily lives, either towards individuals or goodness in general.
8. Prison Sentence : Imprisonment and confinement are the main penalties that a
judge can impose in addition to the death penalty, fines and imprisonment (Article
10 of the Criminal Code).

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